Sharing this wildflowers unit study and lapbook along with some hands-on ideas, I hope they’ll help your kids get excited about a fun wildflowers unit study. Also, you’ll love my other Best Homeschool Unit Studies.
When the Texas wildflowers blanket the fields here we’ve never been able to stay indoors. We’re always thinking of ways to get outside.

Here are a few fun facts about wildflowers.
- Wildflowers by definition are soft-stemmed flowering plants that bloom once each year.
- Some regenerate from the same rootstock (perennials), while others grow from seeds.
- The flowering stem typically grows upright, but may be climbing, creeping, or trailing.
Next, wildflowers can be identified by color, but also by the shape of the flower head:
- Bell shape
- Cross shape
- Trumpet shape
- Ray flower
- Two-lipped shape
- Iris
- Pea-shaped
More Hands-on Wildflowers Activities
Wildflowers Unit Study & Lapbook
In addition, I’ve rounded up some resources to make this wildflower unit study come to life.
Wildflowers Lesson Plan & Ideas
Petal Attraction. Why different pollinators are attracted to different types of flowers
Wildflowers in Bloom has images of many of the most showy wildflowers.
Use these poem ideas about botany for some memory work or copywork.
Great interactive site about the biology of plants.
Seed dispersal. pdf.
Oh wow, check out this list of state flowers.
Flowers seeking pollinators. Geared for 2nd to 7th grade.
Texas Wildflower bingo and lesson plan.
Pollinator Activity Book.
Bee Guides. Helpful.
Flower dissection instructions.

Texas wildflowers guide.
Plant life cycle worksheets.
Another list of state flowers.
Studying seeds printable book
Wildflowers Media & Interactive.
Video about Flower Pollination.
How Plants Grow Game.
Photosynthesis video and karaoke.
Parts of the Plant.
Funny young teen making edible candy flower.
Pick the Pollinator.
Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant.
EASY Crafts, Hands-on Ideas, and Activities About Wildflowers Unit Study
Do not miss these fabulous and free coloring books full of wildflowers. These also make great covers for the outside of your lapbook.
The coloring books are California Plants to Color, Coloring Book of the Western Great Lakes Region, Plants to Color from the Aspen Forest, Wildflowers of the Colorado Mountain Tops, Wildflowers of Ponderosa Pine Forests, Celebrate Wildflowers of Southwest Idaho and Wildflowers of the Western U.S.
Look at this Nature Study: Daffodils – Dissection, Poetry & Drawings.

Oh goodness, what is there to not love about the ideas on this flower and garden site?
Tissue paper flowers, make flowers out of household items like straws, make paper flower baskets, create stinkin’ cute hand print flowers, spinning paper plate flower, make cupcake wrapper flowers, egg carton flowers, crepe flowers and make a booklet that opens up into a daisy.
Make leafy animal crafts.
Something for the littles, cut and paste shapes to make flowers.
Use a plastic bottle to make a flower. Great for a tween or teen.
Springtime STEAM: Wildflower papermaking.
Creative flower arrangements. Great for a tween or teen.
How to Press Flowers. Top 10 Tips.

Z Is For Zinnias| Planting Wild Flowers.
Botanical Illustration step by step – Painting a Sweet Pea.
Create a dish garden.
Make a hydroponic garden with bottle.
Flower experiment for kids.
42 flowers you can eat.
Preschool math counting flower petals.
How to make a flower crown.
Spring flower activities for kids.
Cork-Stamped Flower Craft with Corks and Buttons.
Dyeing flowers.
And grab this free make your own flowers guide to go with this sweet book, Rose’s Garden. While waiting for her garden to bloom children bring Rose flowers they’ve made from different material.
If you’re looking to do any spring nature studies, you’ll want to get a few of the NaturExplorers. I love those studies for multiple ages.
Other Nature Study Ideas
Parts of a Dandelion Nature Study.
Fun Flower Garden for Kids with Upcycled Cartons.
See Like a Bee Wildflower Hunt.
How to Download the Free Wildflower Lapbook
Now, how to grab the free lapbook. It’s a subscriber freebie.
That means when you sign up to follow me, you get my emails in your inbox and you get this freebie.
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You’ll love my other nature study ideas and posts below:

Miss Rumphius Mixed Media Art from Emily at Table Life Blog
Oregon Nature Study Quiz: Wildflower Edition from Eva at Eva Varga
Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms Online Book Club from Dachelle at Hide the Chocolate
Wildflowers Unit Study & Lapbook from Tina at Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus
Fingerprint Painting on Canvas Activity from Katrina at Rule This Roost
Dandelion Life Cycle Learning Activities from Karyn at Teach Beside Me
Such an amazing wildflower resources! Such a wonderful blog, its great to hear from you. I did get all the wonderful information from the sites you mentioned. Thank you so much for sharing. Looking forward another of your blog. Thank you.
You are very welcome. Thank you for being here. ♥
I am unable to get your lapbook photos you usually let us print out.
What am I doing wrong?
P.S. I did get all the wonderful information from the sites you mentioned.
Hi Betsy,
Great to hear from you. Did you follow the link to download it in my facebook group? 😉
What wonderful wildflower resources! Now we have to decide which to do first 🙂 Thank you for sharing!