Summer is rapidly coming to an end but there is plenty of time to enjoy this watermelon seed slime. You may also love my page Free Summer Unit Study for more ideas.
Watermelon is easily one of the most popular summer snacks and themes so there was no way I was skipping over the fun of this one.

Slime is a surefire hit with kids every time and this is a unique, borax-free slime recipe that they will love to stretch, squeeze, and watch it ooze.
August 3rd is National Watermelon Day,
if you enjoy celebrating the simple things as well as the big ones like I do then this is a great activity to do with your child before cooler weather takes over.
5 Watermelon Facts
- Watermelons are made up of 92% water and 8% sugar.
- You can eat the whole thing, not just the delicious red flesh but the rinds and seeds too!
- Watermelons can grow to epic sizes, the record is held by Christopher Kent from Sevierville, Tennessee, in 2013. This winner weighed in at 350.5 pounds.
- The famous writer Mark Twain loved watermelon; he called it the food of angels.
- The record for watermelon seed spitting was set in 1995 and was 75 feet 2 inches.
Encourage your child to research some fun facts about watermelon on their own, like how many varieties there are. (More than 1200)
What colors do watermelons come in? (red, light pink, yellow, orange, and white)
How long does it take to grow one (65-100 days)
Watermelon is a delicious treat that can be enjoyed on its own, with salt, and feta cheese, made into popsicles, infused into water, or in many other ways.

Be sure to grab a watermelon to enjoy with your child for National Watermelon Day while you explore a few of these ideas below.
10 Watermelon Seed Ideas to Enjoy
- Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest– Kids love gross stuff like being given free rein and even encouraged to spit. They won’t even realize that they are learning about graphing and measurements at the same time.
- Sensory Watermelon Dough is a fabulous sensory activity that makes a great base for a sensory bin or a canvas for practicing letters and numbers.
- Watermelon Squish Bag is another great sensory activity that little hands love.
- The Watermelon Seed Popsicle Stick Watermelon Slices
- Watermelon Kiwi Pops I couldn’t gather up watermelon ideas without at least one tasty snack, these look so yummy.
- Q Tip Watermelon Seeds for a good fine motor activity for little hands working on those pre-writing skills.
- PomPom Painted Watermelon Craft is a simple low prep activity that only requires paper, paint, and pompoms.
- No Cook Watermelon Sensory Rice– Make this watermelon-themed sensory rice for a sensory bin or bottle. Hide letters and numbers in it for your child to find or count out the “seeds”.
- Watermelon Seed Math is a great way to practice simple math skills like counting or more challenging addition and subtraction problems.
- Watermelon Seed Slime- See below for instructions.

Finally, look how to make fun watermelon seed slime.
How to Make Watermelon Seed Slime
You could use watermelon seeds or black beans as the seeds in this slime but I wanted to avoid any real food additions to keep it from spoiling quicker from the moisture.
You will need:
- 2-4 oz. bottles of school glue
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 2-3 Tbsp. Contact eye solution
- Red gel or liquid food coloring
- Black craft foam
- Watermelon scent-optional

First, pour your glue into a large bowl or measuring cup.
I buy mine by the gallon so I can easily measure out 8 oz. into a glass measuring cup but if you use 4 oz bottles you can just empty both into any bowl you like.
Mix in gel or liquid food coloring to get the shade you like.

Stir in scent if you are using any, a good essential oil is a fun way to add another sensory aspect to this activity.

Add the baking soda and be sure to mix it until smooth and completely combined.

Now, stir in your contact solution and mix until it begins to pull away from your container and is no longer sticky.

Watermelon Seed Slime
Cut little watermelon seed shapes from craft foam.

Stir them into the mixture.

At this point, you can remove it and need it with your hands for a few minutes.

If you want to make a cute little jar for storing, take any jar you have with an airtight lid like a little pickle jar, mason jar, etc.… and paint the entire thing dark green on the outside.
Allow it to dry.

Paint lighter green squiggles over the dark green and allow it to dry.
You now have a cute little watermelon rind container to hold the watermelon in, a great idea for gifting too.
Store in an airtight container at room temperature.
Your slime should keep a couple of weeks or more depending on how much it is used and how well it is stored.

[…] out this fun watermelon sensory idea! Kids can make Watermelon Seed Slime with this simple tutorial from Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool […]