Alice in Wonderland is probably one of my very favorite children’s books. It’s truly a great piece of literature.
And, while it’s often held up as a young children’s book, I think it’s a fantastic work for older elementary and middle school students to examine.
There are so many great lines in it. Some of my favorites are:

“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
“I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, sir, because I am not myself.”
And the best line in the entire book: “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” (You could write a graduate thesis about all the possible meanings of that quote.)
Since the book is such a great story, I thought it’d also be fun to add a hands-on literature activity. So we made up some Alice in Wonderland Eat Me Cupcakes!
See how to make these with your kids!
Hands-On Literature: Make Alice in Wonderland Eat Me Cupcakes
I’ll admit: I’m not much of a home baker. So I used a few shortcuts, namely, boxed cake mix and prepared frosting. You could always make this from scratch if you wanted.
But I wanted our cupcakes to be fun and that calls for Funfetti baking mix!

I also wanted them to be bright and cheery, so we went with bright blue frosting and hot pink cupcake liners.
Here’s the actual supply list:
- One box Funfetti baking mix (You’ll need the ingredients on the box as well: eggs and vegetable oil)
- One can Funfetti Aqua Blue Vanilla frosting (I didn’t use the fish sprinkles.)
- Colored cupcake liners
- White sugar pearls

Just a tip here: I learned (from somewhere) that using an ice cream scoop to divide the batter makes it easier to make the cupcakes even. It totally works.

We baked the cupcakes according to the directions on the box.

And then frosted them with the blue frosting. Now it was time to add the decorations!

And that’s where the sugar pearls come in! We sprinkled a few of them over the cupcakes and, on one of them, we spelled out the words “EAT ME”.
When Alice finishes drinking the potion from the bottle with the label that says “DRINK ME”, she comes across a small cake with the words “EAT ME” spelled out in raisins. After she eats the cake, she starts growing and is soon too big to fit back through the garden door.

That didn’t happen with us, thankfully. And it’s important to discuss why children should never, never, never eat or drink anything just because it’s there. But we knew what was in these, so we didn’t have any reason to hold back.

Chomp! They were so, so good, too.
These were so fun to make and eat! If you wanted to really have an Alice in Wonderland party, you could have a tea party and serve these alongside. Just make sure no one acts too “mad” at teatime!

Looking for more ways to bring literature to life? Try these ideas!