Determining the best learning style approach is much easier when you know about homeschool learning styles.
A learning style is not something I thought about when I started homeschooling or even when my kids were struggling.
However, had I taken time to learn what is the best learning style for each of my children, I would have saved myself unnecessary stress.

And although a lot of resources exist about learning styles, I like simple explanations.
Instead of using the technical terms in the educational world, I find using the term learning personality is more beneficial.
It’s easy to understand that each child has a different personality and it affects how and what they learn.
Some children are more language arts focus, others more craft focus, and still others relationship focus.
Styles of Homeschooling
For example, when I started homeschooling, I used only a workbook approach. It’s the only learning style I knew from my experience in public school.
However, as I homeschooled longer, I researched the other learning style approaches besides just workbook approach.
The other four approaches besides workbook approach are
- the Unit Study approach,
- Classical approach,
- Unschooling approach and
- Charlotte Mason approach.

Determining which learning style works for your family helps you to choose curriculum that works for your family.
Look at these questions which will help you to determine the best homeschool approach for your family.
- Do your child learn best by doing? Charlotte Mason, the Unschooling and Unit Study approach all focus on hands-on activities. Of course the topics you study about will be applicable, but each of these approaches advocates hands-on learning.
- Are you wanting your children to model great minds of the past? Then you’ll want to learn about the Classical approach.
- If your child prefers to stay on topic and you want to cover all school subjects through the one topic then research a Unit Study approach.
- Some families prefer that learning is child-led and the parent is only the facilitator. Then research the Unschooling approach.
- Maybe you live in a state where strict record keeping is necessary. Then, can you combine a workbook approach which makes test taking and record keeping easier with another approach loved by your family.
Why Your Child’s Learning Personality is Important Too
Because teaching styles are only part of choosing curriculum easily, I’ve included a link to my online course Identifying Your Homeschooled Child’s Learning Personality.
- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.

Other Homeschool Learning Style Resources:
- What Are the Homeschool Top Main 5 Learning Styles
- Day 16 Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- Day 15: Discovering Learning Styles
- How Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- 35+ Best Homeschool Curriculum By Learning Style (free printable)
- How Homeschool Learning Styles Helps You to Accept Each Child’s Differences
- What Are the Top 5 Homeschool Styles
- Homeschooling: Learning Styles – What’s the Difference anyway?