You know our love for lapbooks and through the years, we have added all kinds of things to our lapbook.
Creating a list here for you, I am hoping that you will see lapbooks as one of the most awesome interactive learning tools ever and NO they are not just for young children.

Check out this list of things we have either put in our lapbook or have seen others in our homeschool co-op add to their lapbooks.
75 Awesome Things to Add to a Lapbook
art and art cards
Bible book lists
bingo (mini)
business cards
board games (fold out)
calendars (mini paper)
clip pins (mini)
clocks (mini paper)
coffee beans
coffee filter books Look at a sample of one I did on my Native American lapbook.
collection of lace
coloring pages
co-op photos
corn husk dolls (mini)
crafts (paper)
crossword puzzles (mini)
diorama (mini)
More Lapbook Resources
- 4 Clever Ways to Store Writing in Lapbooks
- 27 Amazing Homeschool Lapbook Ideas for Science
- 15 Amazing Lapbook Materials to Use Besides Glue and Paper
drawstring bag (mini) full of ?
family tree
fan (mini paper)
If you’re short on time, there are many pre-made awesome books too!
field trip photos
flash cards
garden journal
geography games
globes (paper)
hand prints
index cards
leather projects
lists (any kind)
magazine pages (folded into minibooks) Look ho to turn ANY worksheet page into a minbook.
maps (all kinds)
memory work
Endless Options of Opportunity!
musical notes
notebooking pages
number lines
“o” rings (mini)
paper puppets
phonics books (mini)
photos (0ld and new)
pieces of educational themed wall paper
pop up or pop out books
post cards
pressed leaves or flowers
primary sources (mini)
puzzle games
reports Look how I added them to clear ocvers on our Amazon Rainforest unit.
sand (mini ziploc bags)
science journal (mini)
sequencing patterns
skeletons (mini)
snakeskin (yes Mr. Awesome put a shed snake skin in his Native American lapbook)
souvenir tickets
stamp collection
tea bags
thumb or finger prints
travel brochures
tree bark
worksheets folded into minibooks
yarn dolls
I put these in alphabetical order so that when I go back through my lapbooks, I can see if I need to any more things that we have used through the years .
What do you think? Can you think of anything else you have added to your lapbooks?
Hugs and love ya,