Anybody that homeschools has probably faced homeschool socialization interrogations. Also, look at more tips on my page The Dynamics of How to Homeschool Easily and Smarter.
Today, I’m sharing about socialization in our homeschool world. Are we as isolated as some think?
First, I want you to hear my story.
Back in the covered wagon days like my kids think or at least LBK (life before kids), I worked with lawyers.

I worked as an assistant to prepare clients for upcoming trials.
See, I’ve always been in preparedness mode.
I took pride in preparing the lawyers for objections from the opposing side.
And I always tried to think outside of the box for one-liners and comebacks when they were needed.
When it comes to homeschool socialization, I feel the same way.
In many ways it is similar to a battle or drama that is always brewing.
Get Those Kids Out of the House
You know what I am talking about.
Maybe you have gotten similar statements – ”homeschoolers are a bunch of holy roly weirdos”, “they’re just weird” or “Mom, those kids are gonna have to get out of the house sometimes”.
I’m sure you have some to add.
Looking back at my LBK days, I probably enjoyed the process of preparing for those far-fetched objections just as much as actually assisting in the courtroom.
Oh sure, once in a while I may have a quick comeback or I might shock astound folks with my quick wit (shock myself too).
But most of the time preparation is key to giving a good defense to the dreaded socialization issue.
It has been facing homeschoolers from the time they mouth the words: “I’m homeschooling”.
First, comes the silent strong look from even complete strangers.
Grab My Book on How to Homeschool
Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is a real eye-opener on homeschooling. It will alleviate a lot of the anxieties about getting started homeschooling.
Reading each chapter’s highlights will give you encouragement, knowledge, guidance, and peace of mind to homeschool with confidence. The best part is that you’ll be educating the person who loves your kids the most in this world--YOU! Armed with the knowledge to make better choices in curriculum will empower you to continue the path of home education. Unlike many books based on one family’s experience, Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is also based on Tina’s many years of mentoring hundreds and hundreds of new homeschoolers at live workshops.When you don’t know where to begin Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers equips you to successfully homeschool your children.
They might as well just say what is on their mind.
It is written all over their face and then comes the blanket statement, which by the way is obvious that they have not researched this topic well.
Each year many new homeschoolers join the ranks with us in homeschooling.
And because we don’t want to be among the ones that are not well-researched, we need to take the time to get a clear cut picture of the meaning or definition of socialization.
Too, it’s hard to be prepared for something that we are not clear on.
Socialization – A Homeschool Hallucination
Getting the full flavor of these words, I chose not to use a free definition found online.
Take a glance at these definitions that I took from The New Oxford American Dictionary- Second Edition, which is my dictionary here at my home.
Sociable – willing to talk and engage in activities with other people: friendly
Socialize – 1. mix socially with others 2. make someone behave in a way that is acceptable to their society 3. organize according to the principles of socialism.
See a problem with the definitions?
We certainly don’t want to defend something that we are against because we are not using society’s measure on education or values.
However, probably all of us want our children to be willing to engage in friendly activities with other people and be genuine, compassionate, and caring.
For the most part, we have to assume too that most people think we hide under rocks and come out only at night time and that normally is the thinking that we are defending.
From “Catty” to Congenial Comments
So in the spirit of preparation and not condemnation and because I always want to say “it looks like a prison to me” which is probably not the most gracious reply to someone in public school, I have created a list of one-liners and comebacks.
Here is the question/statement: So why do you homeschool and what about socialization? You are sheltering your children.
- I homeschool because I want my kids socialized.
- I want my kids to get along with all kinds of people.
- We choose to participate in activities with others because we want our kids to accept people of varying backgrounds and ages.
- My proof is in the pudding- – would you like to see my lesson plans for the week?
How to Answer Others
Also, look at three more
- I am seriously considering cutting back some activities because our week is bulging with social activities and I need time to be at home.
- I want my children to be around people who model respect, are considerate and well-spoken. What is learned from an early age will be emulated when they are older and around others that are not respectful or considerate.
- Yes, you are right. I am sheltering my children. I won’t be able to do it forever, but I can do it as long as I can and help them to become strong in their faith and values. Seems like what any good parent would do.
And as you can see there is no shortage of ways to reply.
- Yes, have you heard of the most recent (insert here: bullying charge, teacher misconduct, shooting or drug raid) at public school.
- Sometimes I think we overthink this, what happened to the days when people just got kids together and they played without worrying if they were socialized or not?
- Yes, we homeschool because faith matters and I think of this scripture (insert your favorite one here about “dealings with stupid or foolish people” or “training children”).
Homeschool Socialization Situations & Opportunities
- Each family has to decide what is best for them because even within each family, children are very different. I have one child that thrives with friends so I can plan sleep overs and lots of meet ups and parties. And I have one child that does not need his emotional tank filled with tons of friends so I can satisfy his need for quiet time and to be with less people.
- Would you like to come and be a visitor at our school? (Of course this is meant for a well-meaning relative or close friend that you know.)
- I prefer that my children’s learning time not be interrupted because others do not know how to behave.
- We homeschool for medical reasons.
Do you see a few you can use?
If you were to ask me before I started homeschooling how much I worried about socialization, my answer would be zero, zip and none.
The problem with this scenario is that I am not homeschooling somewhere on paradise island by myself.
And because we mix and mingle with other people, like you, I get my fair share of second-guessers, naysayers, and plain ole negative nellies.
Gradually folks like that can chip away at your armor and doubt can set in about your decision.
What you need now is concrete proof that we come out from under our rock and caves and that our children are actually very socially adapted.
Social Activities For Homeschoolers
Dare I say they are friendly and some of us actually like people.
Look at these opportunities for homeschool socialization and how we learned with others.

Fall is a great time to be outside and to be with othes.

Anytime is great for visiting your local police department.
Early Years – Fall Activities and Community Helpers

And studying about Native Americans and making your own leather wear is so fun.
Native Americans

Of course some of the best times are when you can see other family’s pets.
Homeschool Socialization
Amphibians and Reptiles

Also, heading outdoors for a Westward Ho co-op is really fun with others.

Westward Hoooo

And a rainforest co-op is just no fun unless you have all the rainforest food.
Amazon Rain Forest

The European Renaissance

Homeschooling and Socialization
Early American History

Ancient Empires/Civilizations
Too, I have never lacked for words when asked about our homeschool socialization opportunities.
However, I have not always been proud of my quick temper.
I know it stems from a place deep down in my heart because homeschooling is a work of the heart and it is hard work on top of that.
Now, I can revisit this post each year and will be armed with gracious speech.
I still miss the drama of the courtroom, but then again I now have homeschooling naysayers, skeptics and Debbie downers to prepare for.
I hope this helps you to be armed for this school year and that others will be astounded at your quick wit and preparation too.
Look at my other articles here and grab yourself some more one-liners, comebacks and gracious sayings
- 5 Ideas to Kick Start Your School Year By Including Others
- I Am Homeschooling Because I Want My Kids Socialized
- Homeschooling a Left Brain Child a/k/a Socially Awkward and a Bit Nerdy
- The NOT To Do List: 32 Things New Homeschoolers Should Avoid
How do you handle your reply?

This blog hop is organized by iHomeschool Network.

Hugs and love ya,

Beautifully stated. I enjoyed this post and it reminded me I do not need to doubt why I homeschool.
Looking forward to more!
Thank you Marisol. need to doubt what you have done successfully so far. Homeschooling is just an extension of what you’ve already been doing…Great to have you here..
I stopped by your site originally because I found the basic templates so well put together. I am well beyond those beautiful years with my children…mine are in their late forties. I wanted to commend you on such a well put together conversation about homeschooling. I truly wish I had investigated that option. I have since met many really amazing families and have seen the success they have had educating and raising healthy happy adults Congratulations on being a part of this movement!
Hi Carol.
Well, welcome to my site. And I’m SO happy to have you.
Thank you for your kind words. Homeschooling certainly hasn’t been the easiest path, but I’m grateful I did jump on the bandwagon.
I know you must be enjoying your grown children. It’s such a blessing and can be a heartache equally to raise children whether we choose the homeschooling path or not. I know you can relate as a mom.
I’m so glad you took time to comment here. I appreciate your mom 2 mom comment and visit.
I’ve written several posts on the socialization issue. The problem lies in the fact that people DON’T know the difference between socializing (what they really mean) and socialization (what they say). But chances are if they are in a public place asking a homeschooler about it, we can safely assume the homeschooler is capable of both. 😉
Beautiful and well said Michelle. Spoken like a well-seasoned veteran homeschool mom! I love having you here and love your blog!