The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the “Duck Hawk” in North America, is a bird of prey in the family Falconidae.

What does it look like? It is a large, crow-sized falcon, with a blue-gray back, barred white underparts, and a black head and “moustache”. It can reach speeds over 200 mph in a stoop, making it the fastest creature on the planet. As is common with bird-eating raptors, the female is much bigger than the male.
About Peregrine Falcons

What are some other kinds of falcons? Falcons are Birds of Prey. Other types of falcons are the Saker Falcon, Gyrfalcon, Lanner Falcon and Merlin.
What do falcons eat? Well depending on which falcon, but the peregrine falcon mostly eats mid-size birds.

Here is one way to lay out the minibooks.

Cover Pages for Front Right & Left Side of Lapbooks or Front of Notebook

This next book is a graduated book meaning cut out and put shortest page on top and go to the longest. Write a few facts and staple at top.

Cover Pages for Front Right & Left Side of Lapbooks or Front of Notebook

My children enjoy watching you tube videos but I supervise them pretty closely. Use your discretion in viewing this one. My youngest, it bothers him that the falcon actually kills prey.

So I am sensitive to that for him. So just wanted you to know even though the video is not gory, etc. It is just beautiful showing them soar high above..

Other links here you’ll like:
- Look at my Renaissance Unit Study and Lapbook to compliment this unit study.
- Grab the Free Bird Journal – Hands-on Nature (Coloring & Identification Pages)
- Do the American Robin Unit Study and Lapbook and American Robin Free Printables, Resources and Crafts.
- 7 Super Easy and Free Nature Lapbooks Guaranteed to Beat Boredom
More links about Peregrine Falcons
- Hub Pages “Falconry – How to become a Falconer”
- Bird of Prey download
- Peregrine Falcon Coloring Pages
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We are reading and are on the 3rd book in the My Side of the Mountain series by Jean George. The 3rd book, Frightful’s Mountain, is how the action is played out from ‘Frightfuls’ (the Peregrine Falcon) point of view. We were fortunate enough to see a Falconry display at the local Renaissance Festival this week and we plan on visiting our local raptor rehabilitation center very soon. This unit study is perfect for rounding out this wonderful literature lesson. Thank you for your work.
Oh I forgot about that book. Cool book and the Renaissance Festival is fantastic for seeing raptors. So glad to have you here Kimberley and glad you could use this lapbook..You are so very welcome..
Thank you so much for sharing this! We’re going to see a live falcon this Friday, and this lapbook is perfect! Thank you for being generous with your time and resources and saving us tired homeschool moms hours of sleep and research! Thank you! God bless you on your journey!
You are just welcome li fu. So happy to have you and please enjoy all of the resources and join me too at my private facebook group.