The Arctic region is literally the end of the world.
It takes its name from the Greek word for bear, arktos, because the land is under the constellation of the Great Bear.
The Arctic region is at the top of the Northern Hemisphere and the Arctic Ocean is about 5.5 million square miles of water.
The Arctic is really a giant sheet of sea ice that floats on top of the Arctic Ocean.

It is surrounded by land in Greenland, Canada, and Russia.
Parts of these countries along with a part of Alaska are in the area called Arctic Circle.
The Arctic Circle is an imaginary circle that extends south about 1620 miles in every direction from the North Pole.
Hammerfest claims to be the northernmost city in the world and in Kirkenes in Norway the midnight sun shines from May 17 to July 21.
The corresponding winter darkness extends from November 21 to January 21 or almost two months.


Free Decorative Covers for Notebooking Page, To use as Dividers or for Front of Lapbook

Lapbook Layout
A map of the Arctic Circle. I provide two pages that are the same except one has the countries and areas labeled and the other one is blank so that your child can write them in.
These are tiny meander books. I provide instructions on the page on how to cut them and fold them. They store in mini pockets.

The Peoples of the Arctic was especially fun to do because we read in the book Inuit Glimpses of An Arctic Past about the people of the Arctic.
When it comes to learning about any country, it is the diverse style of the people living there and how each adapts to their native land that makes learning come alive.
This is a fandex type of book explaining each culture.
It was interesting to learn about how the Inuit used snow houses to live in as temporary homes while they hunted.

10 Notebooking Pages on The Animals of the Arctic. Notebooking Set I Notebooking Set II


Links/Downloads we like

This lesson plan above is for grades 5-8. It has a template for snow goggles and talks about limiting sunlight.
Click here to download the free 29 page guide.
This next guide or I should say guides talk about the Arctic animals listed above.
There are two guides or grade levels on this teacher’s guide from Seaworld.
Click here to download Arctic Animals 4th-8th and here to download Arctic Animals K – 3.
More Arctic Resources
Finally, how to grab the free 34 page lapbook and notebooking pages. It’s a subscriber freebie.
1) Sign up on my list.
2) Grab the freebie now.
3) Last, look for all my emails in your inbox. Glad to have you following me!
Great resource! Thank you!!!
I don’t see the link for the Inuit and Arctic Circle 10 notebooking pages.
Thank You Jane for catching that.
When I transferred over from my old Dynamic 2 Moms site, I didn’t grab it all.
Only the first part was on my page.
I have added the second part of the notebooking pages above and here is the link for you too. I think you grabbed Notebooking Part 1 above and this is Notebooking Part 2.
Thanks again!