Teaching ancient history to young children can be daunting, make Israel crafts for preschoolers to simplify it and help them understand. Also, look at my Ancient Civilization page for more activities.
We’re making a mini-Torah Scroll as we talk about this important part of Jewish culture.
They are a reminder of the rich history and tradition of the Jewish people.

The Torah is used for religious ceremonies.
For example, it is used at weddings, funerals and are also read in synagogue every week.
The Torah is the most important religious text in Judaism.
Judaism is a religion some people around the world follow.
Even if you’re not Jewish, the Torah is still important because it helps us understand different cultures and traditions.
Learning about it can help us appreciate the diversity of the world and the different ways people find meaning and purpose in their lives.
What’s Inside the Torah
It is a scroll that contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
Each book teaches different things:
Genesis (Bereshit)-Tells the story of creation and the early history of humanity. Includes the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, and the Tower of Babel.
Exodus (Shemot)-Tells the story of the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt and their liberation under the leadership of Moses. It includes the Ten Commandments.
Leviticus (Vayikra)-Contains laws and regulations governing the lives of the Israelites. Includes instructions for sacrifices, festivals, and other religious observances.
Numbers (Bemidbar)-Tells the story of the Israelites’ journey through the desert to the Promised Land. Includes the census of the Israelites and the story of Korah’s rebellion.
Deuteronomy (Devarim)- Summarizes the law and history of Israel. Includes Moses’ farewell address to the Israelites.

Israel is very important to the Torah as it is a Jewish-majority state, and the Torah has a profound influence on the country’s laws, politics, and society.
Share some of these interesting facts about Torah Scrolls as you learn about and enjoy making Israel crafts for preschoolers.
You can include your older children as well.
Books About Ancient Civilizations
Next, look at these other books to include in your study about ancient civilizations.
13 Ancient Civilization Hands-on Resources and Books
Add some of these fun resources to your unit study or study for the day of Ancient Civilizations.
Tarquin Popups are a special kind of do it yourself activity book. Not only is there the fun of making the scenes and seeing them popup but they are full of interesting information and ideas. This book contains six main scenes to make: Knossos, the Palace of Minos, the Lion Gate at Mycenae, the Battle of Salamis, the Golden Age of Athens, the Theatre, Alexander the Great and King Porus.
A magnificently illustrated, interactive pop-up book chronicles the history of ancient Egypt and its diverse cultural innovations, covering everything to the construction of the Egyptian pyramids and the elaborate mummification process, to the mysterious rites performed at an Egyptian god's temple and the ancient hieroglyphic writings.
Children can try their hand at re-creating ancient Israelite culture—along with the cultures of their neighbors, the Philistines and Phoenicians—in a way that will provide perspective on current events.
The book covers a key period from the Israelites’ settlement in Canaan in 1200 B.C.E. to their return from exile in Babylonia in 538 B.C.E.
This part of the Middle East—no larger than modern-day Michigan—was the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. More than 35 projects include stomping grapes into juice, building a model Phoenician trading ship, making a Philistine headdress, and writing on a broken clay pot. Israelites', Phoenicians', and Philistines' writing and languages, the way they built their homes, the food they ate, the clothes they wore, and the work they did, and of course, their many interesting stories.
The new National Geographic Treasury of Greek Mythology offers timeless stories of Greek myths in a beautiful new volume. Brought to life with lyrical text by award-winning author Donna Jo Napoli and stunning artwork by award-winning illustrator Christina Balit, the tales of gods and goddesses such as Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Athena and heroes and monsters such as Helen of Troy, Perseus, and Medusa will fascinate and engage children’s imaginations.
Included in this study are over 35 projects, games, recipes, links, and the history of fourteen empires! Generally, each empire's materials can be covered in 1-3 days
Tools of the Ancient Greeks: A Kid’s Guide to the History and Science of Life in Ancient Greece explores the scientific discoveries, athletic innovations, engineering marvels, and innovative ideas created more than two thousand years ago. Through biographical sidebars, interesting facts, fascinating anecdotes, and fifteen hands-on activities, readers will learn how Greek innovations and ideas have shaped world history and our own world view.
Is your child fascinated by Ancient Egypt? if so then this Ancient Egypt themed activity book is just for them. This is a great book for boys and girls who have an interest in Ancient Egypt. This Ancient Egypt themed activity book will keep them entertained and happy for hours.
Great Ancient China Projects You Can Build Yourself explores the incredible ingenuity and history of ancient China with 25 hands-on projects for readers ages 9 and up. Great Ancient China Projects covers topics from porcelain pottery, paper, gunpowder, and dynasties, to martial arts, medicinal healers, jade carvers, and terracotta warriors.
Tools of the Ancient Greeks: A Kid’s Guide to the History and Science of Life in Ancient Greece explores the scientific discoveries, athletic innovations, engineering marvels, and innovative ideas created more than two thousand years ago. Through biographical sidebars, interesting facts, fascinating anecdotes, and fifteen hands-on activities, readers will learn how Greek innovations and ideas have shaped world history and our own world view.
What humans call “civilization” didn’t always exist. We didn’t always live in big cities, have roads to get places easier, or grow food on farms. For a long time, humans were hunter-gatherers. Hunter-gatherers wandered from place to place looking for food. They didn’t build homes or stay in one place. The Sumerians, as far as we know, were the first people to start a civilization.
The book includes the following pockets:
- What Is History?
- Ancient Mesopotamia
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Rome
- Ancient China
- Ancient Aztec World
This resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key.
Cleopatra has been called intelligent and scheming, ambitious and ruthless, sensual and indulgent. This unique biography captures the excitement of her life story, including portions that have been largely neglected, such as her interest in literature and science and her role as a mother, and allows readers to draw their own conclusions. Cleopatra and Ancient Egypt for Kids also includes maps, time lines, online resources, a glossary, and 21 engaging hands-on activities to help readers better appreciate the ancient culture.
HANDS ON LEARNING: Supernow educational boxes includes an adventure box with 4 hands-on projects and interactive digital content to bring the projects to life!
INTERACTIVE PLAY: Kids get a monthly adventure box that serves as a portal to an immersive adventure. Participate in an unfolding mission by attending live, interactive classes and solving fun clues.
Additionally, look at these facts about the Torah.
9 Facts about Torah Scroll
- The Torah lays out 613 laws for Jews to live by, including the Ten Commandments.
- The Torah scroll is written by hand.
- There are 304,805 letters in the Torah scroll.
- The Torah scroll is divided into 54 weekly portions.
- Torah scrolls are written on parchment, which is a special type of animal skin.
- The text is written in Hebrew, and it is read from right to left.
- Torah scrolls are very long, and they can be up to 100 feet long! They are kept in a special case called an ark.
- The Torah scroll is usually read from a lectern called a bimah.
- Torah scrolls are very expensive, a single Torah scroll can cost up to $100,000.

Additionally, look at more hands-on ideas to learn about Ancient Israel.
More Activities to Learn About Ancient Israel
You can use a map or atlas to help your child identify Israel on a map.
DK First Atlas is wonderful for young children and has a nice section on the Middle East, including facts, photos, and of course the map.

For another hands-on activity that focuses on ancient Israel try making these Hands-on Ancient Egypt: Israelite Mud Bricks for Kids to demonstrate how labor intensive life was for many during these times.
A wonderfully easy but impactful lesson, Color by Number Israel Map, lets children become familiar with the diverse geography of Israel.
This is a really cool experiment that models the Dead Sea in Israel, testing buoyancy of extremely salty water.
Finally, look at how to make mini Torah Scrolls.
How to Make Mini Torah Scrolls
You will need:
- Empty toilet paper rolls
- Copy paper
- Paint
- paintbrushes
- Glue
- Craft sticks

First, paint both sides of the craft sticks.
If they are not long enough you may have to use two on each side to be sure that it shows out either end of the toilet paper roll.

Paint both toilet paper rolls your desired color, inside and out.
Allow the paint to dry completely and then glue the painted craft sticks inside the rolls.

Cut copy paper into strips just slightly smaller than the width of the toilet paper rolls-3 ½”.
You will only need a few strips.

Apply a thin layer of glue to one end of the strip with a paintbrush and overlap them making it as long as you would like.
Alternatively if you have paper on a roll you can use that instead.

Let your child write their name or something else on the strips. We decided to write the modern Hebrew alphabet.
Do this first in pencil. You can find a simple copy of the letters here on Wikipedia.

Now, have your child over it in marker or crayon to build writing skills.

Glue each end of the paper to either painted roll and hold in place until dry.

You can hold it down with a wooden clothespin for a few hours until dry.
The Torah is a special and important book with stories and lessons that can inspire and guide us all.
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