For this craft, we are going to learn how to make paper look old with a simple technique you can do at home for pennies. Also, look at my post Quick and Easy Ancient Chinese Paper making for Kids.
Aged paper can be used in a myriad of ways.
Also, include in your lesson what causes aging on paper and how scientists preserve historical documents.
Of course, I have a fun list of 20 different ways that you can use your paper once you age it.

This craft is perfect just as a fun project on its own.
Also, use it when learning about pirates, historical documents like the Declaration of Independence or even as a science lesson on aging and deterioration.
You can make it with fresh sheets of cardstock or cut pages out of a book, sheet music, stationary, envelopes or other paper and use the same technique below.
How Important Documents Are Preserved
Let’s talk a little about what causes paper to break down and age over time naturally.
The rate that paper ages and breaks down depends on how it is stored. Other factors are the moisture it is exposed to, acids from the environment, temperatures, and the quality of the paper.
The oldest document we have in the United States is The Constitution.
It has been preserved and kept in the National Archives Building in Washington, DC..
In addition, the Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights are all in a special 50-ton steel and concrete vault.
Each morning the cases rise through the floor from the vault in which they are kept. They are put on special display and lowered each night.
The case is filled with helium, temperature and humidity controlled.
Additionally, it is protected from ultraviolet rays that could damage the documents.
To preserve historical documents historians encase them where the oxygen (which speeds up breakdown) has been removed, control the moisture, keep it out of harsh light, temperature, and they avoid handling it with bare hands if at all.

Important documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are monitored.
They are monitored closely with sensors so the environment stays perfect.
20 Ways to Use Your Aged Paper
- Use it to make a pirate map.
- Print a paper about historical times or people on it.
- Roll it up and tie it with a ribbon to create a parchment scroll.

- Use it as a matte for old photos.
- Print sheet music on it.
- Paint a picture on it with acrylic paint.
- Apply the aging technique to book pages and create a bunting banner.
- Write an original poem on it.
- Practice your calligraphy.
- Practice handwriting or cursive by penning a letter to someone in the family.

- Use it as a drawer liner.
- Learn How to Make an Envelope with it.
- Cut it into strips and make a unique bookmark.
- Make an Ink pot & Quill Pen with Berry Ink to use along with it.
- Use it to make homemade gift tags.
- Create your own journals or notebooks for a history unit study.
- Make a get well, thank you, or just because card to mail out.
- Create a family newspaper using your aged sheets.
- Use them to create a “scrapbook” or timeline of historical events.
- Make 3D stars for a cool vintage decor piece.
Also, check out my Quick and Easy Ancient Chinese Paper making for Kids for another fun paper activity.
How To Make Paper Look Old Craft
You will need:
- Card stock
- Instant coffee
- old paint or makeup brush
- Baking sheet
- Pants hanger

First you want to make a mixture of water and instant coffee.
You can always darken it, but it’s a little trickier to lighten it without dirtying up another bowl, so start light.

Grab a paintbrush that has seen better days, the more rough and uneven the bristles are the better and you may not want to use it again.
Brush a little of the coffee mixture on your paper. Continue brushing all over the paper.

Flip and brush the other side.
Add more instant coffee to the water to darken it and give a little extra attention to the edges and random spots around the page to create age marks.
Don’t worry about making it even, the more uneven it is the more authentic an old it will look.

To give it some aged spots, sprinkle a bit of the dry instant coffee around the paper and let it sit for a few minutes.

Next, you can either hang your paper to dry on pants hangers with clips and hang it outside in the sun or move to a dry cookie sheet and place in a warm spot until thoroughly dry.

Once your pages are dry lay them under a few heavy books to help flatten them out for a day or two.
Finally, to age your pages further you can also tear the edges or corners or even burn some of the edges to further age your paper and give it a unique look.

I used this for my social studies class for Oregon trail another beautiful work of aft thank you every so much Tina!! I love you!
Hey Sophie…Awww, hugs back and so glad you like it… Keep on rockin’ your teaching!