I can’t drive and talk on the phone at the same time and have any kind of quality conversation much less pay attention to my driving. Add in a homeschool day and In this day and age it’s called multitasking.
I really don’t like that term in my homeschooling day because it makes me think that I am not giving 100% to the task on hand.
Not only do I not feel productive while driving and talking, but in a lot of places it is illegal because of the dangers.
Simply put, we can get side-tracked.

1. Homeschool Prioritizing = Important Things First
Prioritizing is a term I prefer to use because that is really what a homeschool day is about.
Did you know that prioritizing is the secret in not surviving homeschool, but treasuring each day?
Homeschooling is a long trek and stacking all the things we want to do in our day by multitasking can leave us sidetracked with very little ability to do what is needed.
Prioritizing your tasks in order of importance is the key to a stress free day.
I am not really even talking about getting an early start in the day even though this proves very successful for most homeschoolers.
What you need to remember is that what ever time is first in your day, that time needs to be your school zone.
Your teaching needs to be given priority so that before anything else comes up, you have accomplished some of your goals.
2. Do Opposite Planning
Another mistake I was making for many years is setting my homeschool schedule to the beat of my oldest son.
If your household is filled with lots of little ones, your rhythm needs to beat to the youngest and not to the oldest child.
Many years ago, I heard David Hazell of my Father’s World give the best piece of advice.
He said the oldest child needs to be dethroned.So true! In other words, quit setting the schedule to suit them.
We worry so much about our oldest child that he may view his time as absolute to the other children’s time.
It is okay to worry about doing school with them, we need to be conscientious.
However, the lessons we teach our oldest child about patience, forgiveness and an independent attitude to pursue some learning on their own is what homeschooling really is about.
How does this fit in with getting it all in the day? We are moms first and it always take priority.
Caring for our family’s needs, whether it means cradling the toddler, hugging the preschoolers or wiping the tears of a hormonal middle schooler, our homeschool schedule needs to work around our family.
3. You Have to Plan
Sample Homeschool Schedules
Another tip for maintaining a calm flow to your day is to plan it or schedule it. Don’t let a schedule stranglehold you.
A homeschool schedule is a like a vacation plan. You use it to be sure you don’t miss any of the important things along the way.
It is a guide to your day but should never be viewed as another stress inducer. It points your direction so that you keep going along.
Look at two of my homeschool schedules I followed for quite a few years.
Older Household
Mon. off.
Tue – Fri. School
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2:00 – 4:00 reading time, chore time and quiet time.
Younger Household.
Mon. off
Tues – Friday School
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p..m. – 3:00 p.m. school (school, hopefully while the toddler and preschooler napped)
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. chore time and quiet time.
I even did school on Saturday one year when I had a toddler and a newborn. The Mr. was home and I could get so much accomplished with my oldest son.
If you love white chalkboards like I do, then you’ll love this whiteboard for organizing.
Instead of panting through the day and giving homeschooling, cooking or caring for the little ones with meager energy, prioritize your day.
Seasons of time pass by quickly. Don’t spend precious homeschool days that won’t last forever by pushing your limits to the max.
And if you need more help, you’ll love my book, Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers: When You Don’t Know Where to Begin Paperback.

You’ll like these other posts and helps:
- Public School is NOT Free! (but neither is homeschool)
- Controlling the Time Spent on Homeschool Subjects or Running a Homeschooling Boot Camp
- Stop the Homeschool Time Drain!

What does your homeschool schedule look like now?

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