Kindergarten homeschool curriculum is so much more than academics. Books, games, curriculum, and especially play based learning helps you build your foundation strong. You’re sure to find plenty of support and help here at Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus.
I wished that I could say that I was reasonable, balanced, and unafraid when I started with my first kindergartner. I was not.
Too, II was terrified that if I didn’t start the formal learning part of kindergarten on time or earlier that my son was simply going to be behind and I would ruin his chances for success as an adult.
Fast forward 20+ years, I’ve graduated three sons and am still mentoring homeschoolers.
You’ll love the tips and resources I share here because they work!

From the subjects to teach in kindergarten to craft ideas, you’ll get support for your questions.
How to Homeschool Kindergarten
Also, don’t forget to grab my book or do my online self-paced course if you’re new to homeschooling.
You can nurture a scholar who basks in learning and then rigorous learning comes OR you can raise a learner who resents academics because you feed a “show me the results” attitude only.
Don’t begin focused on constantly pushing your kindergarten aged child. Follow his lead and let his imagination lead.
Kindergarten Subjects Homeschool
Next because crafts and play form the basis of a strong foundation for lifelong learning, add some of these ideas to your day.

In addition, look at Slow and Steady Get Me Ready for Kindergarten and IQ Booster Kit: Developing the Early Learner Levels 1-4.
Language Arts for Homeschool Kindergarten
Kindergarten Homeschool History
Science for Homeschool Kindergarten
Kindergarten Schedule for Homeschool
Homeschooling Materials for Kindergarten
Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum
Finally, add some of these other resources to help you.