I have some great cloud crafts for preschoolers for you. Also, look at my page How to Homeschool Preschool for more ideas.
Use this craft if you’re teaching about clouds or weather in general, springtime, summer skies, or need something with the letter C.
There are 4 basic types of clouds – cumulus, cirrus, stratus, and nimbus.

I’m giving you a simple explanation on two more but these four are plenty to focus on for preschoolers.
To help your preschooler understand the different types of clouds I recommend using several approaches.
Of course, the obvious is getting outside and observing clouds firsthand.
Books About Clouds
First, look at these resources about clouds.
Cloud Books & Resources for Kids
Add these cloud books and resources to your unit study.
Read and find out about how to forecast a change in weather by looking at the clouds in this colorfully illustrated nonfiction picture book.
At any given time, more than half the earth is covered with different types of clouds. Some are dark and scary rain clouds, and some are just big white puffs. What kind of cloud is in the sky above you, and what can you uexpect the weather to be? Instead of turning on the TV to find out what the weather will be, you can look out your window at the clouds.
This clear and appealing science book for early elementary age kids, both at home and in the classroom, is a Level 1 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores introductory concepts perfect for children in the primary grades
At last! Here's a brand-new board book edition of an Eric Carle picture book that's a favorite with littlest cloud gazers everywhere! Little Cloud likes to stand out from the crowd. When all the other clouds drift up, he goes his own way, changing shapes to become a sheep, an airplane, a shark and a funny clown. It?s all lots of fun, but so is playing with friends. So this time, Little Cloud joins the crowd, gathering with his pals into one giant cloud. And then they rain!In Little Cloud, Eric Carle celebrates the possibilities of imagination with textured collages of sky-blue and white in a story that will encourage the youngest child to "read" clouds.
Hey kids, did you know that clouds have different types too? Well, after watching this video, you'd be able to identify most of them.
Next, look at these types of clouds.
Types of Clouds
For an older child you may also go into additional cloud types but the first three are great basic starts.
Cumulus Clouds
- Look like cotton balls in the sky.
- Usually brings fair weather.
- Can grow tall and puffy, like mountains.
Cirrus Clouds
- Thin, wispy clouds that look like feathers.
- Made of ice crystals.
- Often called “mare’s tails”.
Stratus Clouds
- Gray, flat clouds that cover the entire sky.
- Often brings drizzle or light rain.
- Can make the day seem gloomy.
Nimbostratus Clouds
- Dark, thick clouds that bring rain or snow.
- Often covers the entire sky.
- Can make the day seem very dark.
Altocumulus Clouds
- Gray or white clouds that look like small balls of cotton.
- Often brings fair weather.
- Can sometimes indicate that rain or snow is coming.
Altostratus Clouds
- Can make the day seem gloomy.
- Gray or blue-gray clouds that cover the entire sky.
- Often brings drizzle or light rain.

Also, look at more crafts for preschoolers.
More Crafts for Preschoolers
- How to Make Hot Cocoa Cloud Dough | 8 Hot Cocoa Crafts for Preschoolers
- For the sensory seeking child this Cloud Dough Recipe and Sensory Cloud Activity will have them enthralled and busy for awhile
- Another fantastic way to learn about the clouds up in the sky is to demonstrate the different types by creating Puffy Paint Clouds.
- Don’t you love to watch the clouds go by and try to figure out what they look like? This Cloud Watching Craft can be done even on the gloomiest of days.
- If you are going to get out and observe clouds first hand why not do it in style with this Toilet Paper Roll Binoculars Craft for Cloud Observation.
- Make a Simple and Fun Hands-On Water Cycle Activity For Kids to show them where clouds fit into our water cycle.
- Perfect for a weather unit, clouds, or spring this Paper Plate Cloud Craft is adorable, simple, and inexpensive.
- Include a little science into a Rain Cloud Gravity Painting by teaching your child about the force of gravity in a playful way.
Types of Clouds Activity
For younger preschoolers you may choose to only do a few basic clouds or only do them one at a time each day as you talk about each type.
Older preschoolers and even kindergarteners you could do all of them on the same day and then compare them.
You will need:
- Cotton balls/pillow stuffing
- Blue card stock
- Craft sticks
- Glue
- Marker
- Craft paint/paintbrush.

Take a sheet of card stock or construction paper and cut it into 4 equal squares.
If you choose to create all 6 types listed above simply cut more paper squares.

Write the name of each of the types of clouds you are choosing to do across the bottom of each piece.

I find the easiest way to get the glue onto the strips is to put a little bit in a dish and let your child paint it on thickly with a paintbrush.
It is best to go ahead and ‘paint’ the shape of the cloud on with the glue.

Using a book or pictures on the internet as a reference helps them to create each type of cloud.
Press the cotton onto the glue and add or remove pieces as needed to achieve the shape.

For nimbus, stratocumulus, and cumulonimbus clouds you can have your child add a bit of gray/blue craft paint to darken the cotton.

Allow the paint and glue to dry completely on the cards then flip them over and attach a craft stick to create a handle.
Now you can use these cards as a game where you call out a cloud and they hold up the one that correctly matches.