I have an editable progress report card for a teen. Also look at my page Homeschool Planner and my 7 Step Curriculum Planner for more homeschool planning forms.
I had planned to share all my graduation ideas with you by now too. But, I cave, I am totally a sobbing wimp. I have embraced the full meaning of homeschooling with heart.

You just can’t homeschool and teach your son from his first tiny baby step, to his first hold of a pencil, to his first feel of a car steering wheel and come away unscathed.
I need to look at all of this project graduation objectively instead of how I feel now.
Too, you know how up/down this past year was with the hubby.
So I savor every precious moment of life and I get spikes and shots of overflowing feelings when I get ready to write.
Stay tuned as I know I will eventually share but I keep myself reined in about project graduation lest I sound like I have totally lost it and possible unsound words make their indelible marks on the world wide web.

Enough of that. So what does this have to do with what I am sharing today?
Well I did want to share this picture with though it’s a tad bit out of focus. Tiny was on the other end but I do kid friendly pictures.
But, this was the day Mr. Senior 2013 finally got his driver’s license. What a patient kid when all of that stuff hit us while I was in the middle of teaching him to drive.
After that jubilant day, the fun day came for insurance.
The insurance company gives a discount for good grades in school and needed a current progress report.
Oh yippee, I needed another form and figured you would need one like this too sometime or the other.
Since I need something a little more official looking than the pretty progress report (Option 16)
I already have on the site which is basically used to satisfy reporting for those that live in countries/states like this, I put this report together. It really acts as our final report card too.
The sample above is what eventually will go on the site. I left what I could on it from when I used it last year and added a few notes to explain how it is set up.
It is editable and I am in love with it. It worked just perfectly when I sent it to our insurance guy.
The only parts not editable are the comments and the signature which are normally done hand written.
Now that I have confessed all about Mr. Senior 2013, if you have a senior this year give him or her a hug today. You he or she needs it.
Still in the homeschooling trenches with you as I have two more sweet sons to go.
How to Get the Free Homeschool Progress Report Card for Teens
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Begin building your free 7 Step Homeschool Planner below.
You’ll never go back to downloading one planner that may fit your needs this year, but not the next.
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color” Begin building your planner.
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
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Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! Not a kazillion other people
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