Finishing Strong- Homeschool Link Up Party
Thank you for joining us this week at Finishing Strong–the link-up that focuses on middle & high school students.
This week we are highlighting Susan Williams and Megan Zechman from Education Possible.
Hello! We are Susan and Megan, co-founders of Education Possible. We live in Central Florida, Susan with her husband and two boys and Megan with her husband and two girls.
As eclectic, hands-on homeschoolers, we try not to use too many textbooks or worksheets. Instead, we use interactive projects, technology, and living books to foster learning. We spend a lot of time learning outside of the home, especially at Walt Disney World.
Throughout the years, we noticed fewer families were schooling at home through the middle & high school years. Our families are committed to homeschooling through graduation, and we hope that by sharing our passions and experiences educating our older children, we can inspire more families to finish strong along with us.
If we can do it, you can too!
Our goal at Education Possible is to encourage families to discover the world through travel and technology, create hands-on educational activities, and learn together using unique resources.
We frequently write about history because we love sharing how we make this subject fun for our kids. Recently, How to Get Your Kids to Hate History struck a chord with our readers. Many remember hating history while growing up, but want to see their kids develop an appreciation for the subject. Exploring the 13 Colonies – a FREE Study Guide is the beautiful resource we developed to help families learn about colonial history.
Science is a great subject to bring in hands-on educational activities and some of our favorites have been volcanoes, creating a lava lamp, and trajectory. You can even learn How to Start a Science Co-op with your friends.
We both love our children dearly, but neither of us wants them living with us forever, and we know it’s up to us to teach them the life skills they will need to succeed in college and eventually become successful adults. Some of the skills we’ve enjoyed teaching them include brainstorming, the benefit of making mistakes, and meal planning.
As I mentioned, we love Disney and we frequently teach families how to learn at the “happiest place on earth.” We use the Disney parks as the backdrop for literature, science, history, and life skills training.
We hope you will follow along with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+ Susan & Megan.
Easy Details to Remember & Even Easier Guidelines.
- The link up party goes live at 5:00 a.m. CST each Wednesday and stays open until the following Tuesday at 11:55 p.m.
- Each week we will pick our favorite links as features and share them.
- You can link up to 3 posts. Please do not link up advertising posts, or other link ups, or parties. I will remove them. Homeschool related reviews are permitted and of course all topics related to homeschooling middle to high school students.
- Grab a button to add to your post after you link up and if you were featured, grab an “I was featured” button.
- By linking up with us, you agree for us to share your images and give you credit of course.
- That’s it! Glad to have you here and let’s party!