I have gathered up some resources and books about the human body for preschoolers. Also, I have this Human Body Crafts page for more hands-on ideas. And this Beautiful Human Body Lapbook and Fun Unit Study.
One of the most fun and basic science topics to cover with your preschooler is anatomy.
When teaching this age, it is a good practice to include lots of hands-on activities.

It can be so much fun for both of you.
Puzzles, games, colorful books, videos, and your preschoolers own natural curiosity can teach them so much better than an expensive boxed curriculum.
Teaching Preschoolers About Human Anatomy
When your child is a toddler, they are quickly learning about body parts like toes, eyes, belly, etc.
They are soaking in information and learning at an incredible rate, and this continues through those preschool years when they learn so much through play.
At this point, it is a great time to move into learning about our senses, organs, how our skeleton works, and more.
They can learn a lot through imaginative play- like setting up a simple doctors’ center with good books for them to examine along with pretend tools, engaging videos, and simple crafts and activities.

Also, look at these other activities to learn about the human body.
More Human Body Crafts
- Simple and Easy Circulatory System Hands-on Activity for Kids
- How to Turn a Pizza Into a Fun Edible Human Cell Model
- How To Make A Fun Bones Of The Hand Labeled X-Ray Craft
- 7 Human Skull Facts and Cool Human Skull Anatomy Activity
- How to Make a Fun Hands-on Playdough Brain Activity
- Major Organs of The Human Body Labeled Fun Felt Anatomy Activity
- Fun Resources and Books About The Human Body For Preschoolers
- 8 Eye Facts & Human Body Activities Middle School & Fun Eye Model
- 12 Human Body Games For Middle School & High School
- Craft a Fun Hand Straw Model to Explore Human Anatomy Muscles & Tendons
- How to Make a Human DIY Heart Model Easy Craft for Kids
- 8 Facts About the Respiratory System & Fun Lung Craft for Kids
- 7 Human Body Facts and Kids Human Body T-Shirt Project
- Fun Edible Spine
- Making Blood + What Are the Components of Blood
- DIY Heart Pump
- Kids Stethoscope Activity
- Build An Edible DNA Model
- Edible Skin
- Rigid versus Flexible Bone Activity.
- Pregnancy Belly Female Study of Human Anatomy Kids Fun Craft
And if you have older children you want to include in a human body unit study, I have a lapbook for older kids.

Look at my Beautiful Human Body Lapbook and Fun Unit Study.
Next look at these books about the human body for preschoolers.
11 Books And Resources About The Human Body For Preschoolers
Your littles will love these resources and books to learn about the human body.
The model by heart, large intestine, small intestine, lung, stomach, kidney, liver, esophagus and trachea, A total of 9 indication area, the plush stuffed organs apron is a wonderful body awareness kit, The organs are removable, pasted in Velcro
Great for keeping little ones busy while you teach older kids, for on the go, or even snuggled up on the couch. It stands up on its own as a flip book with velcro pieces that keep kids engaged while they discover.
A first introduction to the human body for curious toddlers. With layered die-cuts throughout.The human body is an amazing machine! Take a look inside and learn all about how it works with this interactive layered die-cut board book. Simple callouts, such as "hair," "ear," "arm," and "bones," invite even the youngest reader to explore the workings of the human body. Topics covered include the movements of our body parts, the five senses, the way in which blood flows through the body, the internal organs that the human body contains, and the different types of bones that are found throughout the body. Packed with fun facts and accessible information, this first introduction to our bodies is perfect for the youngest children.
MY BODY answers children’s questions about their own bodies in an incredibly simple and appropriate way. Each spread is focused on a particular part of the body or movement a child understands. Body actions such as breathing, the food journey, and blood are touched on, as well as fun subjects such as hiccups, earwax, and goosebumps. The simple text is perfect for beginning readers. The photographs provide impact for children less interested in reading with big, bright pictures of the inside and outside of the body.
Join the Cat in the Hat, Sally and Dick for a ride through the human body where they visit the right and left sides of the brain, meet the Feletons from far off Fadin (when they stand in the sun you can see through their skin), scuba dive through the blood system, follow food and water through the digestive tract, and a whole lot more! Perfect for readers who are curious about the body and for any kid who loves learning and science.Featuring beloved characters from Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat, the Learning Library are unjacketed hardcover picture books that explore a range of nonfiction topics about the world we live in and include an index, glossary, and suggestions for further reading.
HUMAN ORGANS: The human body is a marvel of evolution, and now you can learn all about its many different and specialized organs with this Human Organs Toob!
Filled with gorgeous photographs inspired by National Geographic Little Kids magazine, this book introduces curious children to the parts of the human body.
The skeleton is the key to learning about the body, and Build the Human Body offers one of the coolest learning experiences around.The ancient Greeks had it right: “Know thyself.” One of the keys to knowing thyself is knowing how the body works. Build the Human Body will teach you about the body’s building blocks, help you build its framework, and show you how to map the organs. Have fun while learning, and see the human body like never before through colorful illustrations, fascinating facts, and by building your very own human skeleton.
This magnetic puzzle has both a boy and a girl outline and can be used to teach the body, muscles, organs, and the skeleton. This resource will get a lot of use over several years.
Amazing facts come together with fun, easy-to-do crafts in this STEAM-centric celebration of the human body.Learn amazing facts like how germs can make you sick, why you have a belly button, and how your senses work. Then create wonderful crafts, like a beautiful family tree, a homemade stethoscope, and gingerbread skeletons, combining reading skills, STEAM concepts, and hands-on family fun.Discover what a family tree is, then create one yourself. Explore your amazing fingerprints, then decorate a beautiful picture frame with them. Make a paper skeleton or play a game about digestion. This is a perfect package for a little learner who wants to know all about what's going on inside their body!
How could I not include operation? While yes the objects are silly and unrealistic it just goes along with the theme too good to ignore. It is good for building fine motor skills and opens discussions about things like what it means to have a frog in one's throat.