Virtual homeschool field trips were almost unheard of when I started planning field trips for our group of over 100 homeschool families. And I don’t think virtual field trips will ever replace the homeschool spirit and camaraderie we experience when we’re together. However, having experienced many unique circumstances and problems with field trips through my 19 years of homeschooling, I couldn’t wait to try FieldTripZoom for virtual field trips.

I was given FieldTripZoom free and I was paid for my time. However, paid for my time does not mean paid off. All opinions are my own and for sure I will always tell you what is on my mind. Not every product will get a positive review. Too, because I carefully sort through numerous offers for reviews, it means I’m giddy about the product when I do accept it. Read my full disclosure here.
Using FieldTripZoom for many weeks I am tickled to share with you seven benefits of virtual field trips that may change your perspective.
1. When you homeschool an only.
Beginning to homeschool my first son, then homeschooling all of my kids and now back to homeschooling one child has been a huge adjustment for us. Experiencing a virtual field trip has allowed my only child to participate in activities without having to join another homeschool group.
I don’t feel like he is missing out on enriching field trips that his older brothers participated in.
2. When you have many young children.
A common problem when I planned was to be sure the local field trip location had a place to push a stroller. Sometimes that would eliminate places we could go to because they were not stroller friendly.
A mom, which has several young children couldn’t go unless she brought help. FieldTripZoom has virtual field trips for all ages. No need to pack those huge double strollers.
Gathering the kids around your laptop or desktop, which I recommend because the screen is normally bigger is not only a great break for mom, but it spares your sanity.
Virtual Field Trips – Mediocre to Memorable
3. When you have to be budget conscious. Who doesn’t have to be nowadays?
The next problem I experienced with our monthly field trips was the different budgets among the families.
A mom of an only child versus a mom that had multiple children obviously were looking at different dollar totals by the time they paid admission fee, gas and maybe lunch.
Paying a yearly fee of $49.95 per household as an “all inclusive” and without any limits on how many interactive programs you can watch is a huge advantage.
4. When you have middle and high school teens. The fun shouldn’t stop.
After our kids got older, they wanted field trips that were not babyish and rightly so. I love the fact that with 100s of live streaming events, it is up to my son to decide which level he is interested in viewing.
Some science topics he wanted to view the lower level because there were more hands-on things to view.
With other subjects like the American Civil War, he viewed the high school level because he was more interested in higher level topics.
Without any restrictions, he could have even choose to watch more than one level on one topic on the same day because they are at different times.
5. When you can see artifacts and talk to a specialist in person.
Oh sure they are lots of free virtual field trips, but there is a reason they are free.
However, if you want a guided tour, view artifacts like you would when you pay for a guided tour at a museum, be able to ask questions to the presenter or make comments like my son did, you’ll be delighted with FieldTripZoom.
FieldTripZoom has a huge edge because they are live. No, not prerecorded. There is a chat box to chat or to ask a question to the presenter. All of this made it more like an interactive classroom instead of just watching a free video.
More Homeschool Field Trips Resources
- Free Editable Field Trip Tracking Guide for Homeschool Field Trips
- Homeschool Field Trip Journal Page
- Homeschool Field Trips – An Important Piece of the Educational Puzzle Part 1 + Free Field Trip Planning Page.
- 22 Awesome Homeschool History Field Trips
Worthy of mention too is that your children can see an animal or artifacts up close without a lot of other kids crowding yours out of the way.
6. When you go to places from your home that you may not otherwise ever go to.
When I was in school, I could only read about places in other states. It’s the same problem when planning local field trips. You’re limited to local places or distances that families in your group are willing to drive to.
The Best Kind of Field Trips – No Planning!
On our virtual field trips we have learned about the giant Pacific octopus of Alaska, visited Virginia for Native American month and then on to the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum to name just a few of the places. At the bottom, I will list more places we plan on going this year.
7. Weak subjects can be reinforced or delved into deeper.
We are especially finding FieldTripZoom helpful to cover some topics Tiny struggles with and with some he wants to delve into deeper. With content partners from museums, science centers, historical sites, zoos, a literary group and performing arts to name a few, we are stoked about setting our schedule for the rest of the year,
I didn’t forget to list a few of the upcoming programs we are eye balling and there are a lot of other programs in between these dates like wildlife week, astronomy week, DNA week and Holocaust week.
Nov 21 & 22, 2016 – The Comanche Code Talkers and D-Day
Dec 14, 2016 -Exploring the Scientific Method and the Wright Brothers First Flight
Jan 9, 2017 – Journey to the Center of the Earth
Virtual field trips are a way to bring the world up close for your children all from the comfort of your living room or dining room table.
I don’t have to choose either a field trip to a local location or a virtual field trip, we can have both.
Oh the Places You’ll Go! (okay, okay couldn’t resist that by Dr. Seuss).
Also, grab my free homeschool journal pages to use as you explore new places with FieldTripZoom!

Product Name: FieldTripZoom
Website: FieldTripZoom Zone Homeschool
About the product: We provide our Homeschool customers access to unique, live educational content created and delivered by a rapidly expanding community of leading museums, science centers, historical sites, zoos, aquariums, literary groups, wellness centers, arts and performing arts organizations
Grades: K-2nd 3rd-5th 6th-9th HighSchool
Formats: All you need is internet access and a device. Gather the kids around because no fancy equipment is needed.
Don’t forget to follow BOTH of my Pinterest accounts for AWESOME pins.
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