There’s no doubt, choosing homeschool curriculum is one of the most important parts of your homeschooling journey. You’re sure to find a good recommendation here at Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus.
What can add to the stress is not choosing curriculum which aligns with your values, a child’s learning style, and your approach to education.
Once you understand that curriculum falls into different approaches, it helps you to eliminate what will not work for your family.
For example, the boxed approached also called an all-in-one is the same method used in public school.

If that approach is not working at public school, then you’ll want to choose another approach.
So instead of choosing curriculum first, educate yourself about different learning styles and approaches.
However, you need a place to start. I have many recommendations on this page to get you started.
By Grade Level | Tips & Recommendations
Too if you want to try grade level curriculum, I have some relaxed choices for each grade.
Basics Of How to Choose Curriculum & Tips
Grab My Book on How to Homeschool
Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is a real eye-opener on homeschooling. It will alleviate a lot of the anxieties about getting started homeschooling.
Reading each chapter’s highlights will give you encouragement, knowledge, guidance, and peace of mind to homeschool with confidence. The best part is that you’ll be educating the person who loves your kids the most in this world--YOU! Armed with the knowledge to make better choices in curriculum will empower you to continue the path of home education. Unlike many books based on one family’s experience, Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is also based on Tina’s many years of mentoring hundreds and hundreds of new homeschoolers at live workshops.When you don’t know where to begin Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers equips you to successfully homeschool your children.
Preschool, Kindergarten to Elementary
Middle School
High School Curriculum