I was given a free copy of this book and I was paid for my time. However, paid for my time does not mean paid off. ALL opinions are my own and for sure I will always tell you what is on my mind. Your experience may vary. When I do accept a review it’s because I am giddy to tell you about it. Read my full disclosure here.
Homeschool science gaps or holes in what we’re teaching can make us panic, but we have many resources at our finger tips, which can lessen homeschool fears and one valuable tool is Air Is Not Oxygen: Essential Science You Should Have Learned … But Probably Didn’t.
Did You Miss these Essential Science Concepts?
First, look at these three other posts, Free Moon Journal, Electricity Hands on Science Activity and Erosion Easy Hands-on Science Activity where I share easy hands-on activities from Air Is Not Oxygen because I don’t want you to miss them and the free printable.
There were several things that drew us in to want to use and review Air Is Not Oxygen, but the main lure I was giddy about was that it explains science concepts in a way easy to understand.
This reminds me of other curriculum that we have been drawn to that gives us the broad strokes, which I feel are important for several reasons.
One| Covering the essentials are stepping stones to in depth studying.
I have always confessed that I run the other way from science topics, but not my boys.
Tiny is no exception. So not only am I sure that he is covering essentials, which are easily explained like Newton’s laws and changes in the earth, but having a basic framework gives Tiny a foundation on which to build a solid science study.
Two| Broad strokes means mastery.
Mastery learning appeals to both a student that is advanced or a student that struggles with basic concepts.
This means that Air Is Not Oxygen can be used with elementary aged children or kids getting ready to enter high school, who may not have covered basic science concepts adequately.
For a child that is younger and has a love for science, they’ll love mastering concepts quickly instead of using a spiral approach to science.
Also, Air Is Not Oxygen is a great fit for an older student who may feel like he is behind. Quickly covering basic essentials gives a high school student a boost in science and can rekindle his love for science.
Three| If a mom student is science phobic, he’ll love this book.
I was especially drawn to this book because it fits the way I think kids and adults should learn when they may not like a subject.
With few details and emphasis on hands-on activities within each chapter, it makes learning science simple, fun and interactive.
What Would Your Ideal Homeschool Science Curriculum Contain?
Air Is Not Oxygen draws you into the subjects because they are witty, short and concise.
When you’re short on time (who isn’t these days), you’ll love the fact that many of the supplies for science activities are things like paper cups, plastic spoons, pie pans and straws, which are things you have around your house.
I don’t need another exhaustive list to make of science supplies we wouldn’t use later. I like uncomplicated supplies and your kitchen and home will have most of the supplies.
For quite a few of the activities, Tiny just gathered up the supplies and he was ready to go.
Did I mention the chapters are short? Tiny easily read the book in just a few days.
Of course, we went back and did the activities, but the short chapters with simple explanations was a huge hit with him.
I like the What You Learned bullets at the end of the chapter because it made for a quick review.
And if I could make up my own science curriculum it would certainly be a lot like Air Is Not Oxygen , with no worksheets, lots of easy hands-on activities to do with multiple ages of children and a review.
If you are like me, you want to be able to explore curriculum freely and jump around from topic to topic. I gave Tiny the book and instead of reading it in order, he started with Newton’s Laws, went to the chapter on electricity and headed over to earth changes, then fossils and after that I can’t remember.
I love the fact that Tiny could skip around and learn what interested him first and I can plan our unit studies by picking and choosing activities that match our unit study topic.
You’ll want to include this nifty resource in your must-haves for science curriculum.
Here are a few other things you’ll want to know that made a difference to me.
- Author Bill Morelan, Ph.D is a pioneer homeschooler, teaching his two daughters at home in the early 1980s. Both of his girls went on to achieve advanced degrees, and today one is a highly-respected elementary teacher, while the other is actively involved in the homeschool movement.
- The book covers physical, life and earth and space science.
- It is a multiple age resource and that includes adults who may be lacking in their science education.
- It is a super resource for myth busters, like air is not oxygen.
- It meets the national Science Standards.
- Concepts are simplified for clarity.
- Each chapter has more than one hands-on activity.
Purchase the book here: Air Is Not Oxygen: Essential Science You Should Have Learned … But Probably Didn’t!
Grades: elementary to high school
Type of Format: paperback
Price: $12.95
I highly recommend this book if you are a science phobic teaching mama, have a kid that loves science or one that feels he may have missed out on some essential concepts.
Hugs and love ya,
All product information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.
Also, grab these free resources to round out a study about life, physical and earth science.
Learn About Leap Year Free Notebooking Page, Human Body Unit Study and Five Free and Fun Hands-on Science Activities.
Great Resource, would love to see your posts in the Practical Mondays Link Up:)
Thank you swapna. Great to have you here.
This looks like a great book–just the kind that I need. I’m not great with science concepts. I use to teach public elementary school. I do know that my kids are getting much more science than we taught at school! I want this to be a strong area for them!
Hey Tara,
Great to have you here. I like science, but like you I’m not great with it either.
I really loved this book and glad we are using it. I feel the same way. My sons shouldn’t have my same weakness.
This sounds like a great book! We love science here, and I’m always looking for new stuff to add to our curriculum. I will definitely be adding this book to my list. By the way, I had a blog post (14 Fabulous Sites for Free Homeschooling) go viral last weekend, and it looks like more people clicked on your link than any of the others! So exciting! 🙂
KT recently posted…YA Book Review and Giveaway: Cogling
Hey KT,
I love when you visit here and it is a super book. We were thrilled with it.
Yes, I saw your awesome roundup of very helpful resources. Thank you so much for including my website :0)