When we started our human body homeschool unit study we were excited to learn about all the free resources. Also, look at these other pages Best Homeschool Unit Studies and Fun Human Body Crafts for Kids Who Love Hands-on Learning for more ideas and topics for hands-on learning.
Too, our human body is an amazing and wonderful complex system.
And everyday it does amazing things like running, eating and healing.

However, all these free and wonderful human body homeschool unit study resources can be an unwieldy beast to tame as they took over my page.
That is unless they are organized of course so we can use them.
Plus, I don’t want you to miss out on any super duper ideas when you start your human body unit study.
Free Resources for Human Body Homeschool Unit Study
So I have organized the resources by grade where possible just to give you an idea of where to start and then by topic like craft or teacher guides.
First, look at some resources for the elementary kids.
Besides, you know how I feel about grade levels, they’re just a guide but not what defines our kids.
- Your Brain and Nervous System – Audio too.
- Learn About Your Brain Activities by Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom
- Free Printable Skeleton Game
- Spelling by Picture – Fill in the blank spelling for human body
- Free body minibook
- Human Anatomy Notebooking for upper elementary to middle school
- Muscular system hand craft
- Human Body T Shirt by Everyday Graces.
- Sensory Touch Activity
- Paint Your Organs T Shirt
- Idea to print Doctor’s Bag
- Human Senses Prek to 2 . 9 page .pdf Teacher’s Guide
- Free Organ Cards
- Skeletal System Unit Study
- Learning About The Human Body Part 1: The Skeletal And Muscular Systems
- Digestive system craft
Middle School
Next, look at these middle school resources for the human body unit study.
- Human Body Systems by Cindy at Our Journey Westward. Hands- on activities for studying the bones, circulatory system and blood compatibility.
- Black and white printable life sized CHILD skeleton
- Anatomy unit study
- Circulatory System Game by Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom
- Color printable life sized child skeleton – So cool.
- Black and white printable life sized ADULT skeleton

High School
Lastly, I gathered up some high school resources too.
- Advanced Matching Human Body Organs Worksheet.
- Human Reproductive System (again be sure to look over before you hand this to your teen).
- Study of the Skin
- Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy Ebook – 68 page .pdf super helpful
- Cervical Dilation Illustration. Remember to look over these sites first. This illustration was super helpful in understanding labor and delivery. The illustration starts with a cheerio and goes up to the size of a bagel.
- The Endocrine System Teacher’s Guide.
Additionally, look at these hands-on activities. After all, this is how learning sticks.
Hands-On Activities (All Grades)

- Making a Lung
- Bend a Bone
- Drawing Artistic Anatomy the arms, legs and torso
- Free Human Body Coloring Pages from Dover
- Build An Edible DNA Model
- How to Turn a Pizza Into a Fun Edible Human Cell Model
- 9 Free Major Organs Of The Human Body Printables Dot to Dot
- Manipulatives showing bacteria and virus. Using pipe cleaners and pom-poms
- Printable pdf lung
- Label the Bones of the Arm X-Ray Simple Activity
- Rigid versus Flexible Bone Activity.
- DIY Heart Pump
- Simple and Easy Circulatory System Hands-on Activity for Kids
- Basic Steps in the Digestive System and a Fun Digestive System Craft
- Craft a Fun Hand Straw Model to Explore Human Anatomy Muscles & Tendons
- Spinal Cord with lifesavers
- Make a heart from recyclable plastic
- How To Make A Fun Bones Of The Hand Labeled X-Ray Craft
- How to Make a Human DIY Heart Model Easy Craft for Kids
- Hands-on Playdough Brain Activity
- 7 Human Skull Facts and Cool Human Skull Anatomy Activity
- 8 Facts About the Respiratory System & Fun Lung Craft for Kids
Edible Projects
- Eyeballs.(Pinterest image)
- Eye Cake Balls
- Eatable Skin Mold
- Eyeballs cream cheese and life savers. Link is not on site, but Pinterest image is great.
- Fun Edible Spine

- Candy Spine by Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom
- Another Edible Skin Layers
- Components of Blood Experiment
Interactive Content, Media, Images Human Body Homeschool Unit Study
Also, your kids will enjoy some of these interactive games and pictures.
Anatomy of the Human Body by Henry Gray The Bartleby.com edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication.
Paper Mache Body Images.
Anatomy Arcade – Beats worksheets.
3 D Brain Anatomy A virtual 3-D
You Tube How the Heart Pumps
Journey through the Digestive track infographic
Video about Skin

Finally, look at this cool history of medicine.
A Civil War Surgeon’s Diary Transcribed. Great way to tie in history with science. Read a Civil War Surgeons Diary.

This blog hop is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutual beneficial projects.
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