Unique Features that Set Apart the Ultimate Unit Study Planner
Download, Choose Which Pages to Print for your children’s ages and Coil Bind
It is a weekly planner (but I have a page for monthly glance too) that is designed to be printed and coil bound.

All pages are in color. You have a choice of using a page with school subjects included already or to use the editable page to add in your own subject.
The lesson planning pages have large areas to write it and use lower, middle and upper grades as the group dividers so that the planner can grow with your family. For example, one year your lower grades may be preschool and another year it could be 1st to 3rd grade.
The unit study planning pages include 4 pages for planning each unit.
There are planning pages for 14 units.
So the planning pages and the lesson planning pages all stay in one planner for your easy reference. Your brainstorming ideas stay right alongside your lesson planning pages.
Like my free 7 Step DIY Homeschool Planner that is customized, this unit study planner is undated.
- All pages are in soft colors of color of blue, pink, greens and turquoise and navy-ish. {see header below of lesson planning page}

- Tracking Unit Studies by Subject.
Who says unit studies are harder to track subjects complete? Use this handy reference page to see that you are covering all content and skill subjects.

- Even more unique is the two page spread that makes planning unit study easy because you still use a week by week style that you are use to. Editable subjects to fill in and one with subjects filled in.

Don’t forget to add some “pretties” to it!

Free – Grab my forms to update your Unit Study Planner each year.
Grab the free 5 Years of Holiday on one page – Two Color Choices.
Grab my free School Year Around Calendars. Several Color Choices too.
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