I actually like winter homeschooling, but I also like change. So when I need inspiration I look to the ocean or sea to inspire me. Did I tell you that I grew up close to the ocean?
Winter Homeschooling – From Humdrum to Humdinger. (well, okay, okay)
I have fond memories of walking on the beach even when the weather was cold, collecting shells and afterwards grabbing a hot cup of southern gumbo. It brings calm to my day when I ponder about it.
Creating this series will allow me to share ideas I rounded up to give us a boost when we sag, while at the same time saving these links and ideas here on the blog for later.
I tend to get a lot of attitude pep in my step this time of the year.
One tip that has saved me several bucks over the years is to determine first if it’s the curriculum, winter homeschooling doldrums, my attitude or all of it when we feel like blah.
Before I make a change, I try new activities, preferably free and see if I can find my rhythm again. I find many times, it is wanting a change during winter homeschooling.

But, if you get the blahs during winter homeschooling, maybe you can use some of these links and get wild and savage.
Too, be sure to download everything you like from these sites because links can change and even if you don’t use them until several years down the road, you will have them. The sites I wanted to focus on today are Independence Seaport Museum. and Project Oceanography and The Mariners’ Museum. All of these sites have multiple packets, free lesson plans or guides to download.
Hands-On Homeschooling
A lot of them with tons of wonderful pictures and printables. I took just a snippet of some of the printables from each site to share with you. Mark these, download and peruse them.
Independence Seaport Museum has teacher packets available for free from grades K – 12.
Download here K to 3 Teacher Packet.
Download here Grades 4 to 6 Teacher Packet.
Download here Grades 6 to 8 Teacher Packet.
Download here Grades 9 to 12 Teacher Packet.

Also check out the free online resource How to Identify Sailing Ships on the site. Awesome. You better take your time on this site too. Project Oceanography has about 14 Program Packets on the right side of the page.

Click on each packet and you will be kept happy sorting through links, lesson plans and downloads. A snippet from The Mariners’ Museum has quite a few projects that are hands-on and in pdf form. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the printable activities.
This is probably my favorite of the three sites because it has such a treasure trove of things that are easy and hands-on.
Ready for winter now.
Oh, wait, four more days of goodies to go. Here they are below!

Hugs and love ya,

[…] and her ‘5 Days of Winter Homeschooling Ideas and Downloads’ series, which includes Look to the Sea, such a plethora of ocean study resources I almost couldn’t breathe when I discovered it. […]