What are the 5 learning styles to know to form a powerful homeschool foundation? After 20+ years of homeschooling, I want you to be in the know. You’ll love the other tips I have on my page homeschool learning styles.
Too, although there are more learning styles than 5, it’s important to know what are the ones most popular.
They are popular because the learning styles align with the goals each homeschool family has set.

You’ll want to know the different learning styles so you can match them to the personality of your different children.
In addition, there is no need to have to learn educationalese or jargon to understand what are the 5 learning styles.
But, first, here are some books you’ll want to add to your library to understand how to form a strong homeschool foundation.
Homeschool Learning Personality Books and How Tos of Homeschooling
Homeschool Learning Style and Personality Book Helps and How to of Homeschooling
Arming yourself with more information as to how children learn and how to teach them best should be part of every homeschool library.
Our goal in homeschooling is to be the best teacher and learn how OUR kids learn best and not every child or grade level.
Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is a real eye-opener on homeschooling. It will alleviate a lot of the anxieties about getting started homeschooling. Reading each chapter’s highlights will give you encouragement, knowledge, guidance, and peace of mind to homeschool with confidence. The best part is that you’ll be educating the person who loves your kids the most in this world--YOU!
Carol Barnier knew that her son -- more likely to be sitting on the table (or the refrigerator) than in his chair -- was worthy of high expectations. She also knew that he could easily miss achieving them if she didn't find the right key to unlock his capacity to learn. Carol found volumes of information on how to recognize the challenges in ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) children, how to manage them, how to discipline them, and how to accept them. But no one told her how to teach her son math tomorrow. In her search for solutions, she developed techniques that are not only fun for all children, but highly successful with any child who struggles with focus.
All children want to learn, but so often we give students a key to unlock their understanding of a new concept only to discover that it was the wrong key. The question then becomes, WHAT NOW? Carol Barnier delivers a fresh and demystifying approach to learning styles. You'll find answers and so much more. You, the newly energized "Keeper of the Keys," will now have access to the following ideas that will help you find the right key to unlock a love of learning in your K-12th grade child:
Next, look at these questions which it make easier to sort out learning styles.
3 Questions about Homeschool Learning Styles
Determine what your children like and don’t like and then you can see ways to teach that fits their learning style.
1. Does my child learn best by hands-on, auditory, or workbook?
For example, if you have a child that learns best by hands-on, should you waste your time looking JUST at workbooks?
Next, what is your idea of success in homeschool is another one to think about.
2. How Will I Define Success for my homeschooled child?
For instance, do you think completing workbooks equates to master?
Or, do you feel open-ended learning without a clear cut answer is better?
Then again, do you want to combine the two types of approaches.
Finally, what subjects do you consider more important to the success of your child?
3. Which subjects are more important to your family?
To illustrate, some families are more sports minded, some natured minded and yet others academic minded.
Different learning styles puts emphasis on some subjects above others.
You’ll want to know what is important to you so you can make an informed choice.
Why Your Child’s Learning Personality is Important
Because teaching styles are only part of choosing curriculum easily, I’ve included a link to my online course Identifying Your Homeschooled Childs Learning Personality.

- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.
Too, don’t forget to grab my book above chock full of teaching tips.

Then look at some of these other helpful tips on homeschool learning style resources.
Other Homeschool Learning Style Resources
- How to Fuse Personality and Learning Styles to Choose the BEST Homeschool Curriculum
- Mega List of Workbook Style Homeschool Curriculum For K to 12 Kids
- 3 Veteran’s Superb Tips to Understand Homeschool Learning Style Differences
- 6 Easy Ways to Identify the Charlotte Mason Homeschool Style
- How to Determine the Best Learning Style Approach for Your Child?
- What Are the Homeschool Top Main 5 Learning Styles
- Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- Discovering Learning Styles
- How Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- 35+ Best Homeschool Curriculum By Learning Style (free printable)
- How Homeschool Learning Styles Helps You to Accept Each Childs Differences
- What Are the Top 5 Homeschool Styles
Finally, look the different homeschool learning styles.
What Are The 5 Learning Styles
Look below at the 5 learning styles or homeschool approaches.
1. Unit Study Approach for Families Who Want Free Exploration
2. Workbook Approach for Families Who Want Memory Work and Workbooks
3. Classical Approach for Families Who Put Emphasis on Learning from Ancient Minds of the Past
4. Charlotte Mason Approach for Families Who Nurture a Love of Nature and Living Books
5. Unschooling Approach for Families Who Want Child-Led Learning Without Bounds
Tapping into the way a child prefers to learn is essential to success.
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