This is a more unique take on a Paul Bunyan craft that recreates that wildly popular Minecraft pixel art style.
Grab your crayons or colored pencils and some graph paper.
And let’s recreate this larger-than-life folk hero as if he were lurking about online in the Minecraft world.

Essentially, we are going to create our own color by number type craft to color in.
If you are somehow unfamiliar with Minecraft it is very simply a video game where players can explore, build, and create anything they can imagine.
The game is set in a world made up of blocks, and players can use these blocks to create structures, tools, and even entire worlds.
Minecraft has two main modes: Survival and Creative.
In Survival mode, players must gather resources, build shelters, and defend themselves from hostile mobs.
In Creative mode, players have unlimited resources and the ability to fly, which allows them to focus on building and creating without having to worry about survival.
What I like about Minecraft is its creativity, educational value, and the social aspects as kids can play together in each other’s worlds.
Fun Books for Kids About American Folk Tales
First, look at some of these fun books to grab when learning about American folk tales.
7 American Frontier Legends Books & Resources
Choose a favorite American frontier legends movie and book.
Travis falls through a magical portal which transports him to the world of American hero Paul Bunyan and his big, blue, talking ox, Babe
In 1826 an undersized sixteen-year-old apprentice ran away from a saddle maker in Franklin, Missouri, to join one of the first wagon trains crossing the prairie on the Santa Fe Trail. Kit Carson (1809–68) wanted to be a mountain man, and he spent his next sixteen years learning the paths of the West, the ways of its Native inhabitants, and the habits of the beaver, becoming the most successful and respected fur trapper of his time.
A young boy's imagination summons cowboy legend Pecos Bill; who helps him save the family farm from a greedy land-grabber.
You want girl power? Meet Annie Oakley! Born in 1860, she became one of the best-loved and most famous women of her generation. She amazed audiences all over the world with her sharpshooting, horse-riding, action-packed performances. In an age when most women stayed home, she traveled the world and forged a new image for American women.
Fess Parker stars as one of the West's most iconic figures in Season One of Daniel Boone.
Climb aboard for a rip-roaring adventure with Davy Crockett.
The real-life adventures of William F. Cody, alias Buffalo Bill, whose exploits as a frontiersman were exaggerated and immortalized by writer Ned Buntline in his pulp stories.
Also, look at some facts about Paul Bunyan.
Paul Bunyan is a mythical American Folk Tale hero of epic proportions.
Who Was Paul Bunyan
Legend says that he was born in Maine in the 1830s.
He was the son of a logger and a giantess.
Paul grew up to be even bigger than his parents, and he soon became known for his strength and skill with an ax.
Paul Bunyan worked as a lumberjack in the forests of the Midwest.
It was said that he was so strong that he could fell an entire forest in a single day.
Additionally, he was so skilled with an ax that he could cut down a tree with just one swing.
Paul Bunyan was a kind and helpful giant.
Bunyan often used his strength to help others, such as building bridges and roads, and clearing land for farms. He was also a great friend to animals, and he often rescued them from danger.
He represents the American pioneer spirit of hard work, ingenuity, and helpfulness.
Also, he is also a reminder that even the biggest and strongest among us can be kind and gentle.

Paul Bunyan’s legend has been told and retold for generations. He has appeared in books, movies, and even video games.
He is a beloved figure who represents the best of what America has to offer.
In addition, look at these other Paul Bunyan crafts.
Paul Bunyan Craft Ideas and Resources
- Check out my American Frontier Legends and Hero Paul Bunyan Blue Ox Craft.
- Kids will love this DIY No Sew Axes For Ax Toss Game and it can be counted as physical education.
- Another craft idea is this Easy How to Draw Paul Bunyan Tutorial and Paul Bunyan Coloring Page with step-by-step instructions.
- Make a lumberjack breakfast for sensory play, it goes along perfectly with a Paul Bunyan theme and can even be a great starter for talking about the importance of food as fuel.
- Keep it simple with a Tall Tales:Paul Bunyan coloring sheet.
Finally, look at how to make this Paul Bunyan craft with graph paper.
Paul Bunyan Craft With Graph Paper
If you are doing this craft with younger children, you can go with 1×1” graph paper and keep it simpler.
Challenge older kids to put more detail in there and use a smaller grid like ½”.
The smaller grid you go with the more detail that you will be able to put in it.
You will need:
- Graph paper
- Crayons or colored pencils

First, figure out your design, will you do a full body portrait or just his face.
With this design you are going to keep it very simple.
We went with an almost full picture and included his cute ox friend blue peeking in as well.
To give it a real Paul Bunyan look you want to include some features like a beard and a flannel shirt of course- think the bounty paper towel guy.
After you have decided on a general design choose your colors and lightly mark with a letter or a dot where each should go.

We did a few half boxes from corner to corner to create a little shape, but you can stick with the squares if you like.
Start simply by creating the body shape first.
And work your way out from there.
Once you have all your boxes marked, color them in completely.

Once your basic figure has been colored in you can go back and add a few details like eyes.

Now don’t let this be just an art or history lesson.
Use your design to figure out the perimeter and area of the space used and work in some math as well.