I’m so excited about this newest form which is part of my 7 Step Homeschool Planner. It’s the beautiful and super helpful read aloud tracking time homeschool form.

Reading Aloud Tracking Time
As much as we love to read in our home, I love having a way to track read aloud time.
Not only am I interested in varying the diet of our read aloud books, but I like to know how much time we actually spend reading aloud.
Whether you live in an area that requires some record keeping or you want validation for your reading aloud efforts, you’ll love this newest form.
Besides having a way to track read aloud time in 15 minute increments, there are many color options.
Look at these unique features of the reading aloud tracking time form:
- A year tracking form
- Two page spread to view 12 months at a glance
- Each day can be tracked in 15 minute increments
- Place to mark book types or genre
- Place to note total monthly time spent reading aloud
- 4 different color schemes so you can use different colors each year
- 8 pages to mix and match
- Space to note thoughts or progress at the end of 6 months

Guess what? You can grab it today!
You’ll love these other reads:
- Free Homeschool Colorful Reading Journal to Motivate Kids
- How to Transition a Child From Reading to Literature
- 6 Boy Approved Books Which Spark the Love of Reading
- 5 Easy Steps to Putting Together Your Own Homeschool Phonics Program
- 6 Tricks for the Kid That’s NOT in Love with Reading!
Hugs and love ya,