When choosing workbook style homeschool curriculum, some families don’t realize they are choosing a homeschool learning style.
Homeschool learning styles are not the first things some families understand about homeschooling.
However, all curriculum or resources are divided into homeschool learning styles.

Once you know which learning style fits your family best, it’s easier to conquer the overwhelm of choosing homeschool curriculum.
What is the workbook homeschool learning style or approach?
Basically, it’s the traditional homeschool approach which includes workbooks.
Workbook Style Homeschool Curriculum
Further, understanding what is traditional homeschool curriculum ensures that you’re making the right decision for your homeschool.
Too, not only will you save hundreds of dollars by not buying the wrong curriculum, but you meet your homeschool goals.
So, the workbook style or traditional homeschool approach has these characteristics.
- A workbook, textbook, or worktext can be used for one subjects or combined subjects in an all-in-one.
- Normally, these workbooks are written for a classroom setting although many more have popped up since the pandemic for instruction at home. However, their main underlying use is still to teach a group.
- They are divided up by grade so that children are studying what other children their grade level are studying.
- Some workbooks have teacher’s manuals, answer keys and sometimes test so they are designed for a drill and kill approach.
- Some new homeschoolers like using workbooks because it gives them a sense of security because it’s what they used in public school

In addition, some families choose a traditional homeschool approach because they work and may need the accountability for their kids.
In addition, some states have stricter homeschool laws than other states, and it may make it easier for record keeping.
Also, look Big Ol’ List of All-In-One Homeschool Curriculum (a.k.a Boxed) if you’re wanting a traditional curriculum put together already.
Why Your Child’s Learning Personality is Important
Because teaching styles are only part of choosing curriculum easily, I’ve included a link to my online course Identifying Your Homeschooled Child’s Learning Personality.
- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.
Other Homeschool Learning Style Resources
- 6 Easy Ways to Identify the Charlotte Mason Homeschool Style
- How to Determine the Best Learning Style Approach for Your Child?
- What Are the Homeschool Top Main 5 Learning Styles
- Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- Discovering Learning Styles
- How Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- 35+ Best Homeschool Curriculum By Learning Style (free printable)
- How Homeschool Learning Styles Helps You to Accept Each Child’s Differences
- What Are the Top 5 Homeschool Styles
- Homeschooling: Learning Styles – What’s the Difference anyway?
In addition, it’s important to know what is a workbook versus a worktext.

A worktext is different from a workbook although they may appear similar.
The Difference Between Workbook and Worktext
Unlike a workbook, worktext does some teaching right in the workbook.
Worktext are great for teaching kids to be independent. You don’t have to do all the teaching.
Usually some background information along with activities are all built into the lesson plan. I t’s like having the textbook and workbook in one spot.
Furthermore, a worktext teaches by example, models, and illustrations. A worktext not only has a place for your student to record his work, but gives explanations, samples, and even background information right in the book. It’s like writing in a textbook.
I have one kid that really likes that concept.
Now, that you have a better description of the workbook or traditional homeschool approach look at these lists I’ve created.
This first list has middle school and high school workbooks.
Middle and High School Workbook Style Homeschool Curriculum
Too, some series of workbooks works great across the boards for many grade levels.

Look at these series of workbooks below which normally cover many subjects and many grades.
- Carson Dellosa
- The Mark Twain media series of books are beautiful for geography and history especially, have other subjects and loved by older kids.
- Spectrum is another loved series with multiple subjects and grades.
- Evan-Moor too has multiple subjects and grades and has been around for a long time. Many homeschoolers have used them to supplement or as stand alone.
- MacGraw-Hill is another timeless favorite especially for language arts.
- Kumon is also one loved for younger kids too.
Now at some of these beautiful resources for middle and high school kids.
Workbook Style Curriculum for Middle School & High School
Although not all workbooks style curriculum will have enough content mixing and matching curriculum at this age will benefit your children the most.
Poetry is a universal art form, and a deep communication of the world around us. The Art of Poetry is an excellent upper school curriculum. It will teach how to read a poem, and introduce students to the many elements and forms of poetry. The book is rich with examples from many sources, including their explication. A biography of each poet is included, along with an audio CD of many of the poems.
The Writing With Skill series has a target audience of 5th through 9th graders
This is the fun way to learn new vocabulary! These popular, easy-to-use detective cases are suitable for Grades 5 – 12+. The vocabulary in these mysteries were gathered from a multitude of sources including SAT and ACT word lists and the author’s reading selections.
This comprehensive 184-page book uses fun examples and logical reasons to eliminate the confusion students often feel while learning the mechanics of language.This book demonstrates and reinforces why each language rule is important. Lessons begin with a "grabber"–a humorous miscommunication that results when a rule is broken. Examples are followed by an explanation of the specific rule, the logic behind it, then guided and independent practice.Includes presentation and reinforcement suggestions, answers, a glossary, and a compare/contrast organizer.
Eighth graders will be able to gain a firm grasp on grammar and word usage when they work on the Evan-Moor Daily Language Review Grade 8 Teacher s Edition workbook each day.
This engaging series provides students with opportunities to sharpen their critical-thinking skills with short, original detective stories. Each reproducible story contains plenty of clues and information along with comprehension activities and a puzzle to solve. R
Help your middle grade child build proficiency in US history and AP us history with the activity-packed Mark Twain American History Workbook!
American History Books are a great way for children to have a thorough understanding of a people’s history of the United States from 1607-1865 through focused lessons and practice.
Tell tales to students in grades 5 and up using Greek and Roman Mythology! This 128-page book includes reproducible activities that develop higher-level thinking skills through mythological stories, maps, charts, crossword puzzles, quizzes, and worksheets. The book covers topics such as mythology, geography, history, and creative writing. Students love learning about these fascinating tales!
Connect students in grades 5 and up with science using Astronomy: Our Solar System and Beyond. This 80-page book reinforces scientific techniques. It includes teacher pages that provide quick overviews of the lessons and student pages with Knowledge Builders and Inquiry Investigations that can be completed individually or in groups.
Language Arts workbooks are a great way for kids to learn basic skills such as vocabulary acquisition, grammar, writing mechanics, and more through a variety of activities that are both fun AND educational!
Provide sixth grade teachers and parents with 180 daily practice activities to build and gauge students' reading comprehension and word study skills, writing proficiency, and mathematical fluency.
Level H, Grade 8. Spelling Workout has all the components you need to lead students from simple sound-letter relationships to more complex spelling patterns.
Students learn spelling skills based on phonics through unique, cross-curricular reading passages, practice, and high-interest writing activities. Packed with flexible lessons, motivating activites, including fun riddles and puzzles, this dynamic program leads students to spelling success!
Jump In, 2nd Edition retains the step-by-step features of the first edition and its conversational style, along with some humor to ease the fright of writing! Students master the art of writing paragraphs, different types of paragraphs, topic sentences, and main ideas (thesis statements).
Does your learner need help with writing paragraphs?
The How to Write an Awesome Paragraph Step-by-Step workbook teaches your students how to write a strong paragraph using a foolproof step-by-step process.
Each incremental lesson teaches one step and contains practice examples to build skill and confidence.
This manual contains interesting lab experiments that use minimal equipment, as well as a wide range of activities similar to the projects in the textbook. These activities guide students to experience phenomena before they quantify the same phenomena in a follow-up laboratory experiment.
World Geography is a study of the six basic geographic regions of the world: chapter one, North America; chapter two, South America; chapter three, Europe; chapter four, Africa; chapter five, Asia; and chapter six, Oceania.
"World History Detective can be used as a standards-based, stand-alone textbook, a resource of supplemental activities to enrich another textbook, or as a review course for older students. Students begin by analyzing a lesson. Next, they apply critical thinking skills to answer multiple choice and short essay questions.
Volume 1 of the Learn Math Fast System teaches how to add, subtract, multiply and divide with a unique approach. Includes all lessons, worksheets and tests. The Answer Key is in the back of the book. The methods used make it possible for students to advance several grade levels in just one year. Younger students can get up to third grade level in just one school year. Older kids can relearn 1st to 3rd grade math in a month or two, and adults can read the whole book in about a week.
This is a full language arts course for the middle school student. It includes 120 language arts lessons in literature, grammar, vocabulary, writing, spelling, and language usage. This course book contains parts of novels and full stories from classic literature found in the public domain
This 80-page book teaches students how to diagram sentences so they see the underlying structure of English grammar. Diagramming sentences gives many visual and logical learners an alternative way to learn grammar. Students who understand the finer points of English grammar will apply this knowledge to their writing.
Poetry Comprehension for grades 6 to 8 focuses on the reading standards for ELA to help your students improve comprehension skills. With this book, students will acquire and apply the skills necessary for analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating poetry
Spectrum’s algebra workbook is a great way for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders to learn essential algebra skills such as algebraic equations, graphing, rational and irrational numbers, and more through a variety of problem-solving activities that are both fun AND educational!
• Ages 11-18, Grades 6-12
• 128 pages, 8 ½ inches x 10 ½ inches
• Covers genetics, atoms, elements, compounds and bonds, and more
• Features self quizzes and practice pages
• Key word definitions and answer key included
SCIENCE MATTERS: Give your students the reinforcement they need with the 128-page comprehensive Biology Workbook for grades 6–12. Designed to aid in the review and practice of biology topics such as matter and atoms, cells, classifying animals, genetics, plant and animal structures, human body systems, and ecological relationships, this book includes realistic diagrams and engaging activities to support practice in all areas of biolog
The Science Book: Everything You Need to Know About the World and How It Works encapsulates centuries of scientific thought in one volume. Natural phenomena, revolutionary inventions, scientific facts, and the most up-to-date questions are all explained in detailed text that is complemented by visually arresting graphics.
Sixth Grade Spelling Workbook for kids ages 11-12
Support your child’s educational journey with Spectrum Grade 6 Spelling Workbook that teaches basic grammar and vocabulary skills to 6th grade students.
Sixth Grade Spelling Workbooks are a great way for students to learn basic language arts skills such as Greek and Latin root words, diphthongs, handwriting practice, and more through a variety of activities that are both fun AND educational!
Seventh Grade Science Book for kids ages 12-13
Support your child’s educational journey with Spectrum Seventh Grade Science Workbook that teaches basic science skills to 7th grade students.
Seventh Grade Workbooks are a great way for middle school students to learn essential science skills surrounding space, life science, Earth science, science and technology, and more through a variety of activities that are both fun AND educational!
Ultimate writing success - Guided Cursive Handwriting Workbook for Tweens/Teens/Young Adults to work on their writing penmanship skillsPractice Tracing Positive Affirmations & Inspiring Quotes to instil a sense of well being, Poems & Speeches to Inspire as you work on mastering cursive!
Get plenty of practice with this Cursive Penmanship Workbook with 100+ pages of practice starting with writing the alphabet and progressing to writing words & sentences.This workbook is for tweens, teens and young adults who are looking to build cursive writing skills. Get over 100 pages of practice supported by easy illustrated dot to dot method to make learning cursive fun and easy.
Learn grammar easy and enjoyable while ensuring that students achieve mastery. Concepts are presented with the most basic skill first, and skills build for ease in understanding.
From the Anglo-Saxons to the Renaissance, from chivalrous knights to Genghis Khan, students will improve their knowledge of medieval times while learning to write with Structure and Style. This theme-based writing curriculum offers a full year of instruction for students in grades 6–8 and is perfect for homeschoolers.
A unique geography program designed for students pursuing a classical education, Geography I covers the area that constituted the ancient Roman Empire. Each region is explored in its historical context in 'History's Headlines' as well as in the present in 'Tour of Today'. Your student will learn countries and capitals of today and relate them to the ancient lands of the Greeks and Romans, deepening his understanding of both the past and the present.
Although we like to teach geography as it relates to our studies if you prefer a geography textbook, this award-winning one year curriculum for 6th grade-high school is a good choice. Focuses on physical geography providing the basis for learning the fundamentals of geography. The student map workbook is designed for mapping and memorization of every country and its capital. -Geography Matters
Next, I’ve roundup workbooks for the younger grades too.
Keep in mind to look at the whole series if you find one type of workbook or worktext you like.
Workbook Style Curriculum for Kindergarten to Elementary
Some kids learn better through workbook type of curriculum.
You'll love this selection to either supplement your curriculum or use stand alone.
Our Sticker Activity Books use engaging and fun activities to introduce children to concepts in science and geography. Each activity is carefully matched with learning goals to promote both enjoyment and understanding. Through stickering, coloring, mazes, and more, children develop a love of learning about their world.
Give your child a boost in all school subjects with Words for School, the newest series in our Verbal Skills line. Each Words for School Workbook teaches your child to read and write essential vocabulary for math, science, social studies, and language arts, enhancing your child’s reading and writing fluency and building confidence.
The '180 Days of Reading' offers a purposeful, daily practice that will engage kindergarten students throughout the school year. Crafted with fun and learning, the interactive activities provide children an ideal environment to focus on reading with quick learning activities, focusing on vocabulary and fluency skills. Great for homeschooling or learning in classrooms, these workbooks also help kids retain educational knowledge during the summer or stay-at-home learning.
- This workbook helps build students' skills for reading complex texts, where they gain regular practice through quick diagnostic-based activities.
- It entails practice activities to build and gauge students' reading comprehension and word study skills.
- Data-driven assessment tips are also provided, and the Teacher Resource CD included has assessment analysis resources.
WORKBOOK FEATURES:• Ages 7–8, Grade 2• 544 pages, 8.4 inches x 10.9 inches• Math topics include: fractions, multiplication, division, measuring, and more• Improve reading comprehension, spelling, grammar and fluency• Includes answer key and progression tracking pages
Discover fun facts about the natural world in the company of the Berenstain Bears and their friend, Professor Actual Factual, the foremost bear scientist of his time! This treasury of knowledge includes a complete almanac of the seasons and intriguing information about animals, plants, insects, and fish — plus fun for the whole family with simple science projects.
Explode the Code 4 Books SET: Book 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Essential Lessons for Phonics Mastery) [Paperback]
Spectrum Grade 4 Language Arts Workbook for kids ages 9-10
Support your child’s educational journey with Spectrum’s Language Arts 4th Grade Workbook that teaches basic language arts skills to 4th grade students.
Grammar workbooks are a great way for kids to learn basic skills such as vocabulary acquisition, grammar and usage, sentence types, and more through a variety of activities that are both fun AND educational!
Kindergarteners just want to have fun! My Kindergarten Math Workbook is bursting with age-appropriate math lessons designed to entertain kids ages 5 to 6. With plenty of games and activities, this workbook will engage their brains so they absorb number knowledge as they play.
Introduce geography and spatial skills with colorful activities for kids ages 5 to 6
Encourage kids’ natural curiosity about the world with puzzles and games that help them learn geography! My Kindergarten Geography Workbook gets them started with social studies and geography for kids through activities like matching animals to their habitats and learning right from left. With practice in maps and navigation, Kindergarteners will discover a huge variety of geography exercises that help them learn while they play.
Games and activities to make phonics fun for ages 4 to 6
Building phonics skills is the first step to reading success―and now it’s F-U-N too! My Phonics Workbook is full of age-appropriate exercises and educational games to teach kids the pre-reading skills they’ll need for kindergarten.
With full-color pages featuring a collection of imaginative characters, this phonics workbook is an engaging, interactive way to introduce young children to the world of letters and their sounds. Each entertaining lesson paves the way for your little one to become an enthusiastic reader!
It’s fun to be smart! Loved by kids, teacher approved, and parent trusted, Brain Quest Grade 5 Workbook reviews and reinforces what kids are learning in the classroom in an instantly engaging, entertaining way. Each page is jam packed with hands-on activities and games covering spelling and vocabulary, language arts, math skills and word problems, multiplication and division, fraction and decimals, social studies, and much, much more—with friendly illustrations throughout.
Students who gain more confidence while reading are sure to more fully enjoy their time spent reading, which makes the Evan-Moor Daily Reading Comprehension, Grade 6 Teaching Supplement a perfect complement to both traditional and homeschooling classrooms. Sixth graders will learn how to employ numerous reading strategies that help them identify themes, main ideas, characters and settings in reading passages. We use more than 150 original fiction and nonfiction works to keep gr. 6 children engaged. Even reluctant grade six readers will have fun completing the activities in our reading workbook, learning to love reading in the process.
All About Money - Business - Economics For Kids & Teens - Ages 10+
In order to be successful in business we must understand how money works! This practical and fun workbook is packed with fascinating information and learning prompts. The activities and lessons will help students to understand money, business, economics, government, and so much more.
Students will study how money works and how the government influences the economy. this book is current! Students will also research topics such as how the COVID-19 Pandemic is impacting the United States and the world today. They will also look into historic events that changed the country such as the Great Depression. In order to understand the future, we must learn from the past. In order to succeed we must understand why so many businesses fail, and why others thrive even in hard times. It is also vital for students to understand how different forms of government can have a negative or positive influence on the economy of a region.
The Mark Twain U.S. History Puzzles book enhances social studies with activities such as crosswords, word searches, and quizzes. A fun way to teach students about early settlements and global wars, this middle school U.S. history book uses puzzle-based activities to present significant events.
Correlated to meet current state standards, the U.S. History Puzzles book helps students focus on significant topics and events in America’s past, including:
-the expansion of the United States
-American involvement in global wars
-the increasing role of industrialization and technology
Practicing grammar skills has never been so easy! Perfect for classroom or at-home use, this exciting ready-to-use resource provides invaluable reinforcement and practice with key grammar topics such as:
- sentence types
- parts of speech
- common and proper nouns
- sentence structure
- verb tenses
- subject-verb agreement
- punctuation
• Ages 8–9, Grade 3• 544 pages, 8.4 inches x 10.9 inches• Math topics include: fractions, multiplication, division, decimals, rounding, and more• Reading and writing topics include: parts of speech, words with suffixes, sentence structure and more with informative reading passages• Includes answer key and progression tracking pages
Make it funny, poetic, scary, silly or action-packed. Go wherever your imagination takes you. When you’re done, you’ll have a unique book full of stories only you and your friends could have ever invented.
- 20 stories we write together, in a variety of styles
- Beautiful color illustrations
- A fun way for children to develop their reading, writing and storytelling abilities
- Superheroes, sports, aliens, and more!
- 8.5 inches wide x 11 inches high
- Paperback, 56 pages, thick pages to write and draw on
- A keepsake filled with your collective imagination
- Perfect for homeschooling, or as an after-school weekend family activity
This comprehensive line of workbooks was developed through a partnership with Harcourt Family Learning, a leading educational publisher. Based on national teaching standards for Grade 6, this workbook provides complete practice in math, reading, and other key subject areas. New content includes an introduction to STEM concepts and terms, how STEM impacts everyday life, concept review quiz, and fun, engaging projects that reinforce the subjects. Flash Kids Complete Curriculum Grade 6 also includes a new introduction providing recommendations for educators on how to use this volume to differentiate lessons in the classroom and instructions to integrate the content into hybrid and remote learning.
Each volume contains complete instructions and materials to make three different books with pockets, based on a topic pertinent to the month, and utilizing items and information you have readily available.The three topics for June and examples of the activities that go in the pockets:
Spelling Workout has all the components you need to lead students from simple sound-letter relationships to more complex spelling patterns.
Students learn spelling skills based on phonics through unique, cross-curricular reading passages, practice, and high-interest writing activities. Packed with flexible lessons, motivating activites, including fun riddles and puzzles, this dynamic program leads students to spelling success!
Start with interactive and entertaining exercises that cover the essential first grade science and problem-solving skills. Then, apply what you’ve learned in exciting hands-on tinkering, making, and engineering activities that utilize only common household materials. Plus, the charming cast of characters, the MotMots, guide kids through every new concept with cheer and humor. Once you've completed the workbook, unbox a collectible magnet badge hidden in the back cover!
The ultimate 6th-grade workbook, with hundreds of curriculum-based activities, exercises, and games in every subject!It’s fun to be smart! Loved by kids, teacher approved, and parent trusted,Brain Quest 6th Grade Workbookreviews and reinforces what kids are learning in the classroom in an instantly engaging, entertaining way. Each page is jam packed with hands-on activities and games covering language arts, multiplication and division, ratios and proportions, statistics and probability, social studies, science, and much, much more—with friendly illustrations throughout.