There are so many great ideas for fall arts and crafts for kids. Also, you’ll love my page Fall Season Unit Study {Pumpkins, Leaves, Corn, & More}.
Fall crafts offer a wonderful creative outlet and opportunities for learning about nature, seasons, fall foods, animals, and various artistic techniques to try.
These 20 fall-inspired crafts not only engage your child’s creativity but also have valuable learning experiences.

From learning about the natural world to developing fine motor skills, these activities provide a nature-minded approach to homeschooling.
Whether you’re teaching young children or teenagers these fall craft ideas can be tailored to suit various grade levels and skill sets.
So, grab your art supplies, think about fall, and let the autumn creativity flow in your homeschooling journey!
8 Facts About Acorns
First, here are a few facts about acorns.
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is always fascinating to me that massive oak trees come from tiny little acorns that fall off them as if they were just castoffs.
But with plenty of sun, water, and soil they have the potential to grow into the next towering oak.
Here are 8 intriguing facts about acorns to help you understand this underrated little nut.
- Acorns have 3 parts- the cupule, the hard outer shell, the cap, and a kernel, the seed that is inside protected by the cupule.
- Besides squirrels, some of the animals that eat acorns are birds like jays, pigeons, some species of ducks, and several types of woodpeckers. Also you may not have known that mammals like mice, opossums, chipmunks, deer, raccoons, foxes, badgers, and wild pigs forage for acorns.
- Besides food, acorns contribute to nutrient cycling, as those uneaten by animals decompose and enrich the forest’s soil.
- Acorns were a traditional food of many indigenous peoples of North America. They were a good source of food. They did not have to be processed immediately, but could be stored for long time periods.
- There are more acorns produced on oak trees annually than all the region’s other nut trees together, wild or cultivated.
- The average oak produces roughly 2,000 acorns per year. And about 10 million acorns are produced by an oak tree during its entire lifetime.
- Acorns vary in size and shape, it can take 6 to 24 months to mature depending on the species of oak.
- The oak tree is recognized as the national tree of the United States, the English oak specifically.

Also, you’ll love some of these ideas below.
Fun Fall Arts And Crafts For Kids
20 Fun Fall Crafts For Kids
Fall crafts offer a wonderful creative outlet and opportunities for learning about nature, seasons, fall foods, animals, and various artistic techniques to try.
These sweet and simple pumpkins are just the right activity for fall. As we’re seeing so many fun and festive pumpkins displayed on steps and front porches in our neighborhood, crafting these Beaded Pipe Cleaner Pumpkins is a great way to recreate all the many shapes pumpkins can take!
Add some of these fall wood crafts to your crafting homeschool day.
Owls always feel like fall to me, but this craft is great for any time of the year. Might be fun to do during a science unit about birds.
I have sweet Johnny Appleseed cookies and some facts about Johnny Appleseed. Also, you’ll love some facts on my page Apple Lapbook and Apple Unit Study.
Do your kids love sensory bottles, glitter jars, or glitter bottles? Our homemade fall glitter jars can be reinvented each season or holiday for a fun and creative sensory activity.
From leaf rubbings to salt painting, I also have a list of 10 more fall leaf crafts for preschoolers for you to choose from.
Choose one or more of these crafts to add to your fall fun and learning in addition to our felt leaf craft.
I initially thought this tissue paper pumpkin art would be a hit with my three-year-old. The unexpected was that he dipped out, and my five-year-old and almost seven-year-old swooped right in!
Your teens will enjoy making these fall diy crafts as much as they’ll enjoy using them. Also, look at my page Free Fall Unit Study Ideas– For Older Kids Too.
Today we're continuing with the theme of easy fall crafts. Couple of days ago I shared this really beautiful Sewn Leaf Art project that I made with my preschooler. Today I just wanted to share this gorgeous folded paper leaf banner.
When the weather is cooler use it to teach your children about all the beauty of autumn.
Fall is our favorite season of all, but looking around our site, you might not realize that because we don’t have very many fall-themed crafts!
If they love creating adorable crafts on a budget here are 10 more Dollar Tree crafts for them to make to keep or give as gifts.
Fall Windsock Craft for Kids -Easy fall craft for preschoolers!
Celebrate the beautiful colors of the fall season with this simple fall windsock craft. Toddlers and preschoolers will love watching the red, yellow and orange colors of the season catch in the wind after making their craft.
Your kids will love this fun stained glass fall leaves craft. Too, you can add this activity to my huge fall unit study.
Nothing says the fall season quite like an old pickup truck straight from the farm. Except maybe pumpkins. That’s why we’ve loaded our Craft Stick Fall Truck Craft with giant pumpkins! Perfect for fall!
If your kids love dried apple crafts, they’ll love this fun fall shrunken head apple activity. Add this hands-on craft to my fall unit apple study.
If you are hesitant but want to give it a try, then, today’s tutorial is the place to start.
This fall watercolor painting goes great with a pumpkin unit study.
After you finish jumping in a pile of colorful fall leaves, bring a few inside and get to crafting this darling Paper Plate Leaf Turkey Craft! Such a great way to commemorate the fall season,
This fall leaf chalk pastel art for kids is just gorgeous! The chalk pastels on black paper look like they are glowing and using this simple technique makes this art project perfect for kids of all ages.