I have 15 Star Wars DIY projects for your house full of Star War lovers. I even have a Star Wars cool soap activity. Also, look at these 15 Star Wars STEM Activities Ideas | Fun Flashlight Science and DIY Lightsaber.
Star Wars transcends ages and generations, and all walks of life. It has been a classic since it first launched on May 25th, 1977.

I am covering crafts from every age group from preschool to high school and every series from the original trilogy to Mandalorian.
5 Fun Star Wars Facts
- The word “Ewok” was never actually used at any point in Return of the Jedi. Rather when the toys came out they were named as Ewoks.
- Yoda’s original name was going to be Buffy, in the original script it was Minch Yoda.
- There is a small Polynesian island called Niue, 1,500 miles off the coast of New Zealand where collectible Star Wars coins are accepted as legal tender.
- Theaters were not excited about showing Star Wars, as a matter of fact less than 40 theaters agreed to book showings of Star Wars when it was released before Memorial Day.
- Han Solo’s most memorable line was ad-libbed, you know the part where Princess Leia says “ I love you” and he responds back with “ I know”- totally unscripted.

Star Wars DIY Projects
Next at these fun Star Wars activities.
15 Out of This World Star Wars DIY Projects
There are ideas here for all ages and to make your fun Star Wars themed unit study come to life.
This Chewbacca pencil holder is easy to put together and could easily turn into a plant holder, treat holder, or mini light saber holder. The sky is the limit, or should we say the universe?
These cute Star Wars garden pots are super easy to make – you just have to have a confident hand and about half an hour to spare.
I have some Star Wars STEM Activities for May 4th. Also, look at National STEM Day – Popsicle Sticks for Creative DIY STEM Projects for more stem ideas.
Learn how to make a Noodle Lightsaber with this step-by-step tutorial. An Easy DIY Star Wars Craft that is fun for all ages! Make your own Light Saber!
You won't need the force to make these awesome Star Wars painted rocks!
Here’s a fun Star Wars craft to do with the kids for May the Fourth Be With You (Star Wars Day) or any day! We absolutely love rock painting over here, and we needed some Star Wars inspired rocks to add to our collection
This is a big week for Star Wars fans every where including myself, my son, and my husband! I made these fun and easy, glowing light saber sensory bottles for my son to enjoy.
Is there anything cuter than Baby Yoda? Your little Star Wars fans will love making this paper plate Baby Yoda craft after watching another exciting episode of the Mandalorian!
Jabba the Hutt lives in a palace on the planet Tattoine where he runs a criminal empire and has a bounty out for Han Solo. Jabba is eventually defeated by our heroes, but nonetheless his shape and appearance are perfect for molding from salt dough!
Lightsaber Bookmarks: easily make these Star Wars themed bookmarks!
Keep your place in your favorite books by making glittery lightsabers in different colors! These lightsaber bookmarks are great for home or school.
If you have a little Star Wars fan in the house you are going to want to make this adorable No Sew Chewbacca Pillow. If you are concerned about it being played with roughly and not holding up you can easily use these directions and just sew it up quickly on the machine.You will be pleasantly surprised how quick and easy this cute little wookie is to put together.
This Star Wars R2-D2 craft was a big hit with my son and he doesn’t usually like crafts. He was very proud of the R2-D2 he made!
These easy DIY bead bracelet ideas are perfect for Star Wars fans to wear on May the 4th or any day! Customize them for any character.
We’ve been wanting to create these for a while so STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS coming out next week and a fun group party with some other bloggers was the final push we needed to get them done. And they are SO much fun.
So, since Buddy is into Star Wars, I created a set of Star Wars-inspired nesting dolls
There’s just so much fun in this little bowl and so much educational opportunity, too. While we played, we talked about so many subjects: why the obleek had the liquid/solid properties; how the figures sunk like the x-wing did on Degoba; what pretend constellations we could make; how the food coloring worked to make that neat galaxy-like swirl.
Star Wars movies offer plenty of inspiration for an enthusiastic inventor, from homemade lightsabers and self-build droids to DIY starfighters and battle tanks
Finally, look at this fun activity to make Star Wars soap.
Star Wars DIY Projects- Star Wars Soap
You will need:
- ¼ pound melt and pour soap base
- 1 teaspoon oil- coconut, olive, palm, or castor
- 2 teaspoons beeswax pellets
- 5 drops of essential oil
- Mica powder
- A Star Wars mold shape of your choice

You will also need:
- Glass container
- Craft stick for mixing
First, cut the soap base into small squares, about 1” to help it melt faster and more evenly.

Place soap pieces into the container. When making a small batch I like to use a mason jar because it is easy to clean up and pours into the molds nicely.

Melt in the microwave in 30-second increments, it should not take more than 45- 60 seconds for this amount.

Remove from the microwave and stir in beeswax pellets and oil until well combined.
If making only one color you can stir in a small amount of mica powder at this time, if you want to make each soap a different color leave it until after the next step.

Stir in essential oil until it is your desired scent strength.

Pour into each of the molds.

Next, add a small amount of the chosen color to each mold and stir quickly with a toothpick to mix. Be sure to scrape all along the edges as well as in the center.
If you want a little more time to mix each color pour into one mold at a time and reheat until melted again. Continue until all molds are full.

Let the mold sit for several hours until cooled and completely hardened before removing from the mold.
When you remove the mold take a small knife and smooth off the excess soap.
Store in a cool dry place until ready to use. For use keep out of direct water.

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