Second grade homeschool curriculum should be fun and engaging while building on basics that your child has already learned. Also, you’ll love my page Homeschool Curriculum for more ideas and grade level curriculum.
Gone are the sweet little round cheeks of a baby and a taller leaner child is taking over.
I can assure you every phase has its joys spent with your heads leaning over a book learning new things and watching those little ‘aha!” light bulb moments come across their eyes.

At this age children can sit for longer periods of time but that still doesn’t mean they should sit at a desk or table all day long.
There is still much learning to be done through play, field trips, and fun activities.
We will include some technology and games too so that their interests continue to be explored and developed in these formative years.
Second graders are building up reading skills, continuing with print and cursive instruction, spelling, phonics, and copywork.

So, these are the skills we are going to focus on with the resources and tips I have.
Second Grade Homeschool Tips and Recommendations
- If you are not doing it already, consider beginning a morning time routine. It is such a wonderful slow start to the day. This usually includes reading aloud, music, character training, and handicrafts.
- Keep in mind that children learn different things at different rates, your second grader may be a whiz at math but hasn’t started reading yet and that’s okay. No need to sound the alarm yet unless you truly suspect a learning disability.
- While they won’t be sitting at a desk all day it is helpful to create a dedicated learning space with posters and maps to reinforce what they are learning (even if you put everything on a trifold science board instead of walls).
- Attend a homeschool convention this year if you are able to, this is the best place to see a lot of curriculum in person, hear lectures from homeschool veterans, and hang out with like-minded parents on the same journey.
- Home Learning Year by Year, Revised and Updated: How to Design a Creative and Comprehensive Homeschool Curriculum
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2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations
Second graders are building up reading skills, continuing with print and cursive instruction, spelling, phonics, and copywork.
Christian curriculum
Fun-Schooling Math Mysteries lets your child create their own math problems while they write and color their way through the basic concepts of math.
Package includes: one Teacher's Manual, one Student Packet (Activity Book, Flashcards, Stickers), and two readers.
While it may seem like it’s just dramatic play, this science experiment kit with a lab coat and more is
useable and a great way to teach young children about the importance of safety when working on labs and accuracy with measuring, etc.
Earth Science and Astronomy for the Grammar Stage provides a foundational survey of Earth science and astronomy for the elementary student. The Student Workbook includes all the pages you need for the unit projects, narrations, lab reports, and student glossary, plus review sheets. Don’t forget the Teacher Guide which lays out the plans for this study of planet Earth, the weather, rocks and fossils, the solar system, and space.
Now more than ever, other cultures are affecting our everyday lives―and our children need to learn about the other countries of the world and their history. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of other lands. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, this revised edition of The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child, Volume 2: The Middle Ages weaves world history into a story book format. Who discovered chocolate? What happened to the giant Fovor of the Mighty Blows? Why did the Ottoman Turks drag their war ships across dry land?
Your child will discover and understand new topics and curriculum-aligned exercises with every page. Objectives include familiarity with the compass rose and map grids.This second-grade workbook further unpacks geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will grow their confidence in topics like physical and political maps, and the concept of hemispheres.
Welcome to Geography: An Illustrated A-Z Glossary by B.C. Lester Books! This book takes you across the world's main landforms and biomes, each with a colorful illustration accompanied with a child-friendly definition.
What is a mesa? Or an estuary? What is the difference between a swamp and a marsh?
Let your child s imagination soar with this fascinating study of birds, bats, and flying insects. Your young zoologist will investigate the dynamics of flight, learn classification skills, keep a field journal, and explore how the design we see in flying creatures points us toward our Creator. High-flying projects for this course include building a bird feeder, working with nesting materials, and even bringing a flying insect back from the dead !
Sure to ignite curiosity about our nation's history, this Early American History Through Literature study will take you and your K-3 homeschooling students through the first Indigenous people of the Americas, the Vikings discovery of America, the exploration, colonization, settlement, and establishment of the United States. Spanning 1000 AD to the mid-1800's this course makes teaching this literature-rich curriculum easy and fun!
Workbook Features:• Ages 6-9, Grade 1-3• 32 pages, 11 inches x 8 ½ inches • Practice writing upper- and lowercase letters, number words, and more in cursive• Learn to form and connect letters together • Includes a lined practice page and an alphabet reference chart
Discover why reading aloud to your kids can make such a big difference in their lives and yours.
Learn practical strategies to make reading aloud an attainable family goal.
The stories we read--and the conversations we have about them--help shape family traditions, create lifelong memories, and become part of our legacy. Many parents can't get their children to become book-lovers. Other parents lose touch with what their child is reading.
- Proven Handwriting Learning Book - A Reason For workbooks sharpens your child's writing books
- Packed 2nd Grade Handwriting Workbook - 35+ lesson plans full of fun handwriting tips & tricks
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