These 40 awesome earth science movies for kindergarten keep science learning fun. Grab my other kindergarten tips on my kindergarten homeschool curriculum page.
First, there are three basic sciences that are generally introduced to younger children,
They are Physical Science, Earth/Space, and Life sciences.

Today l’m focusing on the wonderful and broad spectrum of Earth Science.
Earth Science can be broken down into 4 smaller sub sections.
- Geology,
- Meteorology,
- Oceanography, and
- Astronomy.
And each has a lot to teach children about the world around us.
Earth science covers natural hazards, environmental changes, fresh and salt bodies of water, earthquakes, volcanoes, tectonic activity, rocks and minerals, fossils, and the different kinds of soils.
Value of Teaching with Science Movies
Besides hands-on activities, bright and engaging videos (that are not too long) are a great way to introduce kindergarteners to various science studies.
They are especially good for things your child might not get to see up close or in person like the moon or volcanoes.
It is like a virtual field trip for kids.

Too, videos are good for all learning styles and can help you to teach a topic you may not feel prepared to handle on your own fully.
They are useful whether you use a box curriculum, unschool, or do unit studies
Geology Science Movies for Kids
First, look at these geology science movies.
Geology is the study of the physical features and history of Earth.
And this is always a fun one with especially the younger ages because they are naturally so interested in rocks.
My kids always had a pocket full of rocks that were “treasures” and kids are fascinated by volcanoes and giant glaciers.
10 Geology Videos for Young Kids
Fine one or two movies about geology to add to your day or unit study.
Learn about the Structure Of The Earth with Dr. Binocs.
Volcanoes for Kids | A fun and engaging introduction to volcanoes for children
Next, look at these meteorology videos.
Meteorology Science Movies for Kids
Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere, weather, and weather forecasting.
Besides, children can breeze into early lessons on meteorology by learning about snow, tornadoes, tools we use to read and learn about weather, and what meteorologists do to figure out weather.
10 Meteorology Videos for Young Kids
Add one or more of these videos to your day to change up.
Is that rain? Come along with Blippi on his fun walk to learn all about rain, sun, snow, rainbows for kids and more! Get your umbrellas kids its raining educational fun for kids with Blippi!
There’s all sorts of weather out there, so Squeaks and Mister Brown are playing a game show where they will learn all about the different types!
Third on my list of science movies are oceanography movies.
Oceanography Science Movies for Kids
Oceanography is the study of the ocean.
This includes the water, what’s below the water, and all of the animals that live within it.

Additionally, I have more kindergarten resources.

More Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum And Crafts
- Growing a Seed Activity For Kindergarten Science Kids Activity
- Native American Activities For Kindergarten Create A Fun Cradleboard Craft
- Rainforest Science Activities For Kindergarten Amazing and Fun Living Terrarium
- Pond Life for Kindergarten Activity Build a Fun Beaver Dam
- Easy and Fun Pine Cone Snowy Owl Winter Craft for Kindergarten
- 4 Fun and Engaging Bat Activities for Kindergarten
- Native American Crafts for Kindergarten How to Make a Kids Pinch Pot
- 10 Best Homeschool Phonics Curriculum For Kindergarten
- 15 Fun Resources For History for Kindergarten Homeschool
- 19 Fun Hands-on Rainforest Activities for Kindergarten
- Rainforest Crafts for Kindergarten: Make an Easy Paper Plate Monkey
- How to Create the Best Homeschool Schedule for Kindergarten (free printable)
- 60 Favorite Top Homeschooling Materials for Kindergarten
- 10 Affordable and Complete Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum
- How to Effortlessly Blend Kindergarten Homeschool Subjects & Life
- BEST Free Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum With A Gentle Approach (List)
- Delightful Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Which Promote a Love of Learning
Take a look at these 10 videos that give simple but engaging lessons on animals, as well as ocean names, zones, and why we can’t drink ocean water.
10 Oceanography Videos for Young Kids
Grab one or two of these videos to lean about oceans.
Finally, look at these astronomy science movies.
Astronomy Science Movies for Kids
Astronomy is the study of outer space, everything in it.
This includes planets, stars, galaxies, comets, and black holes.
These videos explore all things early astronomy from the sun, to what astronauts do, the moon, teach the names of the 8 planets, and what are stars.
10 Astronomy Videos for Young Kids
Mix and match the videos to keep your littlest leaner interested in science.
You may have dreamed of being an astronaut, or maybe that’s what you want to be when you grow up! But how do astronauts become astronauts, and what do they do when they’re in space? Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn what it takes to be an out-of-this-world explorer!
When you pair educational videos with hands-on activities kids really retain a lot of information on a subject.
Do you see a few you can add to your learning day?
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