Homeschool Planner
Additionally, to make this newest dynamic daily homeschool planner fit your needs each year, add other free pages from my original and awesome 7 Step DIY Homeschool Planner.
For example, update the dynamic daily homeschool planner each year by adding the current year a two page monthly calendar.
Furthermore, add high school planning pages or a grade keeper if you have to track grades.
Add in editable teacher and student schedules to this current planner if you have the need for it too.
Likewise if you need preschool readiness or a kindergarten evaluation, add them to this newest daily planner.
The beauty of any homeschool planner should be adding homeschool pages and adjusting the planner to your unique needs.
Your needs change each year so should your planner. My 7 Step DIY Homeschool Planner gives you control to build it each year, but I know many times you want a framework for a super flexible planner.
The Dynamic Homeschool Planner fills that need.
4 Flexible Editable Homeschool Lesson Planning Pages
Too, you’ll love the four flexible editable two page per day homeschool lesson planning pages you get with the dynamic daily homeschool planner.
Look at them below as I explain about each one.
Lesson Planning form 1.
Note: You get two pages so that you type in the editable boxes and then print as many lesson planning pages as you need.
This format is one of my original formats with space at the top to put the subjects and vertical text on left side for names of your children.
The boxes across the top can be used for the same subjects your kids cover.
It has a natural division for three kids, but you can divide the space up anyway you need.
In addition, if you want to use it for one kid just fill in the subjects across the top.
The bottom box I used for projects we do together or to note electives or subjects we learn together.

Lesson Planning form 2.
This second lesson planning has more editable boxes. It can be designed to use for one or more kids depending on how you use the boxes.
In addition, the boxes across the top can be subjects for each kid and works when your kids have various subjects and not all the same.
Remember, this is a daily planner, so you don’t need a lot of room to write in one daily lesson under each box.
Again, YOUR planner, YOU decide best how to organize your daily planner by typing in the boxes what you want.-
The bottom box I used for projects we do together or to note electives or subjects we learn together.

Lesson Planning form 3.
This next one is another color choice.
You can use one color for one set of kids and another color for your other child. In addition, you can use this color layout for half your year and another color for the second half.

Lesson Planning form 4.
Like the second lesson planning page above, you have multiple boxes and another color scheme to mix and match pages.
Your homeschool planner should be as unique and as flexible as you need it to be each year.

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