My Persia Unit Study Outline is a handy tool to help you teach or for child led learning.
There are many advantages to a unit study outline instead of a fully fleshed out study.
For example, look at these ways an outline guides your study.
- Outlines give you a clear structure.
- They help break down big tasks into manageable steps.
- Extensive lessons plans can make some kids lose focus.
- And outline keeps the main topics to be learned on topic.
- In addition, you can go down rabbit trails IF you want to. However, for some kids it can be overwhelming. You have the option to go deep or stay on topic with an outline.
- Looking at the outline at a glance is a super roadmap. Again, you can go straight to your destination or facts or stay longer on an objective.
- By listing an objective it guides you as the teacher to add your own slant.
For example, look at the topics covered in this outline.
- Introduction
- Geography and Environment
- Persian Dynasties and Key Figures
- Daily Life in Ancient Persia
- Persian Culture and Achievements
- Religion and Philosophy
- Military and Warfare
- Exploration and Interaction With Other Cultures
- Culminating Project
Each topic has two or three topics or objectives for the subject. You decide which ones to use.
And if you stay on 1 topic per week and cover all 9 topics it would equal a 9 week unit study.
Additionally, only use the objectives on the topic your child is interested in and move on to other unit studies. This would make a shorter unit study.
For example, cover the introduction and perhaps the Persian culture for younger children.
Then save the other topics for when your children are older.
You will like this unit study outline if:
- you want the freedom to flesh out topics and not be tied to day to day lesson plans
- you prefer to flesh out day to day lesson plans or do not prefer them at all and
- you want a guide for topics to study so you have a sweeping overview of the unit.
You will not like this unit study outline if:
- you want to day to day lesson plans guiding each day and worksheets and
- you don’t want to teach all your kids together.
Also, look at this book to go with your unit study
And look at my post Persian Mosaic Craft Marco Polo Unit Study.
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