Let’s look at some of the best ninth grade homeschool curriculum to help make this year your best one yet. Also, you’ll love my page Homeschool Curriculum for more ideas and grade level curriculum and my page How to Homeschool High School.
Ninth grade aka freshman year is the kickoff to the high school years.
And it is a pretty big jump from middle school, but is also filled with exciting milestones like getting a driver’s license.

Technology will likely play a big part in your child’s education by this time from using online calculators to classes, music appreciation, language apps, and more.
It is a time of growing independence and branching out into more electives or at least learning more adult life skills.
If they are not mostly independent in their daily work already, they will be able to take on more of their own work load whether their school takes place online, in books, or even in the woods.
Homeschool 9th Grade Tips and Recommendations
College and Career-This is the optimal time to start thinking about a career track for your student, leaning heavily into extra classes, maybe even dual enrollment to be sure that they have all the things that they need.
That is not to say college is the only, or even the best option for your child. They may intend to go into cosmetology, guess what?
They can start learning that skill now through online tutorials, friends, and even on the job training.
Do you have a Marine Biologist on your hands? Be sure to load up on science classes and incorporate field trips that teach and feed that interest.
Flexible Scheduling-If your child has a job now make sure that you adjust their school schedule to accommodate work hours. Flexible doesn’t have to mean you cut way back on schooling at all, it might just mean that they do math in the evening instead of the morning or double up biology on the weekend.
Field Trips-As new interests will be developing at this level, long standing ones might increase or fade away all together.
Field trips, while they will look different than that early visit to a local farm, they are a wonderful way to support their interests and possible career choices.
Additionally, field trips can be a visit to a location for their career field of choice like the state capital building, behind the scenes at a hair salon or law office.

You could visit a local pottery studio or glass blowing studio, watch a Broadway theater performance, or they could be in the form of take your child to work day in the office.
More Ninth Grade Homeschool Curriculum Tips
- 9th Grade Homeschool High School – Avoid the Sock It to Them Attitude
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Best Homeschool Curriculum For All Grades
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- Seventh Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Eighth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- Ninth Grade Curriculum | Tips And Recommendations
- Tenth Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- 11th Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
- 12th Grade Curriculum | Tips and Recommendations
9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Lastly, look at some recommendations and tips.
9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Add these fun curriculum recommendations to your 9th grader's homeschool day.
Graphing, simultaneous equations, exponents, polynomials, unit multipliers, and more. The Algebra 1 Student Pack contains the Student Workbook with lesson-by-lesson worksheets, review pages, and honors pages. It also includes the Algebra 1 Tests.
Unless your child is heading for a heavy science based field like doctor, pharmacist, or Marine Biologist you can still get a good deal of their science lessons from games, and simple courses of interest.
Here is a list of 12Human Body Games For Middle School & High School ideal for fun anatomy lessons.
Use this time to start diving into specific areas of science interest like Forensic Science.
Apologia has long been a go to standard for science and one of the common 9th grade sciences is Physical Science. You can choose from physical books and ebooks, get a concise teacher manual,
audiobooks, test pages,
Lifepac has been a go to for many subjects, but I really enjoy the pace and scope of their History & Geography. The 9th grade level includes lessons on the fundamentals of United States heritage, federal, state,and local government, career planning, citizenship, and the study of geography. Lifepac is designed to be smaller workbooks rather than one huge textbook that helps take some of the stress off.
Crash Course World History on Youtube covers quite a few history topics and make for a good solid lesson or even review of previously covered topics.
Join Andrew Pudewa as he leads students on a 24-week writing journey using IEW’s Structure and Style approach. Students reading at 9th grade level or higher who are new to IEW will take delight in Mr. Pudewa’s humorous, incremental, and effective writing lessons.
Why do certain literary works have the power to move us? With step-by-step instructions, Windows to the World teaches students how to analyze elements of literature. This reference also gives numerous examples and suggestions for helping students develop Christian discernment skills. The accompanying Teacher’s Manual is suitable for both new and experienced teachers.
The 500 words you must know before college!
Must Know High School Vocabulary is more than just a vocabulary workbook. It gives you the edge you’ll need now―from improving your reading comprehension for high school and future college course work to scoring higher on AP and college entrance exams. Its user-friendly approach presents challenging aspects of the topics, exceptions to any rules, and clear answer explanations that will all help you build vocabulary quickly and easily. It’s like a lightning bolt to the brain!
No Fear Shakespeare Graphic Novel- Even the most reluctant of Raiders will enjoy these graphic novel adaptations of Shakespeare's Classics like Romeo and Juliet.
One of the most exciting aspects of 9th grade year is of course driving!
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