There is no denying that knowing homeschool learning style differences can help us make a difference in teaching. You’ll love the other tried and true tips I have on my page Homeschool Learning Styles.
Too, many complicated definitions exist about learning styles.
In addition, learning styles are explained in the educational world as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic to name a few.

And I never found that very helpful as a mom.
So, after 20+ years, I have researched, learned, and educated others about learning style differences.
I know you’ll benefit from these three tried and tips.
3 Tested Tips about Learning Styles
First, I want to share 3 things that makes it easier to understand learning styles.
1. Learning styles can be compared to a default setting.
This means that instead of jumping out there and selecting curriculum based only on our learning style, we want to consider our child’s style primarily.
Sometimes we think our teaching style is so clear easy to follow and the problem is with the child.
In truth, our teaching style may be causing the problems because we chose curriculum based on it.
At this point it’s important for you to know that teaching style can stem from our learning style.
We learn in specific way or style which makes complete sense to us.
Hence, this pours over into the way we teach.
As educators, we think our way is how school is supposed to be done and are not willing to bend from that method.
Understanding that like a machine, we have an inborn default setting for our personality and come pre-wired to make choices.
When we speak or write, we think we are absolutely clear in the way we communicate because we default to our natural way of learning.
Our natural way of learning becomes our teaching style.

Often times choices in curriculum are based on our pre-wired settings or default setting.
Unlike a machine though, we can appreciate that choices do not always have to be comfortable for us.

{Yes I know not glamorous. We can’t all be toasters…but}
As the teacher, it’s important to understand that children have a way they come pre-wired to learn also.
It is easier for us as adults to move out of our comfort zone or default setting to teach in a way that our child understands.
Our focus is on teaching unique individuals which are our children, not mini versions of ourselves.
2. You Must Wear the Educator Hat Too.
For the most part children want to please us.
As moms, we tend to first think that a child is acting up.
But in reality, something is wrong with the material or (clear throat here) our way of teaching (i.e. our default setting of learning clashes with child’s default setting).
Thinking like a teacher means that we try to understand what our child cannot articulate but expresses only through tears or resentment.
If a child is analytical we can ask questions like: Is the material below their level or do we really need to repeat it over and over?
Is the material too overwhelming with details for a wiggly child or does it not have enough details for a child who thrives on details?
3.Appreciate differences.
Instead of deciding that one curriculum by one provider meets the needs of all our children, we can use different curriculum for each child.
We value that right brain and left brain children can learn together under one roof and that both sides of the brain work together.
Embracing differences motivates us to choose three different math programs, if necessary, and if it meets the needs of each child.
It makes us move out of our comfort zone as a teacher and appreciate the strength and gifts of each child.
Learning styles are not exact sciences, they are just another tool to help us grow to learn how our children learn.
Being conscientious about not putting labels on our children is important.
However, balance is also needed.
Helping our child to understand why he is strong in some subjects and perhaps weaker in other areas equips him to embrace ways of tackling tough subjects.
It helps us, as educators, to discover the uniqueness of each child and nurture it.
Have you helped your child to discover his riches?
Why Your Child’s Learning Personality is Important
Because teaching styles are only part of choosing curriculum easily, I’ve included a link to my online course Identifying Your Homeschooled Childs Learning Personality.

- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.

Other Homeschool Learning Style Resources
- 6 Easy Ways to Identify the Charlotte Mason Homeschool Style
- How to Determine the Best Learning Style Approach for Your Child?
- What Are the Homeschool Top Main 5 Learning Styles
- Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- Discovering Learning Styles
- How Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- 35+ Best Homeschool Curriculum By Learning Style (free printable)
- How Homeschool Learning Styles Helps You to Accept Each Childs Differences
- What Are the Top 5 Homeschool Styles
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