Doing a quick round up of lapbooking resources, I am hoping you can use this list as a springboard to creating a lapbook that your children may be hankering to do.
You know sometimes it’s hard to find a lapbook that fits exactly on the topic your child is interested in doing.
At times, I just turn to my lists that I have bookmarked so that we can put one together even if that means using part of something we make and resources pulled from other places.

Here is a collection of things I like and have bookmarked and use at times. Most are free and then I list some at the bottom that I have in my library, but they all give you a starting place.
- Free General Clip art
David Dailey Public Domain.
Karen’s Whimsey.
Old Book Art.
Wikimedia Commons.
Pics 4 Learning.
All Free Clip art.
Free Graphics.
Free Clip Art.
Photos sorted by color at Unprofound. (cool uh?)
- Clip art History and Science
USGS has thousands of free science images.
LIFE images 1860s to 1970s.
Science to History and other topics.
DK Images. All subjects.
U.S. History Images/Native Americans/Explorers.
Phillip Martin Clip art.
The famous Kings & Queens of England.
Visual dictionary.
Free Water Educational Posters that easily be adapted for a lapbook.
Printable diorama.
Free paper models of the 7 wonders of the Ancient World.
- Free templates.
Then of course Homeschool Share has a large selection.But be sure to check out their generic free templates that you can use for any topic.
Learn from the pop up pro, Robert Sabuda and make a cool pop up book. You have to check out his 3D dimensional books too.
I used some of these books when teaching language arts to the boys.
Plus the books get the creative juices flowing for ideas for any language arts lapbook. Guess what? I still have our pop up books.
It doesn’t matter what age you are, you can get lost in the beautiful intricate paper pop up books by Robert Sabuda especially when you start folding and moving the parts. These books are part of my “keeper” collection for our homeschool.

- Geography resources
Colouring Book of Flags.
Paper dolls around the world.
Free Maps at Worksheet Works.
Free Printable World Maps.
Mega Maps. Cool – Print maps one 1 page to 7 FEET across.
I hope this is a quick shot in the arm when you are trying to create a lapbook that is unique for your children. I plan to add to this list and update it as I locate my resources on different bookmarks.
Hugs and love ya,

Also check out these other posts:
Free 27 Week American History Study through Lapbooking In Chronological Order.
Where can I find the timeline printables for making a world history timeline binder?
Hey Jessica,
It is not easy to find. I am working on changing my pages.
But for now, here is the link:
Glad to have you here!