Choosing kindergarten science homeschool curriculum for energetic kids is challenging. Besides homeschool kindergarten should be fun.
Today, I’m sharing solid tips in how to choose science curriculum for your homeschooled kindergartner.
Some take a spiral approach and are very workbook driven while others include many hands-on lessons.
However, before I jump into sharing so many wonderful choices, you need to know the importance of balancing subjects.

For example, as a seasoned homeschool mom with three grads I know the importance of focusing on the skill subjects first.
The skill subjects are also known as the three Rs – reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic.
How to Balance Kindergarten Homeschool Science with Skills Subjects
And here are three reasons why the skill subjects should stay in the forefront.
- First, if a child can’t read well, he’ll struggle his whole life
- Second, when a child does read well, he can study any subject or topic which delights him and
- Third, math is needed lifelong and without a solid start in math, a child will struggle in science.
However, what some educators tout in the homeschool world is that it must be an either or choice.
Choose skill subjects or content subjects like science to focus on primarily in the younger grades.
Don’t get me wrong. There is some merit to that way of thinking.
Look at Slow and Steady Get Me Ready For Kindergarten: 260 Activities To Do With Your Child From Age 0 to 5 to show how playing and learning are essentially linked.
For instance, some moms of kindergartners can have an unrealistic view of what a learning day looks like for a kindergartner.
In addition, they also have an unrealistic view of how much time their children should spend homeschooling.
Although children are on different learning scales, here are some ways that kindergarten moms may not understand the learning process.
- They want their kindergartener to write or worst yet write with a pencil.
- Too, they think that a child should be reading at this age. It’s very normal for children to still be learning letter and blend sounds. Even children reading beginning chapter books is normal.
- In addition, instead of embracing their energetic child, they think children should sit down for long periods of time to learn.
As you can see, there are a variety of skill levels.
Nevertheless, there are qualities which make homeschooling easier which a lot of young children share.
So, tap into those natural strengths to capitalize on for learning.
How to Match Science Curriculum with Learner
Look below at the strengths you want to tap into.
- Most are very energetic and eager to learn.
- Being wiggly and inquisitive, they can tolerate a variety of learning material that meets their needs for hands-on activities,
- They move and wiggle but they’re paying attention.
- Playing IS how children this age best learn. It should be hard to separate science fun from playing during the day.
- And they’re learning with every breath they take.
Now that you have a glimpse of the big learning picture with kindergartners, I want you to choose kindergarten science curriculum meticulously.
Choose one which aligns with your child’s nature desire to learn.
Next, I don’t believe you have to make a choice between teaching science which is a content subject versus a skill subject. You can do both.
But you do need to know what is important to teach when your child is feeling overwhelmed or when life hands you a less than a desirable schedule to homeschool.
Sometimes, you can only teach the skill subjects.
But if you can teach science right along at the beginning it will make your child’s learning experience more enriching.
However, there is one more significant foundational point I want you to know.

Besides, I can’t help sharing with you points that have helped me succeed in homeschooling for 20+ years.
Two Approaches to Teach Homeschool Kindergarten Science
Thus, there are two ways to teach science at this age
- One is where you take a beautiful science topic book or story and teach facts through finding easy hands-on activities to go along with the topic; and
- the second way is using a laid-out curriculum which covers a multiple of topics like earth and science, animal science, plant science or human body.
The important point to remember is that science is not a subject a child can be behind in at this age.

Besides kindergarten science homeschool curriculum comes in a variety of options.
You want to create a love for science.
So hands-on activities should be abundant and writing about it should not be.
18 Kindergarten Science Homeschool Curriculum
Finally, look below at solid science curriculum for kindergarten.
1. Nick and Tesla Series
This first one is Nick and Tesla series. This is a reference story like series more than curriculum.
And this is a perfect example of a fun series for a bit older child, but one that will feed the curiosity of a budding scientist.
If you have an eager science minded child, you can tweak an older resource to meet his needs.
One of the best parts is that you can do this with all your children.
Follow your child’s interests and include hands-on ideas as you child wants to do them.
2.Summer Beach from Sassafras Science Adventures.
Next, Summer Beach is a kindergarten full year program from the same company that makes the The Sassafras Science Adventures.
It includes a Summer’s Lab Teacher Guide, Summer’s Lab Student Lab Manual and a Summer’s Lab Reference Notes. You decide if you want to use the Student Lab Manual or the Reference notes.
Each unit has 4 lessons and is presented in a short story form along with questions for you to ask.
They use the idea of making a sandwich like learning science. You add different parts to build your science topic or sandwich for the week.
And you have two scheduling options.
3.The Sassafras Science Adventures.
Then, this curriculum can be used for multiple ages too. However, it is a curriculum if you want more laid out.
Next, is The Sassafras Science Adventures which is written for grades K to 5. And there are several books each based on a different topic.
There are components for creating a lapbook and it too is written in a story form.
- The Sassafras Science Adventures: Volume One: Zoology
- The Sassafras Science Adventures 3: Volume 3: Botany
As I mentioned each book is on a different topic.
There is Anatomy, Botany, Zoology, and Earth Science; there are other books in the series but they begin with first grade.
4.The Cat In the Hat’s Learning Library.
Also another fun one which has been around for a while is the Cat In the Hat’s Learning Library. Kids love this series anyway.
Use the science focused books for a fun science program and add in coloring, crafts, and drawing as you child wants to. It’s such a fun introduction to science.
5.The Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books
In addition, another fun keeper and great choice is the The Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books.
I loved these too like the other books especially if you have younger children, it’s worth buying to use over and over again as each child comes along.
6. Preschool Science: Exploring Creation Together
And although this next one says preschool, it’s for ages 3 to 5.
One of the best parts of Preschool Science: Exploring Creation Together is not only presenting science in a story form, but it includes hands-on ideas with items you can find at home.
Another part is the parent’s section where they speak to you in how to use the curriculum as a guide.
7. Funschooling Level A for K- 2
Additionally, the funschooling books for Level A are K – 2. You can use them to cover a couple of years. depending on how much science you want to cover.
Funschooling is such a fun series of books. And they are quite a few choices for science. Remember too although they say K to 2, some books may be a bit more mature in terms of activities.
However, the content is solid and fun. Until your child can do some of the activities, you can try easier ones.
They have space, oceans and a nature study journal to name a few.
- Fun-Schooling Science Handbook – All About SPACE: Explore the Universe! Research, Create, Play, Experiment & Learn
- All About Ocean Creatures: Fun-Schooling –
8. Be Naturally Curious
Also, Be Naturally Curious is another choice.
I’ve not used them but I have been eyeballing them. They have minicourses as they call them which are downloadable pdfs.
They take a story approach along with games, activities, nature and being outside.
If you lack the room for a ton of books this pdf guide would make a great resource and I love the topics hey have for grades K to 5. So you could use this with your older children too.
9. Christian Liberty Nature Readers
The Christian Liberty Nature Readers I’ve used and are beautiful and packed full of information for your eager learner.
I love the fact that I could just sit and read about spiders to my kids or whatever topic they were interested in and just ponder the beautiful creatures.
As mentioned, they’re readers. So if you want to add in some hands-on activities there is plenty of information to pull from.
I loved reading ahead and finding science activities like insect lore to go with our reading.
10. Science Unlocked
Another one we’re going to do soon is Science Unlocked.
Science Unlocked is everything that you need to teach your child an entire month’s worth of science in one box – complete with detailed teacher guide and student workbook.
The series Wonder is for K to 2. And they have topics like
- Squishy Science,
- Penguin Parenting
- From Brrr to Burrow and
- Blast off to name a few topics.
11. Master Books
Too, Master Books is a curriculum which has a series named Let’s Talk Science.
Master Books has a beautiful Charlotte Mason approach to teaching science. We have not used it, but it has experiments, memory verses and activity pages.
12. The Good and The Beautiful
Furthermore, we’ve been using the other components of The Good and The Beautiful but not the science yet.
They have a science series they want to expand on it and named it Science for Little Hearts and Hands. The first course is for Preschool to 2nd and is Course Set—Fields and Flowers .
13. BookShark
Yet another wonderful science curriculum for kindergarten age is BookShark.
PreK is geared toward ages 4 – 5 and Level A is for ages 5 – 7.
BookShark uses beautiful literature with hands-on projects lined out in a full year program.
14. Christian Liberty
This next one is Christian Liberty which has a sweet 92 page book called The World God Made and is straight up and simple if you’re looking for a faith-based curriculum.
15. Nancy Larson Science
Another solid choice is the Nancy Larson Science programs which are for K to 5. As stated on her site, she believes a hands-on, cross-curricular approach wrapped in a scientific conversation is the best way to teach children.
16. Pandia Press
REAL Science Odyssey – Life Level One is geared toward K/1 as it states up to 2nd grade. And it is a secular program which many homeschoolers like as well.
You can find REAL Science Odyssey – Life Level One on Home Science Tools where they pair the program with a science kit.
Next, these two choices are some of my favorites we used.
17. Use Subscription Boxes
Something about getting a fun box of surprises every month just adds the excitement to learn science. We really love getting our science boxes.

Look at this Little Passports Science Jr. – Subscription Box for Kids | Ages 5-8.
And here is another one STEM Discovery Boxes – Monthly STEM Science Subscription Box for ages 7 to teen.
Bitsbox – Coding Subscription Box for Kids.
18. Use Topical Science Books.
This last choice is to use a topic-based reference science book and explore on your own. Because science should be fun, follow your child’s lead and choose beautifully illustrated books on one topic.
Add in hands-on projects and you have a very unique science curriculum. Add in a few science workbooks but sparingly. This will allow you to not have to create assignments.
Look at some of the choices for topical books.
- The Berenstain Bears’ Big Book of Science and Nature
- Human Body Activity Book for Kids: Hands-On Fun for Grades K-3
- National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Science
- Abeka 5 Year Old Kindergarten Science
- Nature Smarts Workbook, Ages 4–6: Learn about Animals, Soil, Insects, Birds, Plants & More with Nature-Themed Puzzles, Games, Quizzes & Outdoor Science Experiments
- Cut and Paste: Science
- Real Chemistry Experiments: 40 Exciting STEAM Activities for Kids
- My First Book of Planets: All About the Solar System for Kids
Other Kindergarten Science Homeschool Curriculum Tips
- Homeschool Science Ideas for K – 2
- BEST Free Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum With A Gentle Approach (List)
- 10 Affordable and Complete Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum
- Homeschool Kindergarten Life Science – Hands-on Fun Nature Tree Study
- 21 Fun All-In-One Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum
- 18 Kindergarten Science Homeschool Curriculum For Active Kids
- 10 Favorite Science Movies and Documentaries for Homeschooled Kids
- Kinder Gardening to Celebrate Nature and Science
- 3 Less-Known and Irresistible Homeschool Hands-on Science Books
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