Today, in our homeschool unit study on the human body, I have another hands-on activity to learn about the makeup of human bones. Also I have this Human Body Crafts page for more fun ideas.

Homeschool Unit Study Human Body
By the way, this is a 24 hour activity meaning your child needs to observe it over night.
Look at these ingredients that I had on hand:
■three or four bones
■pot for boiling
■3 plastic cups
■masking tape and sharpie
The object of this hands-on lesson is to test how rigid or how flexible are our bones.

So we started by gathering up all of our supplies. Too, try to get all the grizzle and meat off the bones so your child can observe it better.
Then we boiled the bones in water for about 25 minutes or so and took them out to cool.

Tiny went ahead and took a test try of the bones to see how rigid or flexible the bones were.
Tiny made an observation and then he guess how they would be after he exposed each one to water, bleach and vinegar over night.
Then we set up each glass and placed one or two bones (depending on how many you have) in each glass.
He covered each one with liquid. I poured the bleach over the one bone.

Then Tiny took tape and labeled each glass and set aside for the night.
More Human Body Crafts
- Simple and Easy Circulatory System Hands-on Activity for Kids
- How to Turn a Pizza Into a Fun Edible Human Cell Model
- How To Make A Fun Bones Of The Hand Labeled X-Ray Craft
- 7 Human Skull Facts and Cool Human Skull Anatomy Activity
- How to Make a Fun Hands-on Playdough Brain Activity
- Major Organs of The Human Body Labeled Fun Felt Anatomy Activity
- Fun Resources and Books About The Human Body For Preschoolers
- 8 Eye Facts & Human Body Activities Middle School & Fun Eye Model
- 12 Human Body Games For Middle School & High School
- Craft a Fun Hand Straw Model to Explore Human Anatomy Muscles & Tendons
- How to Make a Human DIY Heart Model Easy Craft for Kids
- 8 Facts About the Respiratory System & Fun Lung Craft for Kids
- 7 Human Body Facts and Kids Human Body T-Shirt Project
- Fun Edible Spine
- Making Blood + What Are the Components of Blood
- DIY Heart Pump
- Kids Stethoscope Activity
- Build An Edible DNA Model
- Edible Skin
- Rigid versus Flexible Bone Activity.
- Pregnancy Belly Female Study of Human Anatomy Kids Fun Craft
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones
The next morning, he took each bone out of the liquid to test the flexibility of each bone.

He tested each bone by trying to move it back and forth.
Which ones bend and which ones did not is the secret for your child to find out.
Here is some information to help you.
■Bones are both stiff and flexible and can bend a bit without breaking if healthy.
■Soaking the bones in acid, which is the vinegar dissolved the calcium. What was left was collagen and they were much more flexible.
■Bleach is a strong base that breaks the collagen and the bones became brittle and broke.
■Soaking the bones in water didn’t do anything.
This was a great activity to help explain the care of bones and healthy eating habits.
Grab all of the lapbook printables and hands-on activities below.

Hugs and love ya,

[…] Rigid versus Flexible Bone Activity on Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus […]