Learn how to make a megalodon shark tooth homeschool project. Also, look for more ideas on my page Oceans Unit Study and Lapbook.
Megalodon Day is celebrated on June 15 to celebrate one of the largest predators ever known on Earth.
So, because I have a megalodon shark homeschool project to share with you as well as a host of other fun things.

If you have a shark or prehistoric creature-loving kid, they are going to enjoy this activity and the other ideas to go along with it.
Not only is it a great science project but it also works in an element of art, math, and research skills.
Like much of homeschooling, a good hands-on activity is fun and covers a multitude of subjects.
Megalodon Day Facts
- The scientific name for the megalodon is Otodus megalodon.
- The word megalodon comes from the Greek language and means “giant tooth.”
- The megalodon bite was thought to be 3 times stronger than a T Rex bite, with a grin of 10 feet wide.
- Megalodons are estimated to have been 40 to 60 feet in length and weighed 50 to 75 tons.
- They have found fossil remains of the megalodon off the coast of every continent except Antarctica.
- Studies done between megalodon, and great white teeth have led scientists to believe that they are closely related and also assume their body shape (though not size) was similar.
- Since sharks don’t have any bones to examine most of what we know about the ancient megalodon comes from its large fossil teeth.
Then, look at some of these resources.
Megalodon Shark Resources
Add some of these fun Megalodon shark resources to your unit study.
Made of soft plastics, safe and innocuous, healthy and Eco-friendly.
Smaller than last one and with flexible lower jaw.
Real Genuine Shark Teeth
Approximately 30 teeth per bag (plus fossils and bones!)
This book covers the Megalodon and the evolution of its ancestors going back over 100 million years. It also describes the Megalodon's internal and external physical characteristics based on the fossil record and what we know from related species
More Hands-On Shark Homeschool Activities
- Since so much is a mystery about the megalodon, it takes some time to learn basic facts about modern-day sharks, the ancestors of the mega monster from prehistoric times. Ocean Anatomy is a good resource with pictures and facts about sharks and so much more.
- Make a shark necklace to wear while you learn all about these fast, hungry predators.
- You might enjoy this Montessori-inspired shark unit with lots of ideas.
- Include this Easy How to Draw a Megalodon Shark Tutorial and Megalodon Shark Coloring Page in your plans.
- Don’t forget Shark Week on Discovery Channel from July 11 to 18th.
- Create an Easy Shark Art with Scrape Painting.
- How Do Sharks Float STEM Activity Free Shark Unit Study & Notebooking Pages
- I love a good-themed snack with a fun topic, munch on these shark tooth snacks.
- A megalodon replica is a great addition to sensory bins, dramatic play, and even as a display added to a science shelf for your child to investigate.
- Take a tape measure outside and draw it out to 60 feet to get a better idea of how big they believe the megalodon was.
- Grab some shark teeth from your collection if you have any and compare the size to your replica.
- Check out What if Megalodon Sharks Never Went Extinct on Youtube while you work on an activity or Wild Kratts is a wonderfully entertaining animated science show and this Stuck on Sharks video is full of information.

Finally, look at how to make a megalodon shark tooth.
Megalodon Shark Tooth Homeschool Project
Before starting, look in one of your books or online to get an idea of the shape and coloring of a Megalodon tooth. This helps give a good idea of just how massive a single tooth is.
You will need:
- Air-Dry Clay
- Craft paints
- Paintbrushes
- Clay roller or rolling pin
- Toothpicks, craft sticks
- Ruler

Begin by pulling off a sizable piece of clay, we will try to get our megalodon tooth close to 7” long.

Then, forming your shape, we are going for something roughly the shape of a piece of pizza.
Add clay as needed and work it in smoothing it with your fingers.

This is a great time to pull out your ruler and have your child measure to get the size right, somewhere between 6” and 7 ⅜” (the largest ever found).

Once you have your general size and shape roll it out to smooth the lumps.
How to Make a Megalodon Shark Tooth
Add a little build-up to the broader end, this is the root, where it would have been inside the shark’s jaw. Smooth with fingers to make it look like a natural transition.

Before allowing it to dry, add some aging and wear marks like pits and grooves using whatever you have on hand- the backend of your paint brushes, toothpicks, craft sticks, and etc.
Maybe there is a small piece missing out of one edge where he fought with another megalodon?

Allow to dry, this may take a couple of days, be sure to turn it every 12 hours or so to help it dry more thoroughly. If you place it outside in a sunny spot it will dry fast, be sure to lay it flat so that it dries flat.
Once your tooth is completely dry make a palette of different paint colors like black, white, tan, and gray on a paper plate.

Paint each section of the tooth and allow it to dry, you only need one thin coat.
If you want your replica megalodon tooth to last even longer give it a couple coats with a clear spray sealant.

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