I got a little eye candy for you today. I have two other parts in this series that I started last month. I will link them for you at the bottom. I really like this series because there are so many different things and rooms we can look at to get ideas for our learning area. The ideas are endless once you step outside the box. You do have to take several ideas from many different types of area to make a unique learning place.

This is the time of the year most people get the itch to organize or set up a school area. I get it ALL year long but end up making little adjustments this time of the year. So I made a slight tweak to our school area and will share when I am finished with it.
This first picture I like because besides the colors being gender neutral, I have been swooning over that map on the wall.

This is the playroom of Kate at Censational Girl. Even though it is not a homeschool area, it is pretty close to being one with a few changes. For a younger household, I would make the couch a love seat or rocker recliner to free up some room. Then shelving would be sorted by boxes for each child. Also add a smaller desk for mom to keep her teacher goodies. Though I have sat on many a small kid’s chair while homeschooling, it is nice to have my own desk when the kids were young. The tushy will thank you later on that one the longer you school.
There is so much natural light you may need to worry about lighting which is another huge concern in a school area. This could be a WOW school room with not much effort. She shares her before and after picture and her budget of about 800.00. Still swooning over the map…on to the next one..

Even though I love play areas, I like to keep it real and that means seeing other real homeschool rooms. I love this area because, like a lot of us, she turned a formal dining area into a school area. Another tip for hanging storage, like she uses in her school room, is fishing line and clothes pin to show off arts and crafts. A good example of mixing a learning area with furniture used for everyday living too. Above her storage units she has a week at a glance system for all the members of the family to see.

Source – Homeschool Creations.
Keeping it real in this next homeschool room I love Jolanthe’s new up do last year. She really changed the area into a beautiful learning space. Besides the beautiful color, I love the fact that each child has their own work space which gets to be important as they get older. You have some kids that need an organized desk before they can think clearly and others that can put up with a little more left out. This pleases all learners.

Source – Learning with Charlotte
This room takes a Charlotte Mason learning approach in her set up. I have to admit I heart dark wood. I love the look of bright white wood but something about popping color in dark wood gets me to pause. Too, I think heart things old fashion, timeless and precious. Incorporating her solid wood bookcases into her living area just looks cozy and warm.

Also do not forget all the other myriad of ideas we need to use to create unique areas. This one I love the reading wall and area set up for an all day reading day. There are some benefits to homeschooling an only and you have so much room to create beautiful spaces.

I love this arrangement, though not a homeschool room, it easily could be. Using the center of the room frees up wall space but too this is so creative grouping several work areas together. This would work well for older children or teens if you can keep them busy enough from fighting talking to each other.

Built-ins are nice if you can have them too. Again, here is separated learning areas. If you can do it that way from the start, then it minimizes your budget. There are some subjects like math and some language arts that are better learned by having each child having their own table or desk. A lot of subjects can be taught together and when the children are real young, one table does the trick but you out grow that in a few short years. It is good to start with that when they are young just keep those purchases to a minimum because they will use individual spaces longer. Even if it’s a not a separate desk in your school room, it could be their bedroom with a desk or learning area.

Source – New Life on a Homestead
Though I love color and want a homeschool area to be beautiful, budget is a real factor these days for most folks. These pictures are timeless because they show what can be done a modest budget and how bright a homeschool area can still be.
I want to share one “set up” tip that I did notice about this room in this last picture above which is why I put it here. See how high those days of the weeks and numbers are? That is too high for a preschooler or elementary aged child to be engaged with them. Setting up a room should be not only age appropriate but HEIGHT appropriate. You want an engaging interactive place. A child wants to feel those numbers, see the days of weeks and interact with by either using a pointer

or just being able to see them. We don’t have to abandon everything about the set up of a public school. Have you noticed how their rooms are set up for children and the adults desk is there incidentally? We do want to take that to our home school room. One chart is height appropriate but otherwise the child can’t see all the beautiful learning tools she has. It is not easy because, like me, you may have a monster sweet toddler who loves to tear and shred when you start schooling. After the “new” has passed on the school area, most of them won’t bother it anymore.

Don’t forget to make desks unique as well. Often times I have used flowerpots for pen,pencils and supplies. You can find them less expensive and sometimes more colorful than pencil holders. Here she used bright flower pots from Ikea and the desk from Ikea.

Again, a very simple but cheery school area. The shelves are unique and reachable by the youngest learner.

Source – BHG Source – BHG

Source – Something is HIding in Here
Do not forget nooks, crannies, moving storage and what you have just hanging out as trash around the house can be turned to treasure making your own organization bins unique. From top to bottom, left to right, Magazine Holder on the door, potato chip containers wrapped in pretty paper creates unique storage, a mobile desk on wheels if you don’t have room for a teacher desk, old paint cans turned fabulous storage and then making your own unique storage system by using peg board, hooks and is that plastic cheap inexpensive glasses? Swooning again….
I hope you were a little inspired for your school room. School areas do a lot to brighten and bring harmony to my day and are just as important to me as choosing the right curriculum. If you have not created a place yet, take time before you start school. Remember, you have to look at it every day and it counts.
Small changes count too. I know I must have homeschool-itis {is that such a word?} when I go crazy over a small thing like file folder change. Do you have any changes you want to share?
As promised, here are the links if you need to continue your homeschoolitis. Click on the pics.

I was inspired by this today as I get ready for my school year and because I want real things around me that are beautiful too.
“If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
~William Morris~
Hugs and you know I love ya,

Tina, I am loving your blog! So glad I came across it through my recent purchase of the iBlog book. And yes, thanks for the eye candy. These are beautiful rooms. So many ideas; now I’m not sure what to do this year! 😉
Lindsey recently posted…The Beginner’s Homeschool Planning Series: Step Two – Know Your Limits
Hi Lindsey,
Thank you for being here and you will LOVE that book! I loved writing it too with the other co-authors. You are so welcome for the ideas and eye candy. We need it all as homeschoolers!
Thanks for scooting by today for sure! Hope you stick around.
Thanks so much for sharing our space. {we love it too!}
Jolanthe recently posted…Some Fun Ideas to Bookmark ~ PreK and Kindergarten Community
You are so welcome Jolanthe! It is swoon worthy..lol..
@ Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus recently posted…My School Area + Learning Area