After homeschooling 20+ years, I’m sharing how to make a homeschool transcript. You’ll love the other forms I have on my homeschool planner and how to homeschool high school and homeschool middle school page.
Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve updated my original transcript.
In addition, this unique form I’ve updated today can be used beginning in middle school.

Also, my homeschool high school transcript was created with much flexibility.
You can use this editable transcript for many different reasons.
- If you want to track some courses starting in middle school.
- Or you have a special needs child and want to take a bit longer time or need more flexibility with subjects.
- Too, if your teen wants to graduate earlier, this form gives you much flexibility.
- And if you want to follow a 4-year traditional high school course this form is perfect and finally
- You may lean toward the unschool-ish side and want to track subjects instead of years or grades this form fits that need too.
As you can see it’s a unique form.
Homeschool High School Transcript
So, when I got his question from Carol, I was excited.
Hi, had a quick question do you know of any place we as homeschool parent can purchase,blank transcripts with a guide to teach you how to prepare them? Getting overwhelmed with our son now in high
school.Thanks again, your a God send.

Sharing a few general tips to help you through the high school years and some specific tips for the transcript,
General High School Transcript Tips
- Decide a grading scale and stick with it when you do decide. Here at my Step 5a. Choose Unique Forms JUST for You, look at option 10 on that page where I give you a couple of options for grading scales.
- About credits. Know that a very basic rule of thumb and easier to remember without all the educationalese is that one high school textbook or course equals to about 1 credit. Look here at Homeschool High School–How to Log Hours for High School for more tips. And if you’re tracking by hours another rule of thumb is that 1 credit equals about 120 hours.
- And finally, you don’t produce a transcript immediately upon entering high school or even in 10th grade. I changed from how I thought I wanted it set up in 9th grade until his senior year. You have time to mull over what is needed for your child’s particular direction if he is in any grade other than a senior this year.
- A high school transcript is a 1-page document. When and if a college asks for more, then second page which is a comprehensive course description. Your 1-page document should be clean, simple, and well articulated, not a diary of your whole homeschool journey.
- Course Descriptions. You do not put course descriptions on the transcript. You put descriptions on a second page so they’re noted and you have them if asked by a college. Just put the name of the course.
- One more thing I need to mention is plan for the 3 Rs in high school like you have all the other grades. Depending on what your child is doing will determine which one you may spend more time in. Each year cover 1 English, 1 Science, 1 Math and 1 History.

As I mentioned earlier, key to filling it out is charting your courses or subjects in middle and/or high school and then filling out the transcript, not the other way around.
What I’m saying is 1) Plan the courses 2) Change the courses as needed, 3) Redo courses 4) and LASTLY prepare the transcript.
You track most all work and courses by planning pages. My form is so flexible that is you want to use it for planning and tracking you can too.
Basics of High School Transcripts
Transcripts, like birth certificates are official documents and that means they need to look somewhat uniformed although we have unique journeys.
Use the forms below for planning while you look over the high school transcript.
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I have had them for years before I produced my transcript because that is the part of the phase that takes longer.
Charting a course for 4 years or longer is not easy, but then again it too doesn’t have to be done all at once either.
You can find those forms on Step 5a. Choose Unique Forms JUST for You.

My first transcript is above, and I left it here so you can see how things change.
And my newest high school transcript template has these features in each section. Look below as I explain each section.
How to Fill out the TOP SECTION of the High School Transcript Personal Basic Information
- full student name
- student address
- date of birth and sex
- phone number
- parent/guardian name
- school name
- school address
- phone number
- date of graduation
- signature of principal or administrator
How to Fill Out the Middle Part – Courses/Subjects of the High School Transcript
This section is where this template is different than most and that is you can use it just for high school or for middle, unschooling or modify for a child with special needs.
For example, look at sample 1 below.
- This first sample is using my editable form for a traditional 4-year high school experience.
- Note you can just put the grade level or
- You can add a school year to it 202? – 202? after each grade if you want more specificity.
- Under each grade level you would add the courses, the grade and the credit earned.
- Too, there are 6 areas so you can separate the electives or specify other individual courses.

Furthermore, look at this sample 2.
- Instead of tracking by grades, list by subjects or courses which can be good if you begin in middle school or have a special needs child. Use the main box for Subjects or Courses and not grade level.
- Under each subject there are 6 lines to list courses. That is an additional 2 lines for courses instead of the traditional 4.
- Also, another way to track is by combining courses AND the school year. This works best for a child that has a leaning toward one area or discipline over another. For example, if your child is science minded, he may take more courses in Math and Science. You can reflect that on this form.
- Use ** asterisks to denote something unique about a course and then add to the key at the bottom of the transcript.

Lastly look at the bottom section of the transcript where you can note important details.
You have flexibility to add any notes or circumstances unique to your situation.
How to Fill Out Last Part – Grades/Making it Official/Noting Honors, Dual Enrollment, Etc.

Below I have explained each section and have even given you some wording for each section if you need it.
- Grading Scale. Add the grading scale you’ve chosen to use through your journey.
- Academic Summary. If you need to add test scores add them here. Too, if you need to distinguish between weighted and non-weighted grades or GPA. And to keep it simple, weighted means there was an overall grade for subjects. For example, honor and AP courses are normally weighted. Unweighted means course difficulty was considered. Also, you will notice that Total Credits Earned are put here and NOT tracked by courses or grade. If you want to track credits, be sure to use the planning pages I have.
- Notes: There is plenty of room to explain either dual enrollment, honors courses or modifications because of special needs. For example for special needs add : Modifications for special needs was given for the American History Remedial Course. For Dual Enrollment: Dual Enrollment courses were taken by Lone Star Community College. For Honors Courses. Please note this area is subjective meaning no two schools even agree. So explain with detail how you determined this course as hnors. For example, Honor courses were determined by a faster pace, more in depth study, and special projects.
- Sign, date it, and make official. You’ve got this.
More Creative Solutions for High School Posts
- Creative Solution for Homeschool High School When Life Happens
- Best High School Homeschool Curriculum Packages (Accredited and Not Accredited)
- 25 Great Homeschool High School Science Curriculum
- How to Make A Homeschool High School Transcript & Middle School (Free Editable Form)
- Free Editable High School Diploma Template Day 9 of 10 Days Of a Homeschool Graduation
How to Easily Create the Homeschool High School Transcript
Also, look at video on YouTube How to Easily Create the Homeschool High School Transcript.
Moreover, look at my other beautiful and detailed homeschool planner forms.
More Homeschool Planner Forms
- Colorful and Beautiful 2023-2024 One Page Printable Calendar
- 31 Popular and Free Homeschool Planner Printables
- 32 Free Beautiful Homeschool Planner Cover Pages
- Homeschool Planner Supplies – Organizational Eye Candy Because Paper Planners ROCK!
- Year 2023 Homeschool Planning Schedule Beautiful Form
- 4 Colorful and Editable Homeschool Lesson Plan Templates
- Free and Fun Homeschool Planner Stickers Back To School Craft
- 3 Free High School Planner Cover Designs
- 5 Beautiful and Detailed Planners for Homeschool Moms
- Reasons a Paper Planner Is Better Than a Homeschool Online Planner
- The Ultimate and Beautiful DIY Homeschool Unit Study Planner
- Gorgeous 7 Step Free Homeschool Planner You Build
- 6 Ways a Homeschool Daily Planner Beats a Weekly Planner
- A Unique Flexible and Beautiful Preschool Homeschool Planner
Also, look at these posts for some detailed and practical help:
- Homeschool High School Readiness?
- Homeschooling High School: Curriculum, Credits, and Courses
- 10 Popular High School Chemistry Homeschool Curriculum
- High School The Must Cover Subjects Part 1
- Homeschool High School The Must Cover Subjects Part 2
- How to Log Hours for High School?
- High School Readiness?
- Should I Let My Homeschooled Teen Graduate Early?
- 9th Grade Homeschool High School – Avoid the Sock It to Them Attitude
- How to Expose Homeschooled Teens to a Variety of Fine Arts (and Get High School Credit)
- How Does my High School Homeschooled Kid Get a Diploma If I Do This Myself?
- When a Homeschooled Sophomore Struggles
- Homeschool High School Transcripts – Anything But Typical
You have some time to investigate and learn.
Focus on keeping a well rounded out course in the 3 Rs and savor the treasured high school years.
Lastly, grab this free form below.
How to Get the Free Editable Highschool, Middle or Non Traditional Transcript
Finally, how to grab the free editable transcript printable. It’s a subscriber freebie.
That means when you sign up to follow me, you get access my subscribers library and this freebie.
1) Sign up on my list.
2) Grab the freebie.
3) Last, look for all my emails in your inbox. Glad to have you following me!
I am so much more confident in my homeschooling ability now compared to when we began this journey BUT (and it’s a big but) high school terrifies me. Not the actual teaching it part though. I just want to have them prepared adequately when the day comes for college applications to be filled out. ( I’m going to cry now) ha… I just know how quickly it will come. thank you for the very informative post. God Bless
I loved your comment because I felt the same way. What I have learned so far as my oldest starts college is that maturity level has been so much more important than the academics. Yes, I’m right there with you because family dynamics change. You are so welcome for the post and glad to have you here!
Hi Tina,
Thank you for sharing my question,you have taken the overwhelming feelings that we as parents have had,and put them into prospective.We will continue to stay focused on the best course of study for our son,as we enjoy the last few years of high school.
Thank you again, Carol
Hey Carol,
You are so welcome. Yep, you have time. Just journal and plod along, but plan now.
I will have some more posts coming up too on highschool. But, just remember when you are still learning the high school ropes, it’s the same 3 R’s in high school along with electives to keep it all rounded out whether your kids are college bound or not.