Today I’ve rounded up 35 best homeschool curriculum by learning style. Besides, homeschool learning styles is a continuing learning process as educators.
Especially when we try to sort out what are learning styles, we’re not sure what is really helpful.
Besides, when I chose curriculum I never thought about the homeschool approach or my child’s learning style.
However, I’ve learned homeschool curriculum is organized by homeschool approach.

So, the key to making a better choice for curriculum and not wasting time or money is to understand your child’s learning style.
This doesn’t mean that you’re coddling your children when you try to meet their learning style.
Quite the opposite, we appreciate differences and realize that not all kids learn in the same way.
Isn’t this why most of us are homeschoolers? We’re trying to meet the unique needs of our children.
Styles of Homeschooling
Too, understanding the inextricable link between homeschool learning style with homeschool approach equals success.
Sure, we’re not guaranteed of being successful in homeschooling, but we can increase the odds of success when we dive into understanding learning styles.
In addition, it’s important to know that your learning style by default usually becomes your teaching style.
Then, we inflict our teaching style on our child thinking it’s the best one because we learn through it.

Next thing you know we have no success with our child.
Worst yet some public-school educators and home educators believe the problem with learning is entirely the child’s problem.

As you can see, the more you understand and dig deeper into how each of your children learn, the more success you’ll have choosing curriculum wisely.
Homeschool Approaches
Instead of having all this floating around in your mind and trying to make it connected, look below at how I explain each one.
What is a homeschool approach?
A homeschool approach is the way you’re presenting information to your child. It is the way you’re teaching your children.
It can be formal, informal, through life skills, using curriculum, using a few pieces of curriculum, using no curriculum at all or a mix.
And whether you intentionally chose it or chose it by default, you’re still following a method.
And the homeschool world and educational word creates curriculum based on teaching approaches.
Too, there are many teaching approaches, but these five are the most popular in the homeschool world. Too, I tend to focus on these when helping homeschoolers.
Learning Styles Characteristics Matched to Homeschool Approach
Here are the top five homeschool styles and some of the characteristics of learning styles.
1. Unit Study Approach
Unit Study Approach | Characteristics of Learning Style by Teacher or Student. •Prefers a mastery approach •Doesn’t always need detailed lesson plans • Wants a research-based study on one topic •Prefers to spend time on subjects which are of interest •Will add in hands-on activities as needed and as many as needed or prefers to learn the whole topic through hands-on •Will choose quality books or living books instead of using boring textbooks |
2. Classical Approach
Classical Approach | Characteristics of Learning Style by Teacher or Student. • Wants a heavy emphasis on classics like ancient languages • Thrives with a heavy language arts emphasis • Pursues a chronological approach to learning history • Wants to spend time learning Latin • Focuses on learning from Great Minds of the past • Should learn from ancient books and quality classical literature • Education should focus on the history of Western Civilization |
3. Textbook/Workbook Approach
Textbook/Workbook Approach | Characteristics of Learning Style by Teacher or Student. •This is the same approach used in public schools and the only approach most homeschoolers know. • Instead of choosing an approach, some homeschoolers follow this one by default. • Children who do well with drill and kill, love this approach. • Parents and kids who don’t mind testing, deadlines, and don’t think textbooks are boring choose this. • Families who want to mimic public school at home choose this. |
4. Charlotte Mason Approach
Charlotte Mason Approach | Characteristics of Learning Style by Teacher or Student. • A gentle approach to language arts. • There is emphasis on the arts, music, and nature. • Learning should include forming lifelong habits • More time should be spent outdoors. • Literature based learning is one foundation. • Poetry is important. |
5. Unschooling Approach
Unschooling Approach | Characteristics of Learning Style by Teacher or Student. • Child led learning. This means if the child is moved to learn something he will. • Unschoolers vary whether they will use curriculum or not. Some use very little, others use none. • The fill their learning day with games, books, hands-on ideas, movies or any resource, place, person, or activity which fills their desire to learn whatever subject. • The idea is that children will learn everything they need to know when they learn naturally and are not pushed. •This approach recognizes that all kids are different and will learn at their pace meaning there are a variety of resources available. |
Which approach do most of your choices in curriculum fall into?
Once you understand that, then you can see if it’s the right choices for your child.

Eventually you can teach your children through a variety of learning styles, but you set them up for success when a curriculum matches the homeschool approach.
Identifying Your Homeschooled Child’s Learning Personality
Finally, after years of putting the pieces together, I have created an online self-paced course on how to identify your homeschool child’s learning personality.

This course will give you solid beginning points and look what you will learn.
- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.
Tapping into the way a child prefers to learn is essential to success.

Printable for Curriculum Matched to Homeschool Approach
Finally, the printable for homeschool curriculum matched to homeschool approach will help you to see what homeschool approach you’re following.
More important, from the list above, you can have a starting point to see how your children and family learn best.
It’s almost impossible to list every curriculum, but I did list some of the major providers and resources homeschoolers are currently using.
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