Today, I have the second color choice for the free homeschool academic year calendar for the 2016 to 2017 school year, which I am calling cherry fizz. I think it’s my summer brain thinking of all these delicious sounding names like ice cream and now cherry fizz.
Curriculum Pages for Planner
Don’t forget this is JUST a calendar for you to glance at the school year and make a few notes at the bottom.
I also make a planning your school calendar which gives you room to plan your school year. It is found every year on Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You. The current planning your school year calendars is kept at that page/step.
Look below at the picture so you can see the fine, but huge difference between just calendars like the one I have today and an actual planning form with a calendar and room to plan your year.
Do not try to write in your plans for the year on this calendar, I give you plenty of room on the tracking calendar.
Also, this calendar is not for writing appointments because you can grab a huge 2 page spread for noting appointments on Step 2. Choose Calendar/Appointment Keepers. The current 2 page appointment keepers are kept there.
Look at a picture below from one of the previous years of the 2 page spread calendar, which gives you room to write appointments.
I hope these pictures make it more clear that the calendar I have today is just that. It is perfect for glancing at the year and for reference in your planner.
Save it and print off as many as necessary when you print your planner.
I always have two or more spread throughout my planner. I put one close to my lesson planning section, one close to the front of my planner and sometimes I even put in the back so I don’t have to hunt very long for it.
Grab your free copy below!
Hope you like cherry fizz..
2016 to 2017 Academic Year at a Glance Cherry Fizz @ Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus
If you’re ready to start building the MOST unique planner ever because YOU built it, start below!
7 Easy Steps – “Tons of Options & Pretty Color”
Step 1. Choose a Pretty Front/Back Cover
Step. 2. Choose Calendars/Appointment Keepers
Step 3. Choose Goals/Objectives
Step 4. Choose Lesson Planning Pages Right For You!
Step 5a. Choose Unique forms JUST for You! Not a kazillion other people
Step 5b. Choose MORE Unique Forms JUST for You!
Step 5c. Choose MORE MORE Unique Forms Just for You!
Hugs and love ya,
Don’t forget to follow BOTH of my Pinterest accounts for more AWESOME pins.
Visit Tina Robertson’s profile on Pinterest.
Visit Tinas Dynamic Homeschool ‘s profile on Pinterest.
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Shirley Wood recently posted…Styrofoam Pumpkin Makeover
Thank you Shirley and for sure I love your party! Thanks for hosting