Knowing how to build high school curriculum directly from Amazon is a valuable skill set when you want to know how to homeschool well. Check out my how to Homeschool High School page for awesome tips.
You may not think so in the beginning, but you soon realize there is NO one right way to homeschool high school. So you need flexibility and options to change midstream.

Quickly, you can build a high school homeschool curriculum package which suits your teen.
Today, I’m showing you what is important to know right away and what you can decide later.
However, before I go on, here are my super helpful posts for How to Build Elementary Homeschool Curriculum Directly From Amazon and How to Build Middle School Curriculum Directly From Amazon.
Many states are flexible meaning you don’t have many requirements to fill for high school according to the law.
5 Steps to Build High School Homeschool Curriculum
Step 1.
Meet Your State Law.
State law is your first starting point.
Know exactly what requirements you need to meet.
Don’t make this harder than it has to be by using a measuring stick that is unbending. Simply, meet the state law. Your own measuring stick is different.
If you’re having trouble knowing or finding your local law, shoot me an email or post here. I’ll help you to be sure that you’re in the absolute know.
Step 2.
Determine Credits by Choosing a Path – Career or College.
Next, don’t get sideways like I did when my first teen told me he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do.
If your teen knows right away that he’ll choose a career or college track, then that is your perfect starting points for subjects to fill.
Ask the college about subjects if your teen is college bound; this is not as hard as it appears.
Most colleges maintain a website for admission. Right away you can see the number of credits they require for each subject. Boom – done.
If your teen doesn’t know what he wants to do like a majority of adults today, then try to give him what I call a traditional high school experience.
This keeps all doors open for whatever direction your teen chooses.
Next, a traditional high school experience will include these subjects below with 4 years being closer to what colleges want for a college bound teen and 2 to 3 years for subjects for a teen who is not college bound:
- 2 to 4 years of Math. Intro to Algebra is now considered middle school, but in our parents time it started in high school. If a teen is pursuing a science or math major, then intro to Algebra begins in middle school and Algebra 1, 2 and Geometry and another higher course will be needed.
- 3 to 4 years for English or I like the term Language Arts which we have used up to this time. English doesn’t just mean covering grammar or composition. It can be any theme or subject your teen likes that has to do with writing or speaking. For example, poetry, British or American authors, literature analysis, public speaking, world literature, vocabulary study, and etc.
- 2 to 4 Sciences and with Lab. Typically Biology, Chemistry and Physics are what I call the main three areas to study. I have two sciences listed because kids that are not science majors may choose to do only two sciences; kids who are college bound will need more.
- 2 to 4 Social Studies. Again, I don’t like this term but it’s the one used in colleges. I prefer the terms history, geography, social science, American government, world geography, etc. In addition, I again list only two years if your child is not college bound. If your child is college bound or you’re wanting to leave the door open for college, then stick closer to 3 or 4 years.
- 1 to 4 Foreign Languages. Again what is accepted in one college may not be in another. Too, ASL is considered the study of a foreign language with some colleges. If your child is not college bound and there are no requirements for foreign language in your state, then you and your teen decide how many years.
- 4 to 5 Electives. Electives are subjects that are subjective. This means you have much room to either add them to your teens load or focus more on core subjects like math, language arts, science and social studies.
- 1 – 3 Fine Arts and Physical Education. Normally a few years to study fine arts is a good rule of thumb and like one credit for physical education unless of course these topics are your child’s college majors.
Build High School Curriculum
Step 3.
Determine a 2 – 5 year Graduation Plan.
Next, determine how long your teen will be in high school.
Some teens do a two year study and align the other years with an apprenticeship. Some teens prefer dual enrollment and still others need another year to mature.
Four years is not always the magic number for graduating; it’s a good guide. Moreover, grab my high school planning pages too and fill in as you go.

Download the High School Planning Page below.
Too, read Free Homeschool High School Planning Sheet (and pssst help for high school too) if you need more help on planning and then also grab the Editable High School Transcript.
Step 4.
Choose Core Subjects First, The Other Subjects Can Wait
Then, narrow down the overwhelm more by selecting first the books and courses need to fill the core subjects.
When homeschoolers use the word core it can mean various things. Some states divide subjects by core and non-core.
For example, some states require math, language arts, history and science as the core subjects.
When I talk about core, I mean the skill subjects which are the three Rs – reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. They have been your child’s 3 legged stool for an excellent education up to this time and they continue to be important in high school.

The point is unless your state requires other subjects, use your hard earned dollars for the skill subjects first. Unless social studies and science are required immediately, you can purchase those items in increments to give your budget a rest.
Step 5.
Choose Curriculum from Amazon by mixing and matching resource type.
Finally, you now have a big picture of the resources you need from Amazon.
In addition, to help you choose resources wisely, I have divided resources by topic or subject. Do not forget that many kids today learn well by videos and hands-on activities.
So don’t limit your choices to just textbooks or books. Look at the choices below for each subject.
Math High School Homeschool Curriculum From Amazon
- Algebra 1 Student Text by Math U See
- Geometry Student Text by Math U See
- Algebra 2 Math U see Student Text
- Saxon Algebra 2: An Incremental Development, 2nd Edition
- Advanced Mathematics: An Incremental Development, 2nd Edition
- Saxon Calculus: Homeschool Kit w/Solutions Manual Second Edition
- Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 Kit, Version 2.0
- Geometry: A Teaching Textbook, Complete Curriculum
- Mr. Pen Geometry Set with 6 Inch Swing Arm Protractor, Divider, Set Squares, Ruler, Compasses and Protractor, 15 Piece Set
- Hands-On Math Projects With Real-Life Applications: Grades 6-12
- Everything You Need to Ace Pre-Algebra and Algebra I in One Big Fat Notebook (Big Fat Notebooks)
Science High School Homeschool Curriculum From Amazon
- High School Science: Chemistry by Steck Vaughn
- High School Science: Biology by Steck Vaughn
- High School Science: Physical Science by Steck Vaughn
- Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body
- Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, Textbook
- Exploring Creation with Chemistry 3rd Edition, Textbook
- Carson Dellosa The 100 Series: Biology Workbook—Grades 6-12 Science, Matter, Atoms, Cells, Genetics, Elements, Bonds
- Everything You Need to Ace Chemistry in One Big Fat Notebook (Big Fat Notebooks)
- Must Know High School Physics
- Must Know High School Chemistry
- Focus On High School Chemistry Student Textbook (softcover)
Science Lab Component High School From Amazon
- 40 Biology Lab Activities (Life Science)
- AmScope 120X-1200X 52-pcs Kids Beginner Microscope STEM Kit with Metal Body Microscope, Plastic Slides, LED Light and Carrying Box (M30-ABS-KT2-W),White
- AmScope PS25 Prepared Microscope Slide Set for Basic Biological Science Education, 25 Slides, Includes Fitted Wooden Case Brown
- Mark Twain – Forensic Investigations, Grades 6 – 12
- EUDAX School Physics Labs Basic Electricity Discovery Circuit and Magnetism Experiment kits for High School Students Electromagnetism Elementary Electronics
- Teacher Friendly Chemistry Labs and Activities
History and Social Studies High School Homeschool Curriculum From Amazon
- Geography of the World: The Essential Family Guide to Geography and Culture
- The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade
- Medieval History, a Literature Approach for Senior High
- The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome
- The History of the Renaissance World: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Conquest of Constantinople
- North Star Geography
- TruthQuest History Guide: Middle Ages
- The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Encyclopedias)
- Exploring World History Text Vol 1 Notgrass 2014
- Know Geography™ World Atlas Grades 9-12
- LIFEPAC World History 10th Grade Complete Set
Language Arts High School Homeschool Curriculum From Amazon
- Glencoe Language Arts Grammar And Language Workbook Grade 9
- Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 10 (Glencoe Language Arts)
- Quick Lit Student Workbook: Language Arts, Grades 9-12: The Study of Contemporary Short Story
- Elements of Language: Student Edition Grade 9
- Elements of Language: Student Edition Grade 10
- Elements of Literature: Student Edition Grade 12 Sixth Course
- The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition
- Holt Elements of Literature: Student Edition, American Literature Grade 11
- Writing Fiction [in High School]: Bringing Your Stories to Life!
- Daily Language Practice 9th Grade +: Use It! Don’t Lose It!
- Do-It-Yourself – Homeschooling Handbook – Library Based Curriculum: Journal and Study Guide For Eclectic High-School Students
MORE Language Arts High School Homeschool Curriculum From Amazon
- Cursive Handwriting Workbook for Teens: A cursive writing practice workbook for young adults and teens (Beginning Cursive Workbooks)
- Advanced Cursive Handwriting Practice Workbook for Teens
- High School British Literature: A High School English Student Text of Readings and Activities for a full-year British Literature Study (Writing Curriculum)
- Language Lessons for the High School Student VOLUME 2 SET with Key
- Easy Grammar.
- Jensens Grammar.
- Fix It Grammar.
- Institute for Excellence in Writing.
- Learning Language Arts Through Literature: The Gold Books.
- Dover Thrift Editions.
- Wordly Wise 3000® 4th Edition Grade 9 SET — Student Book and Answer Key
High School Graduation and College Readiness Curriculum From Amazon
- SAT Prep Black Book: The Most Effective SAT Strategies Ever Published
- Diploma Cover 7×9 Smooth Imprinted “Diploma Of Graduation”Certificate Cover
- Math for the Ages!: SAT and High School Math
- Sat Math Workbook (Barron’s Test Prep)
Electives High School Homeschool Curriculum From Amazon
- Electives: Accounting : Home School Curriculum Kit (Lifepac)
- Career Exploration for Homeschool High School Students
- What Color is Your Parachute for Teens?
- ARTistic Pursuits High School 9-12 Book One, The E
- Signs and Seasons Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy
- Auto Upkeep Workbook: Maintenance, Light Repair, Auto Ownership, and How Cars Work
- Art: A World History
- Consumer Mathematics – Abeka Highschool Personal Finance Concepts, Balance, Budget, Insurance Student Textbook
- Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide, Eighth Edition (Wiley Self Teaching Guides)
- Foundations in Personal Finance Workbook High School Edition For Homeschool by Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University
- Geography Through Art
- Money Matters Workbook for Teens (ages 15-18)
- Practical Critical Thinking: Student Workbook – Problem-Solving, Reasoning, Logic, Arguments (Grades 9-12)
- Personal Finance Doodle Notes: Brain Based Interactive Guided Notes
Also, do not forget to visit my store on Amazon.
I have Lists created by subjects so you can see more choices.
High School Homeschool Curriculum Packages
Last but not least, I have listed all-in-one programs below. Sometimes you just need to start with a framework. I’ve listed curriculum packages below.
Remember that you can always tweak them to suit your student’s needs. You don’t have to use all-in-one programs as it. I firmly believe all of them are to be tweaked even if just a bit to suit your teen’s schedule, needs, and goals.
All-In-One Programs
Also, grab these other tips below to help flesh out any interests your teen may have:
- How To Start Homeschooling the Easy No Stress Way (Maybe)
- How to Easily Meet the Lab Component of Homeschool High School Science
- When a Homeschooled Sophomore Struggles
- 54+ Fun Books Turned Movies to Spark a Love For Reading
- Online Homeschool High School Poetry (No Teaching Involved)
- How to Choose the Best Middle School Literature And Favorite Resources
- How to Choose the BEST Homeschool Middle and High School Language Arts Curriculum & Options
- Big Ol’ List of All-In-One Homeschool Curriculum (a.k.a Boxed)
- Homeschooling High School: Curriculum, Credits, and Courses
- How to Begin Homeschooling A Teen Lagging Behind
- A to Z List: Middle and High School Homeschool Electives
- Successful Entrepreneur-3 Best Homeschooled Teen Resources
- 14 Fun and (maybe Frugal) Homeschool High School Electives
I know you can give your child a solid education when you build the curriculum yourself. Did this give you a starting point?
Great read!!! Thanks for sharing such a great blog.
Ashley Wright recently posted…Grab Your Second Chance with Virtual Learning
Thank you Ashley…glad to have you here♥♥
I appreciate wanting things to be easy! Please, let’s try to take the extra step and buy locally or from a small or homeschool online business. Let’s stop making Amazon richer. Many of these companies are owned by fellow homeschoolers. Home Science Tools, Homeschool Buyers Co-op, Homeschool Used Book, Rainbow Resource, and Christian Book have a ton of homeschool materials! Buying directly from the publisher would be great too!
Hi Mama Pho,
I’m glad you’re here and appreciate your comment. I know you don’t know me personally, but having homeschooled over 20 years I have almost for my whole journey bought directly from homeschool companies. I believe 100 percent in supporting homeschool companies. However, I have also lived in places where we had no homeschool store or I just couldn’t absorb the shipping costs. Having options to keep on homeschooling was my goal.
Thanks for being here.