The secret to getting organized for the new homeschool year in next to no time is preparation.
Thinking now about long and short term storage options, you can set up a simple system that will save you precious time during the hectic pace of the new homeschool year.

Long Term Homeschool Storage Options
1. Free cloud storage and portable devices.
You may think it goes without saying, but storing as much as possible on free cloud storage or portable storage devices is a great reminder.
Print off the list of your e books or what is in the cloud and keep it in your planner. Having the list of your materials at your finger tips will help you avoid constantly accessing on line free storage or plugging in your portable devices when lesson planning.
If you have been homeschooling for a while, it may take some time to scan paperwork onto your computer. However, it is well worth the time instead of digging through boxes.
You are the only one to know whether you want to save an original piece of artwork or that creative essay that you thought would never happen.
2. Tubby mom.
Whether you are new to homeschooling or in my case last year when I was getting ready for a big move overseas and didn’t know my storage options, huge plastic tubs or totes are perfectly acceptable for storage.
If you are new to homeschooling, it is hard to know what you want to save and what to pitch in the beginning.
Keep all the paperwork and pieces of arts and crafts in large tubs and when you have a system, then pitch what you don’t want.
Try to avoid throwing all the school work together in the tub in the beginning.
A simple system for organizing within a tub like using notebooks, binders or even small boxes does not create mounds of work to sort later if you change your storage system.
3. Over sized 3 Ring Binders. (5 inch)
If you have the space for it, over sized 3 ring binders are one of my favorite organizing tools.
Though they can be expensive, the binders I purchased have held up well through the years.

I have not only used them to store paperwork long term, but I use them for my huge recipe book.
Adding page protectors to the binder to keep precious keep sake paperwork in prevents it from being dog eared and over handled.
It takes time to add the page protectors, but I also like to be able to flip through the pages when I want without handling the kids school work too much through the years.

4. In the box options.
Depending on how much you have to store, you may be able to use shoe boxes and huge diaper boxes that were meant for the trash.
It doesn’t take much work to make the boxes pop with some color by covering them with beautiful bright colored fabric and you have some swoon worthy storage.
If you are not feeling too crafty then store bought options overflow too.
Short Term Homeschool Storage Options
Teaching your children from the beginning to put away their books and paperwork each day will not only lighten your workload, but it is an important organizing skill to teach your kids.

1. Humble Plastic Drawer – Not So Humble
Plastic drawers are some of my favorite ways for the boys to be sure they put away their supplies.
Each year, I measure my biggest or longest book, which normally is a high school book and make sure the drawers fit.
I have had good success with well made drawers at the Container Store though they are more expensive.
2. Slim 3 Ring Binders & Folders.
Slim color coordinating binders or folders for each kid or color coordinating by subject gives them a tool that is not too hard to handle.
Having tools that are handy and within arm’s reach will help your child to be organized on a daily basis.

3. Hanging Up Storage.
Take advantage of walls, closets and doors to add more hanging store.
I used hanging storage for games, flashcards, crafts and things used on a daily like supplies and headsets.
I love the beginning of the new school year because it means I can hoard get all new organizing tools that I am excited about and that are swoon worthy too. It makes me feel like I can justify the cost too because I normally can use the organizing tools longer than a year.
Do you have anything new you are adding to your learning space this year?
Hugs and love ya,

Want some more organized homeschooling ideas to drool over? Check out:
DIY Homeschool Organizing with Duct Tape
Homeschool Organization – {Storage, Spaces, & Learning Places}
I am also a homeschooling mom and I know how many things there are that need to be stored. I am all the time reorganizing the homeschooling room and I am thinking of new creative ways of adding storage for the ever growing supplies! Thanks for the ideas! I agree that everything should be organized really well because if it isn’t then the teaching is a chaos. Thanks for the lovely ideas!
Hi Evelyn,
You are so welcome and organizing each day helps me to keep chaos at bay…thanks for scooting by today…