Today, we’re making a frog diorama and learning about the life cycle of our froggy friends. Also, look at my Free Toad and Frog Lapbook and Fun Homeschool Unit Study Ideas for more activities.
Whether they’re croaking in the pond or leaping through the forest, frogs are some of the most interesting animals around.
Frogs are amphibians, which means they can live both in water and on land.
They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Some frogs are tiny, like a penny, while others can be as big as a football.
There are over 6,000 species of frogs worldwide, each with its own unique life cycle and adaptations.
Frogs are sensitive to changes in temperature and environment, which is why they are great indicators of the health of their habitat.
You might spot frogs in ponds, marshes, or even your own backyard.
Frog Books for Kids
Next, look at some of these fun books about frogs.
I prefer living books in my home library when I can find them.
Then I add reference books. Add some of these fun books to your library.
14 Frog Unit Study Resources
Add a book or two or some fun hands-on resources to your unit study.
Superbly detailed drawings capture the elusive frog in its watery realm, as it captures its prey with a sticky tongue, feeds its young, and leaps from place to place to escape from predators.
The natural world doesn't work the way fairy tales do, but it still has its fair share of enchantments. With text and pictures that are both scientifically accurate and totally true to the comedies of family life, this is a happily-ever-after tale of unexpected transformations
Rainforest Frogs Haiku by Caley Vickerman Illustrated by Mark Lerer Foreword by Franco Andreone Designed and Edited by Susan Newman Frogs Are Green, Inc is proud to announce… Rainforest Frogs Order your copy now! Free shipping in the USA if you order directly from us! $11.95 | 52 pages softcover | Full color Rainforest Frogs profiles ten exotic and endangered amphibian species. Table of Contents Foreword by Franco Andreone Blue Poison Dart frog Amazon Milk frog Yellow-Banded Poison Dart frog Northern Glass frog Tiger’s Tree frog Golden Mantella Red-Eyed Tree frog Flat-Head Bromeliad Tree frog Tiger-Leg Monkey Tree frog Rabbs Fringe-Limbed Tree frog (Toughie)
Do tadpoles have legs? Why do frogs live in water? How do frogs catch food? Explaining concepts through stunning photographs and simple text, 'Life Cycle of a Frog' takes an in-depth look at this familiar but fascinating animal.
Scientific name of this frog is Conraua goliath (The largest frog in the world).
Introduces the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitats of North American tree frogs
How far can frogs jump? Why do their eggs look slimy? Answer these questions and many more in this illustrated introduction to amphibians, and learn about the unique role frogs play in the environment. With her signature bright, well-labeled diagrams and simple text, Gail Gibbons introduces the habitat and life cycles of frogs, and gives a brief overview of common frog behaviors. Important vocabulary is introduced, defined, and reinforced with kid-friendly language and clear illustrations—plus a page of intriguing frog trivia.
Frog and Toad
This collection brings together all of Arnold Lobel’s engaging, warm and funny stories about Frog and Toad, and features a special foreword by Julia Donaldson. A collectable classic treasury that every child should read and own. Julia Donaldson says “I hugely admire and envy Arnold Lobel; he is my hero”. Once upon a time there were two good friends, a frog and a toad… From writing letters to going swimming, telling stories to finding lost buttons, Frog and Toad are always there for each other – just as best friends should be.
This Forg life cycle set is a fun for children with an interest in insects and nature explore. And also it is a great teaching and learning tool for homeschoolers and preschoolers teaching.
Fully Illustrated Guide: Each study guide is fully illustrated and conveys the complete dissection through illustration.
Visualize the Steps: the dissection guides depict anatomically correct step-by-step procedural illustrations helping the student visualize key organs and anatomy aiding in the overall dissection process.
The frog development paperweight specimen is a 100% natural insect incased in clear resin block, you can observe its development all life stages very clearly from any angle.
Category: NatureIn a tropical rain forest in Central America, a red-eyed tree frog spends the night looking for food while avoiding potential predators. Award-winning photographer Nic Bishop's larger-than-life, gorgeous images document the hunt, which ends happily with the frog settling down in the leaves to spend his daylight hours sleeping! Joy Cowley's simple, readable text makes the frog's story fun, interesting, and accessible to young readers. This is a nature tale like you've never seen before!
Rich in style: the plastic frogs toys contain 12 different types and each type includes 3 pieces, allowing you to combine and match for beautiful and personalized decorations at your will, which can give rein to your imagination and creativity
Quality material: the realistic frogs toy decorations are made of quality PVC material for safety and wearing, which are odorless; They are also easy to clean and can be applied many times, providing a comfortable touching experience for you
Also, look at some fun features about frogs.
Frog Features
What makes frog so fun learn about is their features.
For example, look at these features.
Big Eyes: Frogs have large, bulging eyes that help them see in the dark and spot their prey.
Sticky Tongue: Frogs use their long, sticky tongues to catch insects.
When a frog sees a bug, its tongue shoots out super fast and sticks to the bug, pulling it back into the frog’s mouth.
Slimy Skin: A frog’s skin is smooth and slimy, which helps keep them moist and healthy.
Some frogs even have bright colors or patterns to warn predators that they’re toxic (poisonous).
Hopping Legs: Frogs are excellent jumpers.
Their powerful back legs help them leap from place to place, and they can jump up to 20 times their own body length.
Additionally, learn about the frog life cycle with this diorama.
4 Stages Frog Life Cycle
They go through a fascinating transformation as they grow.
They go through four stages.
1. Egg
A female frog can lay hundreds of eggs at once.
These eggs are often grouped together in jelly-like clusters. They’re pretty small and look like tiny, transparent blobs.
2. Tadpole
Once the eggs hatch, out come the tadpoles.
Tadpoles are like little fish with tails and gills.
They live in the water and spend their days swimming around.
At this stage, tadpoles don’t look much like frogs yet. They’re mostly focused on eating and growing.
Cool Fact: Tadpoles feed on algae and tiny plants in the water.
As they grow, they start to develop legs and their tails begin to shrink.
3. Tadpoles with Legs
As the tadpoles continue to grow, they start to change dramatically. This stage is called the “tadpole with legs” phase. Here’s what happens:
Then tadpoles gradually lose their gills and start developing lungs so they can breathe air.
First, the hind legs begin to grow, followed by the front legs.
Thereafter, the tadpole’s tail gets shorter as the body transforms.
4. Adult Frog
Finally, the tadpole turns into an adult frog.
This is when it’s ready to hop out of the water and start living on land.
Adult frogs have strong legs for jumping and a different diet. They eat insects and other small animals instead of algae.

Adult frogs have to stay moist to keep their skin healthy, so you might often see them in damp or wet places.
Finally, do this fun printable colorful frog diorama together.
How to Get the Free Printable Frog Diorama Life Cycle
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