Easy Bird Nest Activity
Nature lovers will adore this project how to make a kid’s fun and easy bird nest activity!
Hands-on, free, and so educational that it will become a favorite in your nature studies.
Birds are fascinating from how they fly, what they eat, how they lay eggs, to how they build amazing nests to rest and raise their young in.

A great way to learn about how birds build sturdy safe nests is to try and do it yourself!
Try to create a nest that is safe and warm for an egg and you gain a new appreciation for the amazing job these feathered creatures put together without the use of hands and those oh so helpful thumbs!
Build Your Own Bird Nest
Talk about what birds use a nest for, you may want to grab a couple of the books mentioned below.
Birds use nests as a safe place to lay and hatch their eggs.
Head outdoors and show your child how to gather up all the things a bird might use to create their nest.
If you can find one in your yard it will give you some clues as to what is used to put one together.

Need a little help? Look for dry twigs, green twigs and vines, bits of fluff from plants and animal fur, moss, and long leaves.
I added some bits of string to our pile since birds will use whatever they can find to construct their homes including animal fur, fabric, and other items left behind by humans.
Bring all your items in and place them in a pile so your child can see what there is to work with.

Make a circle with some of the green bendable twigs and tie it off, if you need to use some of that string to secure it.
Add items to the inside to fill it in and build up to create that cup shape of a common bird nest.

Braiding, twisting, tucking, and wrapping helps make your nest more solid and secure. Is your nest ready to hold an egg?

Grab an egg from the fridge and let your child test out their nest.
Birds and Bird Nest Vocabulary
Use these words to create spelling and vocabulary words for your child whatever age or level of learning they are at.

Make flashcards, use them as story starters, have them drawer the definition
- Nest
- Beak
- Raptor
- Wingspan
- Feather
- Incubate
- Nestling
- Fledgling
- Aviary
- Hatchling
- Rookery
- Crest
- Crown
- Hatch
- Parliament
- Tarsus
More Bird Activities For Unit Studies
Keep on expanding upon this activity by turning it into a full study with books, games, and some fun activities, I have lots of ideas for you below!

- Keep a watch on your backyard and make a Bird Color Bar Graph to keep track of what types of birds visit each day.
- Make your own bird from a styrofoam ball and craft feathers to learn the anatomy of a bird.
- Put together this free Bird Journal.
- Make a bird feeder and/or a birdbath to attract more winged friends to your yard.
- Make a Bird Nesting Bag to help local birds with extra supplies to put together their next.
- Build a bird house to attract whatever kind of birds you would like. Check out pinterest for house plans for songbirds, woodpeckers, owls, and more.
- Draw a Birds Nest in Chalk Pastel with this Youtube tutorial from You Are an Artist
- Watch this Bald Eagle Cam in Washington, DC.
- For young children pour a think layer of birdseed in a shallow pan and let them practice writing their letters with a finger.
- Investigate the different types of bird nests- Burrow, cavity, platform, cup, ground, scrape, mound, pendant and sphere. Identify at least one bird for each type of nest.
Games about Birds
Look at these games about birds.
Books about Birds
A Nest is Noisy
You’ll love these other nature loving and bird activities:

- North American Robin Unit Study and Lapbook
- How to Make an Easy Jumbo Stick Bird Feeder with Kids
- Colorful Winter Bird: Northern Cardinal Lapbook & Unit Study
- Easy and Fun Nature Study: Beautiful Birds
- Winter Nature Craft: How to Make Easy DIY Bird Feeders
- Free Bird Journal – Hands-on Nature (Coloring & Identification Pages)
- How Animals Cope With the Cold (Easy Nature Study)
- How to Make an Easy Nature Paint Brush With Kids
- Foraging and Feasting Nature Unit Study and Lapbook
- Wildflowers Unit Study & Lapbook
- Hands-On Mixed Media Flower Art Fun Nature Study
- Hands-On Literature Nature Study: Simple Tree Craft
Hugs and love ya,

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