I’m sharing a creative solution for homeschool high school when life happens. Also, look at my page How to Homeschool High School.
This made homeschooling my second high school son, Mr. Awesome, not only meaningful but one that I am really treasuring.
Although I had my reservations at first.
Let me back up first because you have to understand what happened when homeschooling high school with Mr. Senior 2013 to understand how I came up with the solution, which I am going to share in just a minute.

When homeschooling Mr. Senior 2013, I had planned all four years.
And probably like most new homeschooling high school parents, I had a bit of over planning involved too.
Next, look at some of these resources to help you homeschool high school.
How to Homeschool High School Books & Resources
How to homeschool high school can be daunting at first. With a little help and these great resources, you’ll be a homeschool pro in no time.
Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is a real eye-opener on homeschooling. It will alleviate a lot of the anxieties about getting started homeschooling. Reading each chapter’s highlights will give you encouragement, knowledge, guidance, and peace of mind to homeschool with confidence. The best part is that you’ll be educating the person who loves your kids the most in this world--YOU! Armed with the knowledge to make better choices in curriculum will empower you to continue the path of home education. Unlike many books based on one family’s experience, Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers is also based on Tina’s many years of mentoring hundreds and hundreds of new homeschoolers at live workshops. When you don’t know where to begin Homeschooling 31 Day Boot Camp for New Homeschoolers equips you to successfully homeschool your children.
Are you afraid of homeschooling high school? Do you think you’ll ruin your teen’s life? Are you afraid you’ll miss an important requirement for getting into college? Are you confused about credits and coursework? Or are you just downright overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start?
This book will take you step-by-step through the process of planning your child’s high school coursework all the way through to graduation, in such a way that you will KNOW that you are not missing anything! You truly can feel absolutely confident that you are doing the best thing for your child and your family. You can make informed decisions knowing you have done the correct research to do so. You can be FEARLESS!
Experienced hikers know to never begin a demanding journey without a good map and a strong plan. For homeschooling parents, it’s even more important to establish a solid homeschool plans toward high school graduation.
So, What Are Your Homeschool Plans?
- Do you know how to homeschool high school?
- Do you know how to prepare for college?
- Do you know the high school courses essential to preparing for graduation, college and career?
Learn How Homeschool Electives Can Make Teens, Parents, and Colleges Happy!
Homeschool electives are fun! Teens love them because electives involve a lot of what they want to do anyway. Parents love them because a happy teen makes for a happy family! Colleges love them because it helps them understand your teen so they can make good admission and scholarship decisions.
Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, shares the joy of homeschool electives. You will learn strategies to help you choose elective homeschool high school curriculum and document electives colleges will value. Don't put your homeschool in a box. Use electives and let your homeschool soar!
You’ve worked hard homeschooling your child, and now you’re near the goal line... homeschool graduation. Your plan your graduation takes forethought, not just for the culminating graduation ceremony, but also to ensure your child has accomplished everything you want them to before
leaving the nest.
You CAN still Homeschool High School!
However, though I didn’t feel like this in the beginning of my homeschool journey (that is another topic), I also didn’t want to turn the teaching reins over to somebody else.
I had not schooled this long to come to the point in my teen’s life to let somebody else make significant decisions.
Some of the best times I have had are homeschooling high school though I was terrified when we started.
I won’t be victim to the idea that somebody else can give my kids better.
In other words, I won’t make any decision based on fear though many times I didn’t feel so brave.
Then right in the middle of high school with Mr. Senior 2013 as I mentioned in my post Should I Let My Homeschooled Teen Graduate Early, my hubby had a significant heart attack.
It was a set back for us in high school.
After we recuperated from that as a family, I realized that I had gotten behind on supervising some of the courses for Mr. Senior 2013.
However, we buried our noses in the books and he graduated on time and of course we had a huge celebration, Texas style.
The point I learned from what happened to my family was that I never wanted to be in that position again with Mr. Awesome of feeling helpless.
I also learned that instead of planning week by week with Mr. Senior 2013 (he preferred that over my 3 month suggestion of planning and I let him do it because I am teaching him to be responsible for his own methods of learning), that I could have planned out 3 months and still let Mr. Senior 2013 plan weekly.
High School Options for Teens
This would have alleviated the stress and helplessness I felt then.
However, that is water under the bridge and there is no way either my oldest son or I had any control over what happened in our lives.
Are you still with me?
I had to share all of that because it always helps me to make better decisions in our homeschool when reading advice if I understand why the choices were made.
So without giving up my control as the homeschooling high school teacher, I came up with a creative solution to high school.
I have taken at least two years homeschooling Mr. Awesome with subjects we chose together AND he is also completing an online accredited high school program with Penn Foster.
I rejected the popular notion that I had to either do it ALL myself OR give it ALL to somebody else.
The criteria for me choosing an online high school program was that it had to be basic, easy and able to be completed within about a year and half or so.

Penn Foster, unlike for example, Keystone High School program I knew was a much lighter high school program.
With all the upcoming doctor’s visit, recovering time and upcoming care my husband needed, I wanted to have a back up to my courses.
Too, I wanted Mr. Awesome to focus on the courses I had selected, just like I had with Mr. Senior 2013 and to be able to customize high school for him and spend that one-to-one time I had given Mr. Senior 2013.
Of course, Mr. Awesome had to be on board with this because I didn’t want him to think that I was making him repeat courses either.
Abiding Homeschool High School
In helping many homeschoolers, I was familiar with a wide variety of high school programs and knew that Penn Foster has been around for a while and prided itself on covering basics, which obviously would be a good choice if our life took another unexpected turn during Mr. Awesome’s high school years.
It has given Mr. Awesome a framework and still has allowed me to flesh in with programs like North Star Geography, some of my Bible lessons I want him to have and do our unit studies.
Thankfully, the Mr. has had as good as health as he will have living with the effects of the heart attack and Mr. Awesome has hammered through both the subjects we chose and those of Penn Foster.
It will have taken him about a year and half to finish Penn Foster but it also had some unexpected benefits of using Penn Foster that I will explain in an upcoming post.
Out of struggling, though it may be stressful to go through, I feel, always comes empowerment.
More Creative Solutions for High School Posts
- Creative Solution for Homeschool High School When Life Happens
- Best High School Homeschool Curriculum Packages (Accredited and Not Accredited)
- 25 Great Homeschool High School Science Curriculum
- How to Make A Homeschool High School Transcript & Middle School (Free Editable Form)
- Free Editable High School Diploma Template Day 9 of 10 Days Of a Homeschool Graduation
I want each of my son’s homeschool high school experience to be unique and Mr. Awesome has certainly flourished with doing a combination of my subjects and ones we chose through Penn Foster.
Without giving up my goals of being able to give my second son a personal and unique high school experience, it called for creativity not compromise.
Homeschool High School
I am hoping by sharing this today, that if life throws you an unexpected curve, you will not give up but find a creative solution.
The end doesn’t always turn out as planned, sometimes it is better.
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