Six ways to identify the Charlotte Mason homeschool style is important to understanding homeschool learning styles
Because you want to align homeschool learning styles approach with how your children learn best, you need to know the basics of each homeschool approach.
Not only do you want to identify characteristics of the Charlotte Mason homeschool style but identifying Charlotte Mason curriculum, you make better choices for your family.

First, you need to understand that learning differences is a good thing.
I’ve helped many homeschoolers who think something is wrong with their child.
The point is folks are different from each other and so are our kids.
I’m a firm believer in finding the homeschool style to match your child’s temperament and most important his learning style and needs.
Charlotte Mason Approach
Let’s dive into looking at the Charlotte Mason homeschool style of teaching.
Who was Charlotte Mason
First, you need to understand who was Charlotte Mason.
Charlotte Mason was a turn-of-the-century British educator who used “living books” rather than textbooks or twaddle.
She encouraged curriculum which includes nature study, picture study, music study, and handicrafts and the normal academic subjects.
Here are 6 ways to identify characteristics of a Charlotte Mason homeschool approach.
- A gentle approach to language arts.
- There is emphasis on the arts, music, and nature.
- Learning should include forming lifelong habits.
- More time should be spent outdoors.
- Literature based learning is one foundation.
- Poetry is important.

The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days.
— Charlotte Mason
Also, you’ll love this book Laying Down the Rails: A Charlotte Mason Habits.

Why Your Child’s Learning Personality is Important
Because teaching styles are only part of choosing curriculum easily, I’ve included a link to my online course Identifying Your Homeschooled Child’s Learning Personality.
- How to understand the way your child prefers to learn so that you can teach him in a way that he enjoys learning;
- How to pinpoint your child’s learning personality;
- A starting point in understanding (barring any special learning challenges or disabilities) and accepting your child’s preferred way of taking in information;
- Understanding when the learning personality emerges; and
- Teaching tips for each learning personality to stop the head-butting.
Other Homeschool Learning Style Resources
- How to Determine the Best Learning Style Approach for Your Child?
- What Are the Homeschool Top Main 5 Learning Styles
- Practical Tips for Learning Styles
- Discovering Learning Styles
- How Understanding Homeschool Teaching Styles Makes You Successful
- 35+ Best Homeschool Curriculum By Learning Style (free printable)
- How Homeschool Learning Styles Helps You to Accept Each Child’s Differences
- What Are the Top 5 Homeschool Styles
- Homeschooling: Learning Styles – What’s the Difference anyway?
In addition, look at these other Charlotte Mason resources:
Charlotte Mason Resources

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