I have a free alphabet frog lily pad game to help your child with letter recognition. Look at my pages How to Homeschool Preschool for more alphabet ideas and Free Toad and Frog Lapbook and Fun Homeschool Unit Study Ideas for more ideas to go along with a frog unit study.
This engaging game gives your child an opportunity to develop his letter recognition skills.
Besides recognizing upper and lower case alphabet letters is a skill needed for writing.

Too, as the child understands the sounds, it nurtures early phonics.
Some children tend to focus only on letter names and others don’t mind learning letter names and sounds simultaneously.
The important point is to keep it fun and go your child’s pace.
Do not force learning.
Activities about learning the alphabet letters upper and lower case and their sounds should be repeated constantly through the early ages.
Next, look at these fun books to help your child learn the alphabet.
You can bring some of them to life through a fun unit study about animals, food or even dolls.
10 Books For Learning the Alphabet
Preschool and kindergarten learners retain information through hands-on and reading aloud. Add one or two of these resources to your learning day.
Within the page of this book You may discover, if you look Beyond the spell of written words A hidden land of beasts and birds . . . Animalia is a book like no other. Abounding with fanciful, gorgeously detailed art, it is an alphabet book, a guessing game, and a virtual feast for the eyes. Each page features one letter and images related to that letter—as well as a hidden picture of Graeme Base as a child! Animalia will entrance any child or adult who enters its fantastical world.
Each turn of the page reveals a mouth-watering arrangement of foods: Indian corn, jalapeno, jicama, kumquat, kiwifruit and kohlrabi. Lois Ehlert's lively watercolors paired with bold easy-to-read type make for a highly appealing and accessible book for parents and children to devour.
At the end of the book, Ehlert provides a detailed glossary that includes pronunciation, botanical information, the origin and history of the particular plant and occasional mythological references, with a small watercolor picture to remind the reader of what the plant looks like.
Apple to Zucchini,
come take a look.
Start eating your way
through this alphabet book.
In this imaginative ABC book, acclaimed artist, designer, and children's author, Bruno Munari shows how fun letters can be. From an Ant on an Apple to a Blue Butterfly to a Cat in a Cage, Munari pairs words in whimsical ways until the Fly frees itself from its page, lands on the Hat, buzzes near the Ice Cream, and provides the final sound for Zzzzz.
An illustrated alphabet rhyme that includes the animals from alligator to zebra.
Artists Leo and Diane Dillon won their second consecutive Caldecott Medal for this stunning ABC of African culture. "Another virtuoso performance. . . . Such an astute blend of aesthetics and information is admirable, the child's eye will be rewarded many times over.
From Aunt Annie's Alligator to Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, this sturdy board book version of Dr. Seuss's ABC is now available in a bigger trim size. With Dr. Seuss as your guide, learning the alphabet is as fun and as funny as the feather on a Fiffer-feffer-feff!
Learn the alphabet from A to Z with the help of Annabelle the doll. Each gorgeously illustrated spread features one of her favorite things. With antique boxes, parasols, and yarn for knitting, children can learn the alphabet in grand style.
Get ready to roll through the alphabet with a jaunty cast of busy little peas. Featuring a range of zippy characters from Acrobat Peas to Zoologist Peas, this delightful picture book highlights a variety of interests, hobbies, and careers—each one themed to a letter of the alphabet—and gives a wonderful sense of the colorful world we live in. Children will have so much fun poring over the detailed scenes that they won’t even realize they’re learning the alphabet along the way!
When an apple pie arrives piping hot on the kitchen table, a little pup does everything from A to Z to get his paws on it. He Ogles it. He Pines for it. But will his ABC antics land him a slice? APPLE PIE ABC is a delicious twist on traditional verse brought to life by Alison Murray’s simple words and whimsical illustrations. Sure to delight readers of all ages, it’s a book to savor again and again.
A told B, and B told C, “I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree” In this lively alphabet rhyme, all the letters of the alphabet race each other up the coconut tree. Will there be enough room? Oh, no—Chicka Chicka Boom! Boom!
Next, look at some of these other activities to go with alphabet frog lily pad game.
We made our way through the alphabet by doing unit studies for the letters of the alphabet
- A is for Apple Craft | Apple Study
- B is for Bird Craft | Bluebird Study
- Quick And Inexpensive Letter C Handprint Craft – Crafty Crab Fun
- E is For Easy Eagle Study
- How to Make a Fun Paper Plate Fish | F is for Fish
- T is for Teeth | Dental Unit
- How to Make A Letter V For Volcano Handprint Craft
- W Is For Winter | Snowman Oobleck Activity
- How To Make A Letter Y Handprint Craft Featuring A Yak
- X is for X Ray | Crayon Resist Skeleton
Next, look at ways to use the frog lily pad game.
First laminate the lower case letters, then cut out each lower case letter. Place the uppercase letters in alphabet order and have your child match them.
Next, move the upper case letters out of alphabet order. Mix up the pages and have your child do it again.
Too, flip over all but 1 page of the uppercase letters and have your child choose which lower case goes on it. Add the next two gradually. In contrast, have you child flip over all uppercase letters and choose which page to turn over and have your child remember which one.
In addition, glue the lowercase letter on to a small used bottle lids and have them pitch them on the correct letter. This is to encourage movement too and the emphasis is on fun.
Additionally, you can laminate the upper case letters and cut them out too and mix the upper case and lower case letters over all mixed up on the table or floor. Have your child try to make pairs.
One more idea is to have your child match and say the sound not letter name.

Finally, look at how to get the game.
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