The body part labeling and skeleton quiz minibooks are part of the completed human body unit study.
The human body lapbook was free for a limited time.

Body Part Labeling and Skeleton Quiz
Be sure to grab the other activities we have done so far with our Human Body Unit Study.
Also, make an eazy peazy DIY Stethoscope and a great project for a middle school kid is the Heart Pump activity. Too, do the rigid versus flexible bone activity too.
Today, I have two more minibooks for the Human Body Lapbook.
You already have the heart minibook and the Did You Know heart facts minbook.
One minibook is titled I am Wonderfully Made and it is a labeling of general body parts.
This book can for sure be used for a younger child and a middle school kid.
Human Body Hands-on Unit Study Ideas
Because we have only read about the human body and not really done any written work, I wanted to be sure Tiny had a good visual placement of the major body parts.

The human body minibook is a triple fold book. Triple fold and put the cover on the outside.
Human Body Unit Study
Too, remember, because I don’t like to waste paper, the cover page for this body labeling book you already downloaded with the heart minibook.
Be sure to grab it and place it on this minibook.

This next fun minibook is a 4 question quiz about the skeleton system.
The four questions are:
■ How many bones are in your body?
■How many bones are in your skull?
■What is the largest bone?
■What is the smallest bone?
We generally pull out our file folder at this time and start trying to place the minibooks we have so far on the lapbook. But we don’t glue them yet until we are finished.
Generally though when I have about 4 minibooks or so, I do try to start laying them. Not all the time do I chose portrait position on the lapbook.
This lapbook just feels like it might look pretty hot if we turn the lapbook landscape. But that is generally what I do right now, which is to start looking at the layout.
However, we are still undecided, which is why we also keep the minibooks in a ziploc bag until we’re done.
Completed Human Body Lapbook

Lastly, more human body unit study activities coming! (Update: The hands-on activities are all at the bottom of this post. Click on each one for all the fun hands-on ideas.)
Grab all of the lapbook printables and hands-on activities below.

Hugs and love ya,

Love this unit! My daughter loves learning about the body and she’d enjoy this. Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop! 🙂
We like a little bit of labeling with hands on. So glad you stopped by.